I can accept that we may be without power until December but what I can not accept is why there are poles dangling dangerously and wires still in the roads getting snagged by cars. What has WAPA been doing for a month?
*-) has it occurred to you that they may not have enough manpower for the amount of damage and have not made it to your area as yet?
There is a reason why hundreds of linemen are being flown in. A crew from Alabama restored my power after Hugo.
Also, keep in mind that these same WAPA employees are working hard at day and also going home to no power.
I agree with stxsailor, WAPA doesn't have nearly the required number of people to take this on alone. It sounds like they are doing OK, considering the magnitude of the destruction. I think you will start to see real meaningful progress with stateside help now in place and with more on the way.
We often bash the local government, for what I admit, are too often well deserved reasons. But, this time I get a different impression and it looks like the government is making a lot of smart moves.
I'm just saying, let's give WAPA and the government a chance to step up and show us something. I believe we will see that they made the best out of a really challenging situation.
In previous post, I meant to say that I agreed with Cruz. Lol...I'm old, forgive me.
With all the new offshore crews on island now we should soon see whether they are up for this larger challenge in an quick, efficient manner or if it turns into unproductive chaos. I hope for the former. I still haven't seen the damage assessment and recovery plan they were supposed to come up with.
"Restoration and reconstruction work continued by WAPA Line Department personnel, as well as on-island and off-island contractors in both districts on Tuesday.
On St. Croix, restoration work included planting new poles on the paths of Feeders 1A and 2A, while clean-up crews continued clearing school campuses of hurricane debris. There was also reconstruction and clean-up work carried out Tuesday along Feeder 8B in Hannah’s Rest as well as on Feeders 6A and 6B."
"On St. Croix, reconstruction work continued in the Sunny Isle and Watergut areas. The work in Watergut, near the seaplane terminal, will facilitate the restoration of additional customers on Feeder 1A, in downtown Christiansted. Crews also worked to reconstruct a circuit from Mill Harbor to Five Corners. Over the next few days, WAPA will be energizing additional streetlights on Centerline Road. Both reconstruction and restoration work continued in Hannah’s Rest on Wednesday. Asplundh and WAPA crews will cut back roadside trees along Queen Mary Highway heading to Frederiksted, as the Authority relocates primary circuits closer to the roadsides to avoid dense brush, which contributes to frequent service interruptions."
Finally a mention of the promised schedule.
"WAPA crews along with on-island and off-island contractors worked across the territory Thursday in support of the reconstruction and restoration efforts. With more than 510 off-island personnel expected in the Virgin Islands by next week Friday to augment the restoration of service, WAPA will be publishing an aggressive restoration schedule for both districts next week.
On St. Croix, portions of Feeder 6A, up to Five Corners, were energized on Thursday. Crews planted additional poles on Feeder 1A to bring service to more customers in downtown Christiansted as well as to Hotel on the Cay. Additional poles were planted on Feeder 5A from Sunny Isle to Barren Spot as well as along Queen Mary Highway to Hannah’s Rest en route to Frederiksted town. Priority areas for restoration of service include the modular units being used at Luis Hospital and the fire station along with some government offices in the Sunny Isle area."
"The Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority in its latest power and potable water restoration update, revealed the areas territory-wide that it will be working to restore power to this week. They are:
On St. Croix, Feeder 1A will bring additional service to customers on Company Street, Hotel on the Cay and up to Canegata Ball Park. Work will continue on Feeder 5A along Queen Mary Highway, Sunny Isle Shopping Center and some restoration of customers in the Sion Farm area, and on Feeder 8B from Hannah’s Rest to the post office in Frederiksted. On Saturday, a section of Feeder 6A was prepared to be re-energized from the power plant toward the LBJ lift station.
WAPA said 250 linemen will arrive on Friday, October 27 bringing the total off-island personnel to more than 500 persons in the Virgin Islands assisting with the restoration of electrical service. The linemen, engineers and other personnel are equally divided between the districts, and more than 200 pieces of equipment are here to support the restoration effort, WAPA said."
