what do locals do for fun?
My employer recently posted two job positions, one on STT and one on STX with a 3 year minimum stay. I am giving these positions a lot of thought. I have never been to the USVI, but would like to know what the local population does for entertainment.
I know there are plenty of beaches, I love to scuba dive, fishing, enjoy kayaking and would live to give SUP a go. But I know I will not be scuba diving every weekend and couldn't afford to fish every weekend.
What else do people do in the USVI to keep entertained? I am afraid that if I move there, I will have rock fever in 6 mos.
Thanks for any advice.
Pretty much the same kind of activities you have where you now live. You’ll find various groups around the islands that have similar interests that engage in different activities. For example you’ll find groups that like to play cards or game, that go hiking, do yoga, etc.
You can shore dive the walls at Davis and Cane Bay as well as the pier on STX until you hit your limits and are prune wrinkled every day if you want. As good as any boat dive. If you own your own gear which you will certainly want to you'll only pay for tanks or air fills. What we don't have is a lot of nightlife. Well, there's always night diving at the pier at least.:D
Anybody heard anything on the new zip line near Carambola lately?
well, what do you do for fun where you live?
Well I live in northern Michigan, in a smaller community with tons of outdoor activities. I enjoy fishing, biking (mountain and road), the hiking here is beautiful, going to the beach (during our short summer). I enjoy participating in mountain bike races and triathlons. The town and surrounding area has community festivals year round to keep things interesting. We have some good breweries to visit. Obviously downhill skiing wouldn't be an option.
All of those activities except perhaps visiting “breweries” can be done on one or more of the USVI’s.
More night life in STT.
More to do, in general.
Lots of activities, lots of options for volunteering.
Ferry to STJ for the day or take your car over on car barge and explore.
Good luck with your decision!
Thank you for your responses!! It is a big decision and I want to go into it with as much info as possible. I just want to make sure I have plenty to do so I do not feel trapped if I move there.
Not trying to sound negative but many of us who regularly engage in the above mentioned activities still come down with a case of "rock fever" every once in a while and have to make a trip off-island to get a taste of civilization.
All of those activities except perhaps visiting “breweries” can be done on one or more of the USVI’s.
We have two distilleries to visit on STX in addition to Two Fat Chicks Tropical Brew Pub , oh what fun we have when the weather turns to rain.
Leatherback Brewing Company should be opening their doors to tours/tastings in the next couple of months.
Two Fat Chicks hasn’t been open for the past few weeks. Owner is off island for medical treatment, not sure if it’s going to reopen.
If you don't mind me asking, where in Michigan are you living? I moved to St. John from Kalamazoo Michigan more than 18 years ago. And do you mind if I ask you what kind of job you would be coming here for? I am just wondering about the three year commitment. Is that because they only need someone here three years or is it because they have a hard time transferring someone here that stays?
Being from Michigan myself, I kind of feel like I lose track of time living here. It always feels like summer 🙂 I was never a fan of the cold and snow in the first place, so I don't miss that part at all. But in the early years here, the changing of seasons was something I missed a bit. Now that I've been here longer, I notice the subtle changes in our seasons more but they are nothing like the dramatic changes you experience in Michigan!
If you are worried about rock fever, maybe STT would be a better option. It's busier, STJ is just a short ferry ride away. You can also make trips to STX and PR that wont set you back too much.
I live on STX. We have everything here you mentioned except the snow part activities. This month we have a huge, huge St Patrick's Day festival-like celebration parade. Last month, was Mardi Croix celebration and parade. The month before a large Three Kings Day parade and carnival village. We have Jump Ups 4 times per year where the streets in downtown are blocked off for big party. Once per month we have Jazz in the Park in both towns. We have Art Thrusdays where the galleries stay open late with open houses. We have annually The Taste of St Croix where restaurants compete. Crew de Croix has fundraising activities throughout the year such as the Dog Parade, hot sauce contest. Many bars and restaurants have off island and local talented bands on regular basis. Cultural parades and on and on...
And many, many more activities as we find any excuse to have a celebration. I consider us the rural, agriculture island of small town loving people. If you want something to do, we got cha covered.
Yeah, we don't seem to run out of excuses for a party.
That's pretty much what you can do here. But lots warmer. And no snow. Lol.
Well I live in northern Michigan, in a smaller community with tons of outdoor activities. I enjoy fishing, biking (mountain and road), the hiking here is beautiful, going to the beach (during our short summer). I enjoy participating in mountain bike races and triathlons. The town and surrounding area has community festivals year round to keep things interesting. We have some good breweries to visit. Obviously downhill skiing wouldn't be an option.
Sweet. This info helps a lot. I live all the way up in Marquette. The long winters are turning into a drag. The summers here are wonderful here while they last. Most of the activities that I enjoy doing occur during the summer. It seems that more often than not, I have to endure the winters.
Come down. Relax. Enjoy
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