What are the Pros vs. Cons
Hello to all!
My husband, myself and our 10month old baby are moving to St. Croix. Just would like to hear from those,who already live here what were about to face.
Just a couple of opinions on pro and cons of living onSt.X
1 Daycare
2 local people
3 husband looking for constuction work
P.S Any spiritual groups?
My ex owns a large construction company on St Croix. I don't know if he's hiring now but you can visit his web sight www.tiptopvi.com to get employment info or call the company at 340-773-5252. I don't have any info on daycare and if you look at the older messages from this board you can read an entire discussion on the local people, the subject reads "moving to St Croix July 13."
Did you read through the "what to expect" on this sites moving guide - its stories written by new residents about their experience.
Daycare; you can find good ones - just need to go by and see what is offered/cost; ask other moms/dads what they suggest from experiences. Shop around.
As for the people - what do you want to know about them??
Spiritual - lots of religious groups and churches that you can get involved with.
Is TipTop Joey H's. company?
Yes, who are you?
There is another construction company I know of called All Points Construction. You can call VI 411 to get the number or they too may have a websight to get employment info.
An old friend/acquaintance. My parents were friends w/Joey's parents many years ago and Joey and I had a bunch of mutual friends. His mom was in real estate if I'm not mistaken and his dad was in...construction?? We left STX 3 years after Hugo but still have a couple of places down there. Some of our mutual friends were the Henderson, Dizons, Dechabert, Highfields, Galiberts, Finucanes (parents left STX and sons are in OR and CO I believe) and Henrys. I can't place your initials but then again I've been away for quite a few years. R U from STX?
I've met some of the families you've mentioned above. I moved down to St. Croix from Wisconsin back in 2000 because of a job opportunity with Sterling Optical. There were two girls that I had worked with in WI who were transfered down to STX, I kept in touch with them and eventually decided to transfer myself. It's beautiful in WI, but I really miss the islands! I've been off the island for almost two years, but I was able to visit for two weeks, I just came back from the visit last week. It's possible that we have met before if you were ever on the island during 2000 and 2001. Do you miss StX? I know I do.
Glad to hear you enjoy and miss STX, I certainly do. Unfortunately, I don't believe we have met. When I go down there now, it's mainly for true R&R with my wife. The last time I got together with most of my Cruzan friends, except via e-mail, was in DC two years ago. Hey, there's St. Croix River in WI 2...isn't there? I live in Westchester, NY, but my wife and I have been to the Dells visiting friends and we really enjoy the area.
Were you and Joey married, or "going out"? It's been years since I partied w/him. Last time we hung out was the year b4 I went to college. I think it was the same year the Rue de Rhumb, cross-Atlantic, regatta had C'sted as one of its stops. There was a bunch of us on the wharf enjoying ourselves....I believe the accurate term would be "zooted"! It was right around new year's eve.
Is Sterling Optical, the VI branch, related to Sellers' outfit?
THere is a St. Croix county in WI. Joey and I have a daughter together and remain good friends, he was the one who sent us down to St Croix a couple weeks ago. I plan on moving back by the end of the year.
I've never heard of "zooted!" before, sounds like fun! I'll have to request to get zooted next time I'm out in STX
Sterling is not related to Sellers' as far as I know.
Hope you're enjoying Westchester, I've never been, but heard good things of it.
It's been nice chatting with you , take care.
Nice chatting with you too, Molly. I hope all goes well for you guys. Enjoy STX.
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