Hard to believe it's been over a month and power has not been restored yet to the sewage pump station just next door to the power plant itself. Presumably it's been running on it's own backup generator all this time.
"On St. Croix, service was restored to portions of Feeder 1A including: Seaborne, Red Brick community, Estate Richmond, Department of Property and Procurement offices, and VITEMA. On Feeder 5A, the Sunny Isle Shopping Center including Scotiabank and Viya’s headquarters have been restored. On Feeder 6A, Club St. Croix, Harborview, Golden Rock, JFK housing community, Colony Cove, Carib Villas, Sugar Beach and the LBJ lift station were all restored. On Feeder 8B, Budget Rent-A-Car on the airport road, VI National Guard headquarters, the FAA control tower, facilities of Cruzan Rum were restored, as were as some underground circuits. Crews also reconstructed primary circuits in the areas from Concordia Gas Station to the police station in Frederiksted, from Mountain Gas Station to Carlton and from the Hannah’s Rest intersection to Claude O. Markoe Elementary School. More than 300 new poles have been planted on St. Croix as part of the hurricane restoration."
"On St. Croix Tuesday, crews restored electrical service at several buildings in the Red Brick housing community, at the Estate Ruby senior home, and at Mill Harbor Villas. Additional underground circuits on Feeder 8B were also energized. Crews also planted poles and reconstructed primary circuits in Estates Whim, Carlton and Hannah’s Rest.
On Wednesday, St. Croix electrical restoration crews will be working in sections of: Estates William’s Delight, Whim and Campo Rico and on the roadway from the Sunny Isle Scotiabank to Barren Spot.
Another 250 linemen will arrive on Friday, October 27, bringing the total off-island personnel to more than 500 persons in the Virgin Islands assisting with the restoration of electrical service. The linemen, engineers and other personnel are equally divided between the districts, and more than 300 pieces of equipment are here to support the restoration effort."
"Across the territory Wednesday, restoration work included crews planting poles, stringing new lines in various locations, and restoring service to some residential areas.
On St. Croix, crews planted additional poles on Feeder 8B in Estate Whim. Approximately 80% of the required poles have been set in that area. Once completed, crews will move toward Estate Carlton. Poles have been set and framed from Hannah’s Rest to the Frederiksted post office.
Additional poles were planted along Queen Mary Highway. Service was restored to Colony Cove on Feeder 6A as were additional buildings of the Red Brick housing community on Feeder 1A. Work is ongoing to bring electrical service to the modular units at the JFL hospital complex.
On Thursday, WAPA restoration crews on St. Croix will work in the following areas: Estates William’s Delight, Whim and Carlton, as well as in the downtown Christiansted area."
"On St. Croix, on Feeder 4A, crews planted poles along the feeder path while additional customers were restored in Christiansted on Feeder 1A. In Hannah’s Rest, crews continued the reconstruction of primary circuits and will string lines and install transformers on Friday. Additional poles were planted as efforts continue to energize the modular units at Luis Hospital. Poles were planted and lines were installed along Feeder 5A in Estate Strawberry and in Frederiksted, contractors planted additional poles while other crews framed poles on Good Hope Road.
On Friday, WAPA crews will continue restoration work in the following areas of St. Croix: Estates William's Delight, Whim and Carlton, as well as in the downtown Christiansted area."
haven't seen anyone in Carlton yet 🙁
Bring the poles!
"There are now more than 500 off- island linemen equally divided between both districts assisting WAPA line department personnel and on-island contractors with restoring service to our customers.
On St. Croix, work has commenced on Feeder 4A where poles were planted and lines were strung in the Golden Rock area. Work continues to provide electrical service to the modular units at Luis Hospital. Additional poles and transformers were installed on Feeder 8B near Hannah’s Rest. Crews restored service to additional areas in downtown Christiansted on Feeder 1A including Queen and Prince Streets. Primary and secondary lines were secured on poles in Sunny Acres on Feeder 5A. Hotel on the Cay is slated to have service restored by this weekend or early next week.
