What do you think?
@ Gator's Mom
Thank you for those articles. I have read them and will reread them several more times. I have taken some of the steps you suggested. I have only partial records of who paid what. It's complicated.... to say the least. There was a living executor of the estate until December 2017. But she was ill for several years prior to that and it was difficult to get much done. Here home, and everything inside of it was leveled in Irma. Everything was lost.
I have the deed. The problem is that it's in his grandmother's name. She had two children and both of them died years ago without wills as far as I can find. They both were living in the states when they died. Getting the land probated is a big cost and of all of the living heirs of this property, I think we are the only ones not on government assistance of some sort. It would be really tough to shoulder the costs alone and even harder doing it when it will likely cause a big fuss among family to boot. As time goes on it just gets more and more complicated because the number of heirs is exponentially getting bigger. This is a very, very, common situation here. I'm not so much boohooing about our situation. I just was trying to explain some of the complexities of a situation that plagues ancestral virgin islanders. The one-two punches from Irma and Maria just intensified an already bad situation.
I appreciate all the input. While I'm not optimistic about any of this getting sorted out I haven't quite given up yet either.
Posted by: @stjohnjulie@ Gator's Mom
Thank you for those articles. I have read them and will reread them several more times. I have taken some of the steps you suggested. I have only partial records of who paid what. It's complicated.... to say the least. There was a living executor of the estate until December 2017. But she was ill for several years prior to that and it was difficult to get much done. Here home, and everything inside of it was leveled in Irma. Everything was lost.
I have the deed. The problem is that it's in his grandmother's name. She had two children and both of them died years ago without wills as far as I can find. They both were living in the states when they died. Getting the land probated is a big cost and of all of the living heirs of this property, I think we are the only ones not on government assistance of some sort. It would be really tough to shoulder the costs alone and even harder doing it when it will likely cause a big fuss among family to boot. As time goes on it just gets more and more complicated because the number of heirs is exponentially getting bigger. This is a very, very, common situation here. I'm not so much boohooing about our situation. I just was trying to explain some of the complexities of a situation that plagues ancestral virgin islanders. The one-two punches from Irma and Maria just intensified an already bad situation.
I appreciate all the input. While I'm not optimistic about any of this getting sorted out I haven't quite given up yet either.
The newly enacted Partition of Heirs Property Act in the VI could help you to avoid costly probate. It might allow you to buyout other heirs.
More likely, another heir will request partition to force sell the property - and the new law offers other heirs the first right to purchase that heir's share at market value. This may allow for the deeded property to be split among heirs so some land can be retained while other portions are sold. Money to pay for this would come from selling all or a portion of the property.
My family wrestles with the same issue on a farm we've owned for over 100 years in the Midwest US. The property now has a transfer on death deed that includes a family tree that excludes spouses. Family still lives on the property, too - but I don't think they love it enough to want to own it and pay a mortgage.
I read something recently regarding senators passing legislation so that families with property valued under $100,000 would not have to endure going thru probate. The was some discussion about making it a $300,000 limit.
Probate here used to take decades.
Still can be a lengthy process!

I see more people using Facebook asking the same questions as on this page.
For the past several days I keep getting a 502 Bad Gateway page trying to look at the posts using half my browsers on the laptop and also on the iphone. Seems to work with Firefox. Anyone else been getting that?
Same issue, i have deleted browsing history to remove it. It signs me out all the time, so this time when i logged in, got the 502 error message, hit the back button and now it's ok. I use chrome, not sure what is going on.
Posted by: @ScubadooFor the past several days I keep getting a 502 Bad Gateway page trying to look at the posts using half my browsers on the laptop and also on the iphone. Seems to work with Firefox. Anyone else been getting that?
I was having the same issue but it seems to be okay now. I was traveling at the time in Asia so I was assuming that was the issue, I guess not.
Same here. It's still happening for me. I'm on a Chromebook computer, so I use Chrome. It only happens if I'm logged in.
I keep getting the 502 Bad Gateway error all the time when attempting to view a post on the Forum. I hve to use Firefox now. Maybe it will go away after I clear my cookies the next time.
Posted by: @stjohnjulieSame here. It's still happening for me. I'm on a Chromebook computer, so I use Chrome. It only happens if I'm logged in.
Same here it only happened when I was logged in but again it seems okay now.
I have been trying to check my profile - since I'm not able to receive private messages.
When I click on the profile link in the upper right hand corner - I get error 404 - and cannot access my profile to check it or to make updates.
Had the same issue Gator's Mom.
Nor can I figure out how to check private messages without a link being sent.

We are trouble shooting the “502 Bad Gateway” error. To work around it you can click “Mark All Read” when logged in, as shown in the photo below. Once you do this the “502 Bad Gateway” error should go away.
Thank you for your patience.
@Gator's_Mom & @Alana33 can you tell us what browser you are using as we are not able to duplicate the problem you reported.
I've no idea what browser I'm using.
I had the same issue on my Mac, iPhone and iPad all using Safari. When I tried Chrome on the Mac I still had the problem.
Think internet explorer but not 100% since the internet connection says silk and none of the above symbols.
My PC is Microsoft Edge (preferred) or Chrome.
iPhone and iPad Safari but cannot login at all with either of these devices.
My username changed from Gator's Mom to Gator's_Mom during the transition from your old website to you new website.
When the new site was first available, I think I got PMs but that went away at some point. Others can send me PMs but I don't receive them either through your website or my connected email.

@gators_mom Give it a try now. The username is gators_mom without the '. You should now be able see your profile when you click on your username.
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