It beats the alternative. Everyone gets old if they are lucky.
Are you trying to out me or something? I have been very clear on my feelings about BLM.
I am a Libertarian, but now that I am living in the states again I will probably vote for Trump. The first time that I have voted for a Republican since 1988. The Democrats have gone crazy.
I read some of your past posts too. You seem to have a problem with me.
Are you 17?
While it’s true there’s no future in old age, it does provide the wisdom of experience. One of the privileges of old age is being willing to speak ones mind because you no longer care what others think. In a world where conservatives have become increasingly mute for fear of being viciously attacked by the left it’s refreshing to hear a diversity of opinion.
Their is no right and left, only right and wrong. Black lives matter.
Bye Felicia.

The lure of paradise! And in today's day and age of not accepting responsibility for anything, I blame my lure to this paradise squarely on the VImovingcenter.com... It's Islander's fault!
After salivating over the conversations of folks like Rotorhead, Island Paul, Flip-Flops Forever and a host of others whose names I blame on CRS, I would never have had the wonderful experiences of living in paradise for nearly 8 years... It's their fault, not mine!
My first visit was by invitation of Island Paul to STT. After one week I decided STT was way to crowded and dirty even though parts of it were breathtakingly beautiful. My second visit to STX was the clincher. Much More Better, in my opinion. That was around 2005. It took me till September of 2009, the height of hurricane season, to make my jump. Fortunately, a no-wind situation. Sold my 63 Nova(nut) convertible, packed my bags and answered the "apartments for rent" ad on this site. "Furnished studio, $250/mo plus handyman work". What's not to love? Took me almost a month to purchase my first island car. First stop was Off The Wall, one of the top conversations here at the time. Met a man named Roger who then introduced me to a whole host of other folks. Even passed out rum and maps at the Government parking lot for a time. The taxi cab folks were quite an experience. Networked my way into several photography gigs, one being the New Years Eve Party with guest star, President Jimmy Carter and family. Actually sold some shots to the big wigs...
The lure of paradise! And in today's day and age of not accepting responsibility for anything, I blame my lure to this paradise squarely on the VImovingcenter.com... It's Islander's fault!
After salivating over the conversations of folks like Rotorhead, Island Paul, Flip-Flops Forever and a host of others whose names I blame on CRS, I would never have had the wonderful experiences of living in paradise for nearly 8 years... It's their fault, not mine!
My first visit was by invitation of Island Paul to STT. After one week I decided STT was way to crowded and dirty even though parts of it were breathtakingly beautiful. My second visit to STX was the clincher. Much More Better, in my opinion. That was around 2005. It took me till September of 2009, the height of hurricane season, to make my jump. Fortunately, a no-wind situation. Sold my 63 Nova(nut) convertible, packed my bags and answered the "apartments for rent" ad on this site. "Furnished studio, $250/mo plus handyman work". What's not to love? Took me almost a month to purchase my first island car. First stop was Off The Wall, one of the top conversations here at the time. Met a man named Roger who then introduced me to a whole host of other folks. Even passed out rum and maps at the Government parking lot for a time. The taxi cab folks were quite an experience. Networked my way into several photography gigs, one being the New Years Eve Party with guest star, President Jimmy Carter and family. Actually sold some shots to the big wigs...
Having been forwarned by this site of the high costs, government 'difficulties', and crime I set my sights on the more important aspects of island living; survival...
My background in television and film were of little help even though I interviewed with channel 8's then station manager, Glenn Draitte (SP) who promised work and then promptly became invisible. After a similar experience with the PBS station I started to wonder whether island life was for me. But I kept meeting new and friendly people, dodging the potholes and scrimping by until I landed at Gallows Bay Hardware, where I met more new and, sometimes, friendly folks. One of the best times of my life. Mixing paint for five years, getting invites to parties, the yacht club, even producing DVD's of The Nutcracker helped bring my paradise experience to fruition...
Then, as Rotorhead and others have stated, paradise had taken a turn, and not for the better. It couldn't have anything to do with my getting older, nosiree, even though the five gallon buckets of paint kept getting heavier and the customers kept getting angrier... "You ordered PINK! I gave you PINK"! Crime, Government and Hurricanes started creeping into the forefront of my thoughts...
