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WAPA progress on STX

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"As WAPA’S reconstruction and restoration efforts continue throughout the territory, additional crews are arriving on St. Croix this week. The additional linemen, along with the constant receipt of materials and supplies, will allow WAPA to meet its goal of restoring 90% of all customer service areas by the end of December.

On St. Croix Monday, restoration crews worked on Feeders 8B and 9B in Frederiksted. Additional crews restored service to customers on Feeder 3A in Beeston Hill, and on Feeder 2A in Estate Welcome and Southgate, Christiansted. To date on St. Croix, more than 5,100 customers have been restored."


Now it's end of December, not Christmas. Maybe nobody will notice.

Posted : November 21, 2017 3:00 am
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"At the end of the work day Tuesday, WAPA reported significant progress on its restoration effort in both districts. With the primary circuits on most feeders significantly reconstructed, the restoration of service to commercial and residential customers is progressing.

On St. Croix Tuesday, crews restored service up to Cotton Valley on Feeder 2A, while primary circuits were developed to Point Udall, and reconstruction of those circuits will continue toward the Divi Carina Bay Resort & Casino. On Feeder 3A, additional customers were restored to include the Beeston Hill Condos. On Feeder 4A, crews are approaching 90% completion of work in Sion Hill, and in Rattan all poles have been planted with crews expected to string lines through that community by Friday. Service was restored from the Feeder 4A/5A tie switch to Rogers Laundry and down to Sion Hill. In Barren Spot, restoration is approximately 70% complete, while work has been completed toward the La Reine intersection. On Feeder 8B, Estate White Bay will be fully energized on Wednesday, while crews are preparing to plant poles in Estate White Lady. Crews have estimated that work in Frederiksted town is approximately 98% complete. Additional customers were energized on Feeder 10A and on Feeder 6A, customers have been energized from La Grande Princesse to Five Corners. Service was also restored on Feeder 9B in Estates Diamond, Mount Pleasant West and Constitution Hill. Streetlights along portions of Melvin Evans Highway have been restored."

facebook.com 11/21

Go 6A.

"With the addition of linemen who landed in the U.S. Virgin Islands in recent days, the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority said on Monday that it would meet its projection of restoring 90 percent of the territory by Christmas 2017. Along with the linemen, WAPA also said that it’s in constant receipt of materials and supplies needed to keep the workflow constant."

viconsortium.com 11/21

Posted : November 22, 2017 3:38 am
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"Speaking at a news conference hosted by Acting Governor Osbert Potter on Wednesday, Executive Director Julio Rhymer, Sr. thanked WAPA’s employees, along with the on and off-island contractors, and the public who continue to support the ongoing restoration of electrical service across the territory. Rhymer reported that the buildout of primary circuits is essentially complete and approximately 40% of customers in the territory have been restored. The number of restored customers is in excess of 19,000. Rhymer also said additional linemen arrived on St. Croix Wednesday from Ocala, Tallahassee and South Carolina to augment the restoration work.

In a broad overview of the restoration on St. Croix, Rhymer said crews were working late Wednesday to restore service to residents at the Aureo Diaz housing community. Service was restored to customers in Estates Welcome, Solitude, Peter’s Rest and from Barren Spot to La Reine. The UVI campus was also restored, as well as the Cruzan Rum distillery and homes in Mount Pleasant, all along Centerline Road."

facebook.com 11/22

Posted : November 23, 2017 2:05 am
Posts: 448
Honorable Member

And ..........WAPA ran a brand new line with poles alone the top of Rattan bypassing several customers to end that new line at...........the Governor's Mother house. She has current for Thanksgiving!

I can throw a rock over the hill and hit her house they are that close to me. I asked one of the linemen if they were coming over the hill and he told me it would not be any time soon, that this was a "Special" deal.

So goes the politics of the VSVI!!!!!!!!!


Posted : November 23, 2017 11:49 am
Posts: 2438
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And ..........WAPA ran a brand new line with poles alone the top of Rattan bypassing several customers to end that new line at...........the Governor's Mother house. She has current for Thanksgiving!

Yeah, that was the crew that was supposed to run the last 100ft to to the feeder to light up my whole neighborhood. Everybody go to Mapp's mother's house for Thanksgiving.

Posted : November 23, 2017 2:11 pm
Posts: 360
Reputable Member

And ..........WAPA ran a brand new line with poles alone the top of Rattan bypassing several customers to end that new line at...........the Governor's Mother house. She has current for Thanksgiving!

