Has anyone heard of a 300% increase in LEAC fees from WAPA? Our landlord said he received 2 bills in one month and the LEAC went up 300%....This somehow does not seem right.
Seems strange to me. Are you sure you understood? Our WAPA bills have come earlier each month for the last 3 months, so I suppose it is possible that technically he received 2 in the same month, but doubtful, unless there was a change in service or some other reason. We are due for an 11% increase. My bills (17 or them) have been running approximately .30 per kwh. This last bill they are closer to .32 for some of them. They vary, with the person who uses the most getting a lower rate, something I totally disagree with, but that's the way it is. I'd ask to see the actual WAPA bills.
My husband went in to WAPA to ask some questions because we received 2 bills within 30 days. He was told that they have changed the billing cycle dates. He persisted in his questions and the woman finally stated that when they have a large increase they change the billing cycle to that the first bill people receive with the new rate is only a 3 week bill!

haven't gotten a WAPA bill in 3 months, try to call all the time to pay, but just keep getting transferred around and end up at somebody's voice mail (and of course they never return any of the calls) very similar to my auto insurance company...3 months after the accident, claims still not finished. but back to WAPA, i end up having to go in to the office to find out how much my bill is and pay it, always my favorite way to spend my one afternoon off. lol, tis de way of da island
get a password and do it online. has always been very easy for me. i just got a bill for 350 for an empty condo, i wonder what is up with that? i'll have to get someone to go and read the meter for me. i did have a 5 day tenant during that period and she might have had the ac cranked full blast.

every time i try to do it online it says the system is currently down...oh well, i guess they just don't wanna take my money
I have seen this several times, what is "leac fees"

it's the additional extra fee

LEAC stands for Levelized Energy Adjustment Clause. It's a complicated utility rate and tariff structure, and it is not unique to the USVI.
I talked to people from northern CA yesterday. They said their kwh rate was around .10 up to a certain number of kwhs. THEN it jumps to .95 per kwh. The more you use, the higher rate you pay. That would be some serious incentive to conserve!
I've also tried to pay online with no luck. When I absolutely HAVE to go to WAPA I (no joke) take my lawyer with me to keep me out of jail!!
(we're cousins and YES I totally guilt him into wasting his day too!) I also noticed the change in my due date...good thing they don't have any say with babies...due date...get it?,,,,yea, yea...I'll keep my day job.:-X
We pay on-line every month with no problem. Strange.