Then comes Maria. Though I was off island having my cataracts rearranged I could see well enough the destruction she had wrought and decided to call it a day.
I came back for a visit in January. While the beauty is still there, many of my friends and neighbors have either passed on or moved on, like myself. Trying to rekindle the flame to those thrilling days of yesteryear were difficult. My wet matches must have been to blame. It couldn't have been my fault!
One old man's advice: Don't ever get old! If you do, remember the good times. That's Plan B.
Having been forwarned by this site of the high costs, government 'difficulties', and crime I set my sights on the more important aspects of island living; survival...
My background in television and film were of little help even though I interviewed with channel 8's then station manager, Glenn Draitte (SP) who promised work and then promptly became invisible. After a similar experience with the PBS station I started to wonder whether island life was for me. But I kept meeting new and friendly people, dodging the potholes and scrimping by until I landed at Gallows Bay Hardware, where I met more new and, sometimes, friendly folks. One of the best times of my life. Mixing paint for five years, getting invites to parties, the yacht club, even producing DVD's of The Nutcracker helped bring my paradise experience to fruition...
Then, as Rotorhead and others have stated, paradise had taken a turn, and not for the better. It couldn't have anything to do with my getting older, nosiree, even though the five gallon buckets of paint kept getting heavier and the customers kept getting angrier... "You ordered PINK! I gave you PINK"! Crime, Government and Hurricanes started creeping into the forefront of my thoughts...
Then comes Maria. Though I was off island having my cataracts rearranged I could see well enough the destruction she had wrought and decided to call it a day.
I came back for a visit in January. While the beauty is still there, many of my friends and neighbors have either passed on or moved on, like myself. Trying to rekindle the flame to those thrilling days of yesteryear were difficult. My wet matches must have been to blame. It couldn't have been my fault!
One old man's advice: Don't ever get old! If you do, remember the good times. That's Plan B.

You are correct in stating that Black Lives Matter. I too am correct in stating that All Lives Matter.
This site correctly explains where much of the funding for Democratic politicians comes from and furnishes links.
Posted by: @novanutYou are correct in stating that Black Lives Matter. I too am correct in stating that All Lives Matter.
This site correctly explains where much of the funding for Democratic politicians comes from and furnishes links.
This is not news it is fake news/opinion that targets vulnerable old men like yourself. Anyone can go online and find wackadoodle BS like this that supports their own biases. I feel sorry for you because the world is passing you by and becoming one you don't recognize. But get over it! It's not your world anymore - but we can use wisdom to guide the conversation to help define a future that isn't anchored by bigotry, racism and misogyny.
Unless black lives matter, all lives will never matter.

Interesting choice of news sites.
I'll leave you with this: We agree to disagree.
Thank you for your very insightful reply to this old man.
I'm comforted in the fact that this changing world will end for me soon...
God Bless America, God Bless You.
Posted by: @novanutInteresting choice of news sites.
I'll leave you with this: We agree to disagree.
Thank you for your very insightful reply to this old man.
I'm comforted in the fact that this changing world will end for me soon...
God Bless America, God Bless You.
I don't believe in God but thanks anyway.
It's too bad you don't see you can contribute to the reparation of our divisive country. Instead you choose to chase false conspiracy theories encouraged by fascists hell bent on destroying the country you think you love. Whatever.

I am an atheist Libertarian. The god thing doesn't do much for me. I was raised Southern Baptist but I was one of the few who actually read the bible instead of just sitting through sermons having opinions and other's interpretations fed to me. I also read the Qur'an.
I believe that in the beginning, man created god. And we haven't outgrown it yet. Each to his own. People should be free to believe what they like as long as they don't try to force their beliefs on others
When it comes to BLM, I believe that black lives matter. I believe that all lives matter. I however believe that BLM, the radical political movement, was ill conceived and has done more to create racial strife than anything since the assassination of MLK. BLM was created after the shooting of Michael Brown. The shooting was determined to be a valid shooting by both the local police department and the feds. Our first black president sent his black AG to investigate and rule the shooting valid. BLM burned down Ferguson, MO. Ferguson, MO is a mostly black community.
