Guess what?
Cayman Islands haven't had an electrical outage in 3 years.
The " what do expect when you live on an island" doesn't cut it, anymore.The question should be "what do you expect when you live on an island that is allowed to be grossly mismanaged, ineffective and inefficient by its government and the population that elects its (so called) leaders.
Grand Cayman had an island wide outage (90% unplanned) on April 14, 2015.
I spoke to my niece living there just prior to that date.
She mentioned that they just don't get them as frequently as we do.
She's lived here and in Tortola.
They can consider themselves lucky that they've only had one.
I spoke to my niece living there just prior to that date.
She mentioned that they just don't get them as frequently as we do.
She's lived here and in Tortola.They can consider themselves lucky that they've only had one.
Try an internet search and you'll see the Cayman Islands have unplanned power outages every so often. More than just once every 3 years.
Also search Bequia power outages. That island has them, too.
It's happened here in STT and STJ when a car took out a wapa pole on the southside of STT. 3 islands (include WI) were without power due to that incident for 3-4 days.
That must have been more than 30 years ago as the only extended power outages I remember were post Hugo and Marilyn.
I'll be sure to let my niece know she's having more outages than she thinks!
I'll be sure to let my niece know she's having more outages than she thinks!
Alana, now that's funny.
Fact, we have lived in several places around the world and the electrical power situation in the VI, and I only can attest to STX and STJ is atrocious. In the 6 years we were there, they fried two computer power supplies, one gate circuit board, one washing machine circuit board, one Auto pilot pool circuit board and a dishwasher circuit board from power fluctuations. After all of that, we installed a net metering solar system and seemed to help with the power fluctuations and certainly the cost of the horrendous service.
Yes, all the islands do have power outages from time to time but not many every week and brown outs even more frequent. It's a serious issue.
I've heard so often of people losing appliances because of brownouts and outages but - and maybe I've just been plain lucky - I've never lost a single thing of that sort in over 30 years. I've lived in many different areas of STT and haven't always been careful about using surge protectors all the time. Maybe it has a lot to do with the particular you live in but I've honestly not had the problem.
I just "did my research" and lo and behold in one page of university of Google searching I found 3 outages since 2012 in Grand Cayman. Not worried about beach conditions either because my family has a healthy GMO built immune system
It's happened here in STT and STJ when a car took out a wapa pole on the southside of STT. 3 islands (include WI) were without power due to that incident for 3-4 days.
That must have been more than 30 years ago as the only extended power outages I remember were post Hugo and Marilyn.
Gee, OT, that occurred just a couple years ago. See, there so many you just can't remember them all. Remember this?
Here's another with note of other outages:
It's happened here in STT and STJ when a car took out a wapa pole on the southside of STT. 3 islands (include WI) were without power due to that incident for 3-4 days.
That must have been more than 30 years ago as the only extended power outages I remember were post Hugo and Marilyn.
Gee, OT, that occurred just a couple years ago. See, there so many you just can't remember them all. Remember this?
Now THAT would definitely fall into the "more than an annoyance" category for me. I talked to my brother in Michigan today. Sunny and 65 and power is out to 15k people in his area for no reason. It happens.
It's happened here in STT and STJ when a car took out a wapa pole on the southside of STT. 3 islands (include WI) were without power due to that incident for 3-4 days.
That must have been more than 30 years ago as the only extended power outages I remember were post Hugo and Marilyn.
Gee, OT, that occurred just a couple years ago. See, there so many you just can't remember them all. Remember this?
Here's another with note of other outages:
I did close my business on June 16th and 17th because of the outages but to be precise the outages were rolling outages - it wasn't a constant 3-day blackout and I didn't lose any foodstuffs..
Wow! Caymen may have had 3 outages since 2012!
Color them lucky!
Heck, sometimes, we get 3 or more in one day.
I think most people living here would be ecstatic to have only 3 outages in 3 years!
I have personally been without power 9 times in 9 months here. Is it ideal? No. Is it frustrating? It can be. It has never been out more than a few hours. Nothing like that outage that took out the grid in 2003. I remember our power was out for 8 days
Heck, sometimes, we get 3 or more in one day.!
There's no question that you live in an odd spot which is more prone to isolated outages than the majority. There have been many, many times when you've lost power but the surrounding area has stayed on.
Home Depot has set up a bunch of power cords for people if they need to charge their cell phones or other devices.
I was just told by our property maintenance man that a 6:00 curfew has been enacted. Is this accurate?
Ok, the intersection by Mon Bijou is lit up, but Centerline Rd. is still dark.
I heard that the hospital and surrounding area is back on. I also heard about a curfew but don't know if it is true.

We just got power in Estate St John at St C Condos.
Yay!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully the rest of the island is not far behind.
Feeder 6 is back on

After watching the sun go down, with flashlight in hand, I went to bed, hopeful Mr. Hodge would make the call to turn on the juice. While in bed I was thinking that this is just another power play from HH to suck more money from us and the government. "You want to screw with me?" Just wait!" "You ain't seen nothing yet!" "It's gonna be a long, hot, summer!"
Go ahead, call me cynical but I don't trust him, or any of the greedy folks who lie, cheat and steal just to fill their own pockets. And that goes for the greedy folks in the north, too.
My power in Catherine's rest just came back on, btw. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. :}
Power back on in Cotton Valley. The silence is heavenly. Yay!!!! Thanks to the folks that worked so hard to get the current going again.
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