I also pay online. No problems so far. I do not check the box to store my credit card number online with them.
Online is the way to go, never paid any other way. If you email them with online problems they seem to respond as well, maybe give that a shot.
i think my $350 bill was probably a meter misread. they sometimes screw up when it gets close to turning over a thousand kwh. for instance if your reading is really 1900 on the meter, they read it as 2900, because the first dial is very close to the 2, then the next one is at a 9. hope that is it. it would explain it because 1000 kwh now costs around $310 or so.
even if they are wrong, you have to keep paying it or they cut you off. eventually someone will read it correctly and you will get credit.
OK...just opened my latest bill and think that they are nuts. Time to call my poor cousin.
OK...just opened my latest bill and think that they are nuts. Time to call my poor cousin.
How much was it? What was the kwh rate?
Hi and greetings all who suffer WAPA, which is all of us!!!
Just love to toss in my penny's worth of thoughts on WAPA...since we only get to live with it, not change it!
LEAC, as per my printed billings, previously was $0.190/kwh and now is $0.222, effective this last bill for August 18th, for their most recent increase, almost 15%....wow, just when all the power companies in the US were lowering their fuel surcharges!!!
Unfortunately due to consumption of power for all the air conditioners that have been running, my previous LEAC of $155.48 was overshadowed by this months charge of $500.83......just about a 300% increase from the previous month!!!
August and September are just hot months...what can we say. More consumption, more charges!
Guess it just costs more in the islands, because they want it to cost more.
We also own property in the states and the local power company, who just happens to be about the same customer size as VI WAPA, just lowered their fuel surcharges again, but then again we only pay about $0.0325/kwhr total including the fuel surcharges, considerable less than the WAPA charges of late.
The latest calculation for my billing = $0.3088/kwhr if paid on time (before the new due date)!
That's almost 1000% more than our stateside rates!
Not only that, but they recently changed our monthly due date from the 5th of the month for our August bill, backward to the 28th of the month for the one received in September, plus the latest one!
We still get the physical paper bill around the 14th of the month or thereabouts in the mail, although I usually get the Internet billing from their website during the first week of the month...more than a couple of days jump on the mail bill.
I have not had a problem using the VI WAPA website ( https://www.customerservice.viwapa.vi/Click2GovCXP/Index.jsp), use that to pay the bill with my bank ATM card on a regular basis.
Great deal for them, shorten the cycle and get some extra billing in for a shorter month!!!
Wish that I had a way to increase my usual cash flow, will have to think about it???
Can not imagine what the LEAC will be when they start to use the solid HOVENSA fuel in addition to the jet fuel to turn the generators...they will have a whole new source to suck the cash from us for!!!
i have always paid online, never a problem. Also, i have emailed Customer Service and they have gotten back to me the same day...better service over the internet, apparantly!
For those of you who do not know the address: http://www.viwapa.vi/
Click on Customers, Pay Your Bills Here. You have to email for a pin. They save your card on file and show graphs of previous months with increase/decrease. i hate paying any other way!
As soon as I figure it out I'll tell you. They say I owe over $400.00 for electric but at first it was over $700.00 but then they minus-ed $200.00+ so now it's at the $400.00 +.....????? Not late with the previous bill. So it says that I'm at 69.45 kws per day....I have to get out the past bills etc. I really HATE this crap! Plus I called home before leaving work today to see what to pick up from the store and my mom and then my hubby both told me that our pole at the bottom of the driveway was sparking blue stuff and orange firey stuff too. The lights were flickering and our next door neighbor was also flickering. They had called WAPA who said they knew about it. I called too and they said the same thing. Thank heavens they seemed to fix it. I plan to call tomorrow to find out what this was all about. I ALSO just got a letter in the mail saying that even though I'm an estimated bill, I now have to either move my dog (who IS in the way of the meter) or move the meter at my own expense and only at their approval. Anybody else gotten this? If I don't then they'll shut my power off! Needless to say, I think WAPA is crap.( I didn't want to swear)
Our Sept bill was huge, much more than August, and I'm sure is a mistake.
We had two fewer people living here in Sept than in August.
Plus our downstairs tenant was gone a week in early Sept.
I figured they misread the meter, so....
I called several times today, but the phone just rang and rang.
Gonna go look at the meter myself, but what if the meter reading is right?
No way we used more than in August, even with the Sept heat.
My last bill was almost double as well.
I'm so tired of this stupid insane nonsense with WAPA. What do we do when we JUST CAN'T pay these outrageous bills? THEY won't budge with you after the shut-off point. I'm tired of our constant "demonstrations" which at least sometimes seem to make a difference...even if just for a few months. Once again, my WAPA bills are more than my mortgage...which I'm behind on!! It used to be called "gone postal" what would you call it in this case... "gone WAP-AL" ????
My bills were all higher this past month, but just a little. You guys with the hugh bills might have been estimated (low) last month, before the recent rate increase, and then had an actual reading this month, at the higher rate (including usage that should have been last month's lower rate). WAPA did not do that to me this time, but I know they have in the past.
We read our meters every month, the same day as WAPA, if possible, and we have been right on the money for about the last 6 months. Before that, there was a lot of estimating on the WAPA bills. That may have been due to crew shortage after Omar.
The PSC really should tell WAPA that they need to make an ACTUAL reading prior to increasing the rate. This is a ridiculous and fraudelent practice, estimate a reading on the low side, raise rate, then collect the difference when the rate is higher. If WAPA was a private company there would be a class action against them for this.
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