I can throw a rock over the hill and hit her house they are that close to me. I asked one of the linemen if they were coming over the hill and he told me it would not be any time soon, that this was a "Special" deal.

So goes the politics of the VSVI!!!!!!!!!


This kind of crap makes me sick. Corruption and cronyism is just rampant in the VI.

Posted : November 23, 2017 3:40 pm
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

I don't know, I would think if anyone of us had an ability to get linemen to our own Mothers house early, we'd do it.

At least it wasn't his own home.

I'm kind of surprised it took him this long...

Posted : November 23, 2017 6:11 pm
Posts: 1300
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Why does anyone think this situation is unique to the VI? Would happen anywhere. Power and influence have their privileges.

I don't know, I would think if anyone of us had an ability to get linemen to our own Mothers house early, we'd do it.

At least it wasn't his own home.

I'm kind of surprised it took him this long...

Posted : November 23, 2017 7:44 pm
Posts: 1016
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They're certainly not in it for the money.

Posted : November 24, 2017 12:31 am
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The crew made it back and turned on our lights in our La Grande Princesse neighborhood today north of gas city.:@)

Posted : November 24, 2017 12:41 am
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"WAPA has identified areas in which crews will focus reconstruction and restoration work throughout the next week. The crews include WAPA Line Department personnel as well as on and off-island contractors.

On St. Croix, work will be focused in Catherine’s Rest, La Reine, Strawberry, White Bay, White Lady, William’s Delight, the container port, La Grande Princesse toward Morning Star, Divi Carina Bay Resort and the south shore. Crews will also be deployed to the rainforest area where there is extensive work including tree trimming and electrical system reconstruction.

• Additional manpower has arrived in both districts to augment the restoration, and another shipment of supplies, materials and equipment is en route to the territory.

• On Friday, crews in both districts reported continued progress with the restoration effort.

On St. Croix, commercial customers were restored including Wendy’s, Business World, Mc Donald’s in La Reine, the Cotton Valley Fire Station and the Pelican Cove Condos. Both reconstruction and restoration work continued in residential areas including La Grande Princesse, White Bay, White Lady, Paradise and Hermon Hill. "

facebook.com 11/24

It's the closest thing I've seen towards the promised plan from WAPA yet even if it is only for the next week.

Posted : November 24, 2017 11:55 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

i know several people who had power back in time for thanksgiving all were very happy

we have power but are still having an issue. cant run too many things at once. we do have a call in to an electrician hope they come soon.

Posted : November 25, 2017 2:50 pm
Posts: 360
Reputable Member

I don't know, I would think if anyone of us had an ability to get linemen to our own Mothers house early, we'd do it.

Speak for yourself. I'd never abuse power like that. There are politicians out there that do the right thing, just not many in the VI.

Posted : November 25, 2017 5:53 pm
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

Sorry, but I wouldn't say taking care of Mom, is an abuse of power...

I'd like to continue with this, but I need to go outside and change the oil in my generator.

It's been 50 hours since the last one already???

Posted : November 26, 2017 4:56 pm
Posts: 447
Reputable Member

Sorry, but I wouldn't say taking care of Mom, is an abuse of power...

But it is. No reason she should have gotten service before all the others in her neighborhood. He should not be able to use his position for special treatment of whomever, whether wapa now or something else totally different for someone else. Bad enough that he hired lots of relatives for government positions they were not qualified for.

Posted : November 26, 2017 7:19 pm
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"As restoration work continued in both districts over the weekend and on Monday, more than 20,500 customers in the territory have been restored. The total represents restoration of 36% of St. Croix; 47% of St. John, 48% of St. Thomas and 37% of Water Island customers. Service has been restored to additional customers in the following areas:

On St. Croix, Estate White Lady, Sion Farm and La Grande Princesse. Crews continue restoration work in William’s Delight, Mahogany Welcome, Estate Whim, La Grande Princesse, Rattan, Mary’s Fancy, Contentment, Sion Farm and Sion Hill. Some customers in these areas have already been restored."

facebook.com 11/27

" On Monday, the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority published an electrical restoration schedule for the next two weeks detailing areas where crews will be restoring service.

With additional manpower and equipment on-island, additional shipments of materials and supplies expected in both districts, the Authority remains committed to its previously stated goal of energizing 90% of all areas by December 25. The ten percent that will not be energized by that time will represent those customers who simply cannot be restored due to structural damage to their homes / businesses, those who have opted not to rebuild, or those who have relocated from the Virgin Islands.