I disagree with the claim that our police departments are systemically racist. I believe that they mostly deal with the people who commit crimes. The statistics show that black people as a race commit more violent crime than other races. The article linked below is from a PBS station in the UK. The data comes from the Department of Justice Statistics and the FBI. Black people (specifically young black males) commit 52% of all homicides in the US, and 45% of all violent crime. The police deal with people who commit violent crimes. 93% of black homicides are committed by other blacks but police are the problem.
Violent people are the problem, black or white.
All of the plans pushed by the democrats are totalitarian. Everyone must be forced to participate. I want more options. I am not interested in participating in the left's collectivist plans, I am an individual, an atheist Libertarian. I do not want to be forced into the right's religion guided agenda or the left's socialist agenda.
Posted by: @rotorheadI am an atheist Libertarian. The god thing doesn't do much for me. I was raised Southern Baptist but I was one of the few who actually read the bible instead of just sitting through sermons having opinions and other's interpretations fed to me. I also read the Qur'an.
I believe that in the beginning, man created god. And we haven't outgrown it yet. Each to his own. People should be free to believe what they like as long as they don't try to force their beliefs on others
When it comes to BLM, I believe that black lives matter. I believe that all lives matter. I however believe that BLM, the radical political movement, was ill conceived and has done more to create racial strife than anything since the assassination of MLK. BLM was created after the shooting of Michael Brown. The shooting was determined to be a valid shooting by both the local police department and the feds. Our first black president sent his black AG to investigate and rule the shooting valid. BLM burned down Ferguson, MO. Ferguson, MO is a mostly black community.
I disagree with the claim that our police departments are systemically racist. I believe that they mostly deal with the people who commit crimes. The statistics show that black people as a race commit more violent crime than other races. The article linked below is from a PBS station in the UK. The data comes from the Department of Justice Statistics and the FBI. Black people (specifically young black males) commit 52% of all homicides in the US, and 45% of all violent crime. The police deal with people who commit violent crimes. 93% of black homicides are committed by other blacks but police are the problem.
Violent people are the problem, black or white.
All of the plans pushed by the democrats are totalitarian. Everyone must be forced to participate. I want more options. I am not interested in participating in the left's collectivist plans, I am an individual, an atheist Libertarian. I do not want to be forced into the right's religion guided agenda or the left's socialist agenda.
It is important to make the distinction between peaceful protesters who use the slogan and Black Lives Matter the organization. The movement/idea is good, the organization has yet to prove value.
Systemic racism and and its womb-mate implicit bias have been used to hold back Black people, women, gays - just about everyone who isn't white male and straight - since the earliest founding of the US. It is at the core of our every facet of modern life. It is built into the DNA of the US.
I don't know what crime stats have to do with this except as proof that young Black men don't have a lot of opportunities offered in a predominantly white culture.
I do find it quite humous you would think the Dems are totalitarian. As an organization, they collectively couldn't figure out how to get out of a paper box. So LMAO on that one. Dems are quite the opposite of anything remotely totalitarian.
BTW - Totalitarian is a system of government where the people have virtually no authority and the state wields absolute control of every aspect of the country, socially, financially and politically.
That kind of sounds like 45 and his white dudes to me - though I think they would get bored if no one fought back.
America was not founded on racism, the world didn't begin in 1776, just imagine if there never were an American Revolution. What would be different? Abraham Lincoln and the Republicans would never have existed to end slavery in North America. The Colonies would have continued to be subservient to the demands of the British Empire and the democracy of self government as we know it would have been long long delayed, maybe 100 or even 200 years. The USVI's would still be part of Denmark. America as we know it would not have existed to effect world history in the 20th Century and the world as we know it would be hugely different and I have to believe not in a good way. Yes, no society is perfect and it's taken 5,000+ years to evolve to where we are today. The hubris of the current generation thinking they can just tare down the world as we know it and magically everything will be grand is foolishness (Lenin thought this in Russia in 1917 by way of example) and history will record this generation as such, it is a recipe for tyranny and worse. Future generations will harshly judge this generation as being just as evil and backwards as this generation judges past generations. The more we chose vilify the past and choose to ignore the hard fought lessons of history the more likely it is that future generations will be forced to repeat the same painful mistakes once again (Venezuela is a great example). Freedom is the key, the moment you make any law that treats any citizen differently than any other citizen you have by definition racism and soe the seeds of tyranny. Governments can only work at guaranteeing the equality of opportunity for all peoples and not the equality of outcome for all peoples and no Government is a substitute for religion. History has taught us that all tyrannies, short of a caliphate, suppress religion and religious ideals, any effort to limit religion in any way is a leading indicator of impending Tyranny.
