the theater here is not that bad
Which theater?
I finished "The Help" and look forward to seeing the movie.
STXBob, the one here on STX, we went there and it was cleaner than i thought it would be, the people were friendly it was quiet and comfortable, just no 3D which i have never seen. Price wise, the matinee is a good deal.
The Help was great, read that last year. Movie on Netflix list.

@onthespot-- I have a couple slices of the Esquel pallasite... stunning! Peridot from outer space 🙂
Reading: just finished the third book in the "A Song of Fire and Ice" series. Goodgawdalmighty, so many characters. There's a 46 page list of characters/relations at the back of the book. Guess I'll download the next two now. Loving the Kindle iPad app.
Also recently enjoyed the Hunger Games books and got a kick out of the gamer/nerd types putting down the Twilight series while praising Hunger Games, which to me read as Twilight for the gamer geek crowd 😀
A Song of Fire and Ice series is great and Martin is one of my favorite writers and HBO is doing a pretty darn good job so far with the series. Joe Abecrombie The Blade Itself has a simular gritty style, but he actually finished his series, which can be a very frustrating problem with fantasy writers in the last couple of decades. Have about 5 series on my wishlist while I wait for the author to finish them.
Rereading The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold.
Let's not split hairs Twilight and Hunger games are both geeky. 😉
IMO our theater is poor quality but about three or four years ago they did a spruce up, so at least it doesn't smell like a bathroom anymore. The other problem is people like to talk in the theater. I don't mean quietly to their friend (which is a problem everywhere) but loudly to the screen or to someone a few rows down. So it's better if you can find less popular times to go. Also know it always starts on time or early. And if you go at to a 7 or 9pm showing on a busy night be prepared to be smashed into the lobby like clowns in a clown car for about 20 to 30 minutes, always seems like a bad fire violation but we don't let little things like that bother us in the VI.

I just finished reading a few great books over the fall and winter:
the trouble with islam today by irshad manji
allah, liberty and love by irshad manji
the warmth of other suns by isabel wilkerson
the immortal life of henrietta lacks by rebecca skloot
they all happen to be by women, but that is coincidence.
all are enlightening, bringing history to life through their narratives.
i recommend them all; each one touched me.
i have a kindle, but i use that for out of print and public domain books, or books offered for free by author for the most part. there is nothing like holding a book in my hands and turning pages... i will always love the feel of a book.
Reading Who Shot Lincoln. About half way through and pretty good.
Read all three of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Loved them. Saw the first two movies from Sweden and the one with Daniel Craig. I thought both followed the book pretty well. Of course they can't go into the detail that the books do or you would be in the theater 6 hours. LOL
The Swedish movie didn't get into the realationship between the partners but did get into the fling with the member of the family that he was investigating.
The Daniel Craig version got more into the realationship between him and his partner but didnot get into the fling. They also changed the ending of where they find the girl.
Loved the Hunger Games books. Can't wait to see the movie. I have seen the previews and are great. In fact one of the critics here in AZ said that the tralier was the best thing he had seen on screen all of 2011.
Want to reread the first one again before the movie comes out.
I am reading "Who Shot Lincoln". About half way through and it is good.
ADavis, i too read the last two books on your list and thought they were great.
also read Unbroken about a prisoner of war, which was great
terry, you might want to check out Manhunt, the search for lincolns killer. that was great. almost anything by Eric Larson is good. there was one i didn't like too much though
Do you have a place on the island (STT) where you do a book exchange? Leave a book you've finished and pick up a new one? Free kind of thing?
on stx alot of the restaurants and bars have that
There are tons of book exchanges. Off the top of my head: Hook, Line and Sinker, Red Hook Mail Service, the Yacht Club, Schneider hospital cart. The Humane Society flea market has inexpensive used books- it's for a good cause.;) Others will give you ideas.
Tickles have some books upstairs near the restrooms 😀
I'm not really a reader but I just finished Water For Elephants.............brilliant
I was wrong, the book is "Killing Lincoln" not who killed Lincoln.

ADavis, i too read the last two books on your list and thought they were great.
also read Unbroken about a prisoner of war, which was great
cool!!! :@)
since I'm new here, I just read home is where the boat is and life in the left lane. want to find don't stop the carnival, but can't find it. gonna hunt Csted for a bookstore today. reading backpacker now.
Waiting for book five of the Song of Ice and Fires series to go down in price so I can read that.
My Dad just sent me a book and said if I loved the Dragon tattoo books, I would like this. He was right, excellent book. "The Boy in the Suitcase."
And I loved the Hunger Games series, too! I don't care if they are geeky.
Now if you want recommendations on cheesy zombie books, I'm your girl. Talk about geeky! 🙂

Between Thanksgiving and just last night, I read the first 9 books by Harlen Coben in the Myron Bolitar series, there is one more to go, I wanted to switch up to a different book before reading the last one.
Currently reading (just started this morning) The Bride Collector by Ted Dekker.....I have a NOOK, and this was one of those novels that was $5.00 and under........I get a lot of my books like that, unless it is something that I am want to read by a specific author or series from an author.
since I'm new here, I just read home is where the boat is and life in the left lane. want to find don't stop the carnival, but can't find it. gonna hunt Csted for a bookstore today. reading backpacker now.
I just got it in the mail. You can have it after I finish it but it might be a month or so, finishing up other books.
i could not finish "don't stop the carnival". highly unusual that i could not finish a book. so dull
i could not finish "don't stop the carnival". highly unusual that i could not finish a book. so dull
I wanted to quit half-way through too, but I considered it required reading.
In the last month or so, I've finished "Water For Elephants" and "Matterhorn". Both were amazing. Really awesome reads!
10/10 for "Water For Elephants".
9/10 for "Matterhorn".
IMHO Don't stoooooppppp theeee carniiiivaaalll (snore) is a truly dreadful book - I just don't understand why it is 'required' reading for this board. It is nothing like real life in the VI...oh well, each to their own.
I am between books right now - unusual for me since I usually read several at once - I am going to go by the recommendations on this thread and try "Who shot Lincoln?"
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