Both this week and next week, crews will work in areas including:

Frederiksted, St. Croix: Fisher Street, Hospital Street, King Cross Street, Little Hospital Street, North Street and Strand Street. In Christiansted: Altona, Boetzberg, D.C. Canegata ballpark and recreational center, Eliza’s Retreat, Mount Welcome, Orange Grove, Estate Richmond, St. Peter’s, Stoney Ground Villas and Western Suburb. "

facebook.com 11/27

Posted : November 28, 2017 1:28 am
Posts: 448
Honorable Member

Rattan not on the list again.

Good thing I got a load of Propane this morning.

And.............For what ever reason the price of Propane has dropped from 4$ an gallon to 3$ a gallon this morning!!!!!


Posted : November 28, 2017 11:18 am
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Rattan not on the list again.

Rattan was on the list of past weekend work. I've learned that these reports are not 100% comprehensive. They will likely continue working Rattan this week.

Posted : November 28, 2017 11:39 am
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

I so hope they are right about being done by Christmas. I will be down just before with friends, would make our vacation much better. 🙂

Posted : November 28, 2017 12:39 pm
Posts: 2937
Famed Member

Its highly unlikely that 90% of all areas will be restored by Christmas IMO. I think they just throw those areas out there to placate the masses and keep them from stealing each others generators.

Posted : November 28, 2017 1:06 pm
Posts: 1016
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I'm about an 1/8 mile south of East End Rd. Out by the Blue Water Terrace. They're was a "contractor" of WAPA riding down our private dirt road checking the damage to the system and writing down snapped pole numbers. I saw him out in front of my place and walked over to ask the usual questions.
He said they might be able to get power back to the pole a hundred yards beyond my property, but there are 7 poles that need to be replaced beyond that, and they wont be able to restore power down there until "Next Year".
He didn't specify how long after New Year's, but definatly not by Christmas.
I have a hunch he gave me optimistic news only because he didn't want to hear any whinning.
It was good to see someone in our area though. There's always hope I guess...

Posted : November 28, 2017 5:21 pm
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And the official WAPA story is still

"the Authority remains committed to its previously stated goal of energizing 90% of all areas by December 25. The ten percent that will not be energized by that time will represent those customers who simply cannot be restored due to structural damage to their homes / businesses, those who have opted not to rebuild, or those who have relocated from the Virgin Islands. "

Posted : November 28, 2017 9:25 pm
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

It is amazing how much has been done though, considering the extent of the damage here after Maria.
If it wasn't for the Fed's paying to bring in all this help, I don't know where we'd be.
The "contractor" I spoke to emphasized the logistical nightmare it has been, getting supplies and equipment here. Not just because of our isolated place in the world, but because so many other islands and several states are all clamoring for the same supplies.
Be thankful and keep the faith.
it's true what they say, everyday gets just a little bit better.

Posted : November 28, 2017 10:22 pm
Posts: 2438
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It is amazing how much has been done though, considering the extent of the damage here after Maria.
If it wasn't for the Fed's paying to bring in all this help, I don't know where we'd be.
The "contractor" I spoke to emphasized the logistical nightmare it has been, getting supplies and equipment here. Not just because of our isolated place in the world, but because so many other islands and several states are all clamoring for the same supplies.
Be thankful and keep the faith.
it's true what they say, everyday gets just a little bit better.

Absolutely. If we had relied on solely the local WAPA crews we'd probably be lucky to have downtown C'sted powered up by now. As it is it took almost a month to get power to condo row which is right next door to the power plant.

Posted : November 28, 2017 11:14 pm
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"WAPA’s restoration efforts continued in both districts on Tuesday. Additional customers were restored in some areas while crews performed reconstruction work such as planting poles and stringing lines.

On St. Croix, approximately 80% of customers in Sion Farm have been restored, and on Tuesday, crews restored service to some customers in Herman Hill, William’s Delight, La Grande Princesse, Mary’s Fancy, Barren Spot, as well as the Grenada del Mar and La Grande Princesse Condos. Crews also restored service to the Contentment potable water pump station, the Waste Management Authority’s Lagoon Street Pump Station, a First Bank branch, Mencho’s Restaurant and Sun Self Storage. "

facebook.com 11/28

Posted : November 29, 2017 2:05 am
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