On Saturday, WAPA restoration and reconstruction crews on St. Croix will work in areas including: Queen Street, Golden Rock, Hannah's Rest, Estates Whim, William's Delight, Carlton and Frederiksted town.
Motorists are asked to drive carefully through the work areas and adhere to directions provided by flaggers, military police and VIPD officers who are assisting with traffic control."
Saw a convey of Electrical Line trucks from NY and Mass going East @ Sunny Island intersection yesterday about 4 pm. By the time I realized what they were several had already passed but I counted at least 10.
Help soon come!!!
"On St. Croix, additional poles and lines were installed on of Feeder 4A while work continued on Feeder 5A from Queen’s Quarters to Sion Farm. The primary lines which will serve the modular units at Luis Hospital were energized, as was the Sunny Acres area. On the western end, more primary circuits were built from the police station toward the post office, as well as in Hannah’s Rest and in Estate Whim. Additional portions of Feeders 6A / 6B will be energized this week, and the Gallows Bay area within two weeks. Work is also ongoing this week on Feeders 2A and 9B.
Reconstruction and restoration crews will work in the following areas on Tuesday: On St. Croix, in Queen’s Quarters, downtown, Golden Rock, Estate Richmond, Barren Spot, Estates Whim and Hannah’s Rest, downtown Frederiksted and on the North Shore road."
Come on 6A
Aweee, they said carlton like 3 times in a row and all I ever saw was a bulldozer clear the side of the road (the side with no power poles too, mind you..)
Oh well, maybe next month
"On St. Croix Tuesday, customers in areas of Estate Ruby, Bassin Triangle and Peppertree Terrace were restored. Crews planted poles on Feeder 4A, in Estate Strawberry toward Barren Spot, and on Feeders 1A, 2A, and 9B. Secondary poles were planted in Frederiksted town.
Traffic flow will be affected across the territory on Wednesday restoration work continues on all three islands. On St. Croix, work will continue in Estate Strawberry towards Barren Spot, Estate Ruby and Frederiksted town.
WAPA reminds its customers that the work being done in the initial phase of the recovery is focused on the rebuilding of primary circuits throughout the feeder paths. Customers whose homes and businesses are along the main circuit routes are being energized when the primary circuits are brought online. However, the bulk of the restoration to residents and businesses will take place in the second phase of restoration. "
"On St. Croix, restoration and reconstruction work continued in the Sion Farm area where additional poles were planted on Wednesday. Primary circuits in Barren Spot as well as some residents in Hannah’s Rest will be energized by the end of the week. Crews worked on sections of Feeders 2A, 4A and 6B with Hotel on the Cay and Company House Hotel on Feeder 1A expected to be restored on Wednesday night. Crews continued to troubleshoot issues around the Watergut community that have prevented full restoration to the housing community.
Traffic flow will be affected across the territory Thursday as restoration work continues. On St. Croix, work will continue in Estate Strawberry towards Barren Spot, Estate Ruby, Hannah’s Rest, Christiansted and Frederiksted towns. Motorists are advised to adhere to the directions of flaggers, military police and VIPD officers who are assisting with traffic control. Additionally, motorists are encouraged to use alternate routes and avoid the work areas when possible."
what about the east end??? why are we always the forgoton few??
I'm pretty sure that the east end is on feeder 2a which the report includes.
was told East End Rd around Thanksgiving but no telling how far along EERd at that point
"On St. Croix, service was restored to customers along Sion Hill, across from Mary’s Fancy, and in the Watergut housing community. Reconstruction crews continued planting poles and redeveloping circuits in Barren Spot, downtown Christiansted, from the Frederiksted public parking lot to Rainbow Beach, from the Frederiksted post office to Marley Homes, along Centerline Road, and in Estates Campo Rico and Whim. Additional poles were planted in the vicinity of Canegata Ball Park and along the roadway toward the federal building in Golden Rock.
Traffic flow will be affected on Friday as restoration work continues. On St. Croix, crews will work along Centerline Road and in downtown Christiansted. Other work areas will have minimal effect on traffic."
Friend living in Schooner Bay condos messaged me that he is seeing line crews all over Gallows Bay and downtown area.
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