Why are you always so argumentive? Honestly I don't know anyone else who visits this forum who turns good conversations into political arguments, just because someone doesn't share your view point.
I'll leave you with this YouTube video. Enjoy.
Posted by: @stxdreaming1Why are you always so argumentive? Honestly I don't know anyone else who visits this forum who turns good conversations into political arguments, just because someone doesn't share your view point.
I'll leave you with this YouTube video. Enjoy.
Funny that my virus protection stopped that link. really.
This is not argumentative and if it is so what? It has been civil.
I did not mention politics except to say Trump is not to blame for the VI's woes. These woes go back a very long way. The boys brought up US politics not I - but maybe your implicit bias is showing.
Does anyone know how to close a thread that you start? I can't seem to figure it out.
Thanks in advance.

Posted by: @gators_momPosted by: @rotorheadI am an atheist Libertarian. The god thing doesn't do much for me. I was raised Southern Baptist but I was one of the few who actually read the bible instead of just sitting through sermons having opinions and other's interpretations fed to me. I also read the Qur'an.
I believe that in the beginning, man created god. And we haven't outgrown it yet. Each to his own. People should be free to believe what they like as long as they don't try to force their beliefs on others
When it comes to BLM, I believe that black lives matter. I believe that all lives matter. I however believe that BLM, the radical political movement, was ill conceived and has done more to create racial strife than anything since the assassination of MLK. BLM was created after the shooting of Michael Brown. The shooting was determined to be a valid shooting by both the local police department and the feds. Our first black president sent his black AG to investigate and rule the shooting valid. BLM burned down Ferguson, MO. Ferguson, MO is a mostly black community.
I disagree with the claim that our police departments are systemically racist. I believe that they mostly deal with the people who commit crimes. The statistics show that black people as a race commit more violent crime than other races. The article linked below is from a PBS station in the UK. The data comes from the Department of Justice Statistics and the FBI. Black people (specifically young black males) commit 52% of all homicides in the US, and 45% of all violent crime. The police deal with people who commit violent crimes. 93% of black homicides are committed by other blacks but police are the problem.
Violent people are the problem, black or white.
All of the plans pushed by the democrats are totalitarian. Everyone must be forced to participate. I want more options. I am not interested in participating in the left's collectivist plans, I am an individual, an atheist Libertarian. I do not want to be forced into the right's religion guided agenda or the left's socialist agenda.
It is important to make the distinction between peaceful protesters who use the slogan and Black Lives Matter the organization. The movement/idea is good, the organization has yet to prove value.
Systemic racism and and its womb-mate implicit bias have been used to hold back Black people, women, gays - just about everyone who isn't white male and straight - since the earliest founding of the US. It is at the core of our every facet of modern life. It is built into the DNA of the US.
I don't know what crime stats have to do with this except as proof that young Black men don't have a lot of opportunities offered in a predominantly white culture.
I do find it quite humous you would think the Dems are totalitarian. As an organization, they collectively couldn't figure out how to get out of a paper box. So LMAO on that one. Dems are quite the opposite of anything remotely totalitarian.
BTW - Totalitarian is a system of government where the people have virtually no authority and the state wields absolute control of every aspect of the country, socially, financially and politically.
That kind of sounds like 45 and his white dudes to me - though I think they would get bored if no one fought back.
Thus our disagreement. I think that from the left's viewpoint everyone is a victim. If you aren't doing as well as someone else, it must be their fault. Everyone except straight, white males are victims and should clearly be democrats. People hold themselves back.
