Wages/salary on STT
As someone who has been trying for three months to get his as_ down there for a PMV & reading the posts & doing some homework (pre-job searching) back in IL..Do the wages correspond to the cost of living there? I realize the type of job/career will dictate your revenue & your experience/background.However ,the fact remains ,even before someone makes the RIGHT move,do YOU islanders find this to be true?Looking into a trip for July,when rates appear to be less.
I'll say KUDO's to MartyonSTT.He's been a great wealth of information. Thanks to those that respond.

When I came here 27 years ago, I made a LOT more than I did in the States & did well because there was more of a lack of the skills I had plus I was a very hard worker & didn't fall into the trap many here do of partying hard, etc. I don't think that's the case today. It will be harder now because we're only seeing the start of what will be a very difficult economic time. Things are going to get much worse before they get better since we're usually a year or more behind an economic upturn in the States. And for those in a tourism-based business, travellers are going to be even more frugal so only the smartest businesses will survive, IMO.
So money will be tight but you'll just have to learn to survive on less. It can be done. Frankly, there wasn't a whole lot to spend your $$ on then & you could live quite well without much or any TV & there weren't cell phones or internet but that saved some money. The saving grace is that status doesn't mean much around here so you won't be wasting money on fancy cars or impressing the neighbors. Nobody cares. I think the pay is down compared to the States now is what I'm trying to say unless you have a realy special skill set. JMHO

Or...keep your eyes peeled for bales of cocaine floating by! Har-har! (I'm planning on winning the Powerball...that's MY retirement plan, screw my 401K! Haha!)
The pay depends on several things. The biggest it the field. The second is the demand. At this time the demand is pretty low for most jobs. But if you can find one then the next part of your question is the pay equal to the cost of living. I would probably say no. The pay is grouped very much on the high side and the low side. Not much in the middle.
I just booked our summer trip and the fare for NJ is 258 plus tax. I alreadu have my January ticket and it is 278.
These are from NJ. If you are in Florida then look at Spirit.
billd ,Thank you for your comment.If I am guessing right ,judging by your registering date to the vibd,are you new to STT? If so, how was your relocation ?My experience is a contractor. 25 yrs,Painting Kitchen& Bath remodeling.etc. One that has been proud of any job we did. I personally at 57 would like to spend the rest of the years where its warm. St Thomas seems to have a consist ant temp.I'm sick of winter & all the political crap here in the states.I'm sure your picture perfect views become immune too after awhile,but right now its what a Doctor would order for the "Mainland" blues.

Wages here are low here and cost of living here is high. That said, if you can learn to get by with less, you can make it work.
If you are tired of 'political crap' in the states.. don't come here... the political crap here is way stinkier than anything up there, mostly because its in your face daily and can not easily be ignored. The corruption here is rampant.
If you are tired of 'political crap' in the states.. don't come here... the political crap here is way stinkier than anything up there, mostly because its in your face daily and can not easily be ignored. The corruption here is rampant.
i agree!
Um,no I don`t,(since all the politicians are black West Indians,except less than %1,some would call me racial!!!!!
Really, if your going to be corrupt,please be discreet.
it`s So in your face here!
My daughter left a comfortable Long Island home at the tender age of 20 (had just graduated from college) and embarked on the adventure of St Croix. Her college roommate was from there. She got a job on a local radio station as a dj You might remember Karen Summers. She married has two children.. She is now in education. God am I glad I did not discourage her from staying there when she asked. Yes she was far away. I get to see my grand kids now 13 and 16 twice a year. She mumbles about the cost of things but would not come back stateside ( unlessshopping? lol
To each his own

One of the best kitchen remodelers left the island. I think he did quite well. Good work in that field should be no problem.
I again,applaud you all for sharing your thoughts.As Forrest Gump/Tom Hanks said"Life is like a box of chocolates,you never know whats inside"As for the politic's,as you said,if you are going to be corrupt,keep it to yourself or silent.
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