It always amazed me living on St Croix that all of the businesses seemed to be owned by either arabs or whites. The population is 80% black. Why don't black people own businesses? The local people strive to be government employees, there are way too many government employees. Have straight, white males prevented blacks from opening gas stations and grocery stores yet encouraged arabs to do so. Or did the arabs simply take the initiative. I think that part of the problem is that the left has convinced marginalized people that they are victims, and no matter how hard they work they will fail. So why try? No try, no success. My black friends do not see themselves as victims, they certainly have racial stories to tell but they didn't dwell on them and succeeded in spite of them.
The lack of black businesses is not a money thing, there are hundreds of federal programs in place to help minority and disadvantaged businesses. It is mostly lack of trying. I believe this lack of trying is driven by the constant drumbeat from the left, you are a victim, you are a victim.
When I said that the left is totalitarian what I mean is that Government is the only entity in our country that is authorized to use force to impose it's will on citizens. The left is constantly pushing for more Government control of our lives. More mandatory participation programs and more regulations. Control. Control by the only entity entitled to use force. But the government is the people, right? Sure.
I prefer to leave major life choices to me, not to the government. I prefer to do business with entities that can't force me to remain their customer under threat of force.
I think on St Croix for instance we would have been better served by private hospitals and a privately run power company. Both have been proposed and discarded without a vote. The government must be in control.
We disagree. How do we co-exist in a country where there are fundamental differences on many issues? Where control is switched back and forth every four years. There are only two choices, Democrat or Republican. No other parties have won for the past 160 years. There is no clear right or wrong.
The big difference these days is Social Media and the Media. They fan the flames.
Stxdreaming1, enjoyed your easily accessible video.
It’s a shame really, there seems to be a Gator’s Mom everywhere these days.
The reply says a lot, “This is not argumentative, and if it is, so what?”
Another good point Rotorhead.
Social Media, and the cable news networks especially, are definitely fanning the flames. Too many opinions, too few facts. Lots of gullible people.
Posted by: @stxdreaming1
Your virus protection stops you from watching YouTube? Doubt that.
I can't get to the link - bit defender stopped my access to the link.

Posted by: @gators_momPosted by: @stxdreaming1
Your virus protection stops you from watching YouTube? Doubt that.
I can't get to the link - bit defender stopped my access to the link.
Have someone turn off parental controls!
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Posted by: @rotorheadPosted by: @gators_momPosted by: @rotorheadI am an atheist Libertarian. The god thing doesn't do much for me. I was raised Southern Baptist but I was one of the few who actually read the bible instead of just sitting through sermons having opinions and other's interpretations fed to me. I also read the Qur'an.
I believe that in the beginning, man created god. And we haven't outgrown it yet. Each to his own. People should be free to believe what they like as long as they don't try to force their beliefs on others
When it comes to BLM, I believe that black lives matter. I believe that all lives matter. I however believe that BLM, the radical political movement, was ill conceived and has done more to create racial strife than anything since the assassination of MLK. BLM was created after the shooting of Michael Brown. The shooting was determined to be a valid shooting by both the local police department and the feds. Our first black president sent his black AG to investigate and rule the shooting valid. BLM burned down Ferguson, MO. Ferguson, MO is a mostly black community.
I disagree with the claim that our police departments are systemically racist. I believe that they mostly deal with the people who commit crimes. The statistics show that black people as a race commit more violent crime than other races. The article linked below is from a PBS station in the UK. The data comes from the Department of Justice Statistics and the FBI. Black people (specifically young black males) commit 52% of all homicides in the US, and 45% of all violent crime. The police deal with people who commit violent crimes. 93% of black homicides are committed by other blacks but police are the problem.
Violent people are the problem, black or white.
All of the plans pushed by the democrats are totalitarian. Everyone must be forced to participate. I want more options. I am not interested in participating in the left's collectivist plans, I am an individual, an atheist Libertarian. I do not want to be forced into the right's religion guided agenda or the left's socialist agenda.
It is important to make the distinction between peaceful protesters who use the slogan and Black Lives Matter the organization. The movement/idea is good, the organization has yet to prove value.
Systemic racism and and its womb-mate implicit bias have been used to hold back Black people, women, gays - just about everyone who isn't white male and straight - since the earliest founding of the US. It is at the core of our every facet of modern life. It is built into the DNA of the US.
I don't know what crime stats have to do with this except as proof that young Black men don't have a lot of opportunities offered in a predominantly white culture.
I do find it quite humous you would think the Dems are totalitarian. As an organization, they collectively couldn't figure out how to get out of a paper box. So LMAO on that one. Dems are quite the opposite of anything remotely totalitarian.
BTW - Totalitarian is a system of government where the people have virtually no authority and the state wields absolute control of every aspect of the country, socially, financially and politically.
That kind of sounds like 45 and his white dudes to me - though I think they would get bored if no one fought back.
Thus our disagreement. I think that from the left's viewpoint everyone is a victim. If you aren't doing as well as someone else, it must be their fault. Everyone except straight, white males are victims and should clearly be democrats. People hold themselves back.
It always amazed me living on St Croix that all of the businesses seemed to be owned by either arabs or whites. The population is 80% black. Why don't black people own businesses? The local people strive to be government employees, there are way too many government employees. Have straight, white males prevented blacks from opening gas stations and grocery stores yet encouraged arabs to do so. Or did the arabs simply take the initiative. I think that part of the problem is that the left has convinced marginalized people that they are victims, and no matter how hard they work they will fail. So why try? No try, no success. My black friends do not see themselves as victims, they certainly have racial stories to tell but they didn't dwell on them and succeeded in spite of them.
The lack of black businesses is not a money thing, there are hundreds of federal programs in place to help minority and disadvantaged businesses. It is mostly lack of trying. I believe this lack of trying is driven by the constant drumbeat from the left, you are a victim, you are a victim.
When I said that the left is totalitarian what I mean is that Government is the only entity in our country that is authorized to use force to impose it's will on citizens. The left is constantly pushing for more Government control of our lives. More mandatory participation programs and more regulations. Control. Control by the only entity entitled to use force. But the government is the people, right? Sure.
I prefer to leave major life choices to me, not to the government. I prefer to do business with entities that can't force me to remain their customer under threat of force.
I think on St Croix for instance we would have been better served by private hospitals and a privately run power company. Both have been proposed and discarded without a vote. The government must be in control.
We disagree. How do we co-exist in a country where there are fundamental differences on many issues? Where control is switched back and forth every four years. There are only two choices, Democrat or Republican. No other parties have won for the past 160 years. There is no clear right or wrong.
The big difference these days is Social Media and the Media. They fan the flames.
I concur the VI would be better served by private hospitals - there maybe a business plan for that. There is no business that would find WAPA attractive at this point since the government doesn't pay its bills.
Government is very weak and un-invasive in this country - but it is multilayered and comes at you from all directions. Strong man government has been a difficult choice historically and I personally choose the chaotic mess of Democracy.
There is no left or right, no liberal or conservative, no Democrat or Republican, only us.
The media are our only hope for truth but we have to be smart consumers.
Posted by: @stxdreaming1
Your virus protection stops you from watching YouTube? Doubt that.
OMG two muscle bound black guys with an over-produced video are your proof that BLM is a sham?
I think you need to buy some dietary supplements quick.
Opinion is not fact. It is opinion. Even worse if the only opinion you seek is one that agrees with your own implicit biases.

Wow. I was not planning on a reply but my curiosity got the best of this old man. Trump cutting off the head of the statue of liberty? Almost as obscene as that fool from the View with Trump's head in hand. What planet do you come from? Does it begin with a "U" and end with an "S"? Wherever it is, book a return ticket...
Also noticed others have taken exception to your "opinions". Other sites often refer to your "opinions" as "Trolls".
Posted by: @novanutWow. I was not planning on a reply but my curiosity got the best of this old man. Trump cutting off the head of the statue of liberty? Almost as obscene as that fool from the View with Trump's head in hand. What planet do you come from? Does it begin with a "U" and end with an "S"? Wherever it is, book a return ticket...
Also noticed others have taken exception to your "opinions". Other sites often refer to your "opinions" as "Trolls".
So you think posting a recent cover from Der Spiegel, one of the most respected publications in the world, is trolling?
While sending fake news from a far right conspiracy theory blog represents your truth?
I'll just leave that here.
Great thread...so nice to have some decent conversation and opinion here.
Its been missing for so long.
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