Cheryl, DH is dear husband (darned husband if you're mad at him.)
That's much tamer than what I had in mind 😀
Thank you Trade and Cheryl. I love cats. As an only child my parents supplied me with cats to love on! This today might have been the last one. I don't know if I can take any more losses, just breaks my heart. Oh who am I kidding-- the next stray who comes up needing food knows where the sucker lives.:$) DH right now stands for Depressed Husband I'm afraid! (he was fond of the little fella,too)
There are lots of stray kittens here, just hang out around the dumpsters and you see them, so sad. My daughter called me yesterday to say that there were lots of tiny kittens at Friendlys (Northside), but they were all diseased looking. Small enough to fit in your palm 🙁 Thankfully she did not adopt one of them.
Just so sad

Their eyes get googly looking from a diet of lizards but once they get a steady diet of cat food, that clears up.
Speaking of lizards and cats, are there any poisonous ones here that, if ingested, will make them sick or worse? In South Florida there was a type of small lizard that was highly toxic for animals.
Thankfully our cat appears to have out grown the terrorizing lizards stage, I always hated when he would so proudly bring one to me.:-(
Speaking of lizards and cats, are there any poisonous ones here that, if ingested, will make them sick or worse? In South Florida there was a type of small lizard that was highly toxic for animals.
Thankfully our cat appears to have out grown the terrorizing lizards stage, I always hated when he would so proudly bring one to me.:-(
I was wondering the same thing, is there a toxic lizard here?

I never heard of any (doesn't mean there aren't) but there's that frog that's poisonous.
Any one have suggestions on ridding a yard of those poisionous frogs?
Good Morning all.
I haven't been posting because last Thursday at 7:00am I got a phone call from my sister saying my godfather had passed away. At 8:30am I got a phone call from my brother saying my father had passed away. Neither was sick or expected to die. A horrible surreal shell shocked feeling. We have been in the states for the last week taking care of all that comes after when one passes. I would like to thank everyone that helped take care of my home and animals while I was gone. I have never in my life lost anyone, not even a pet so suddenly. Every loss in my life has been after a long or painful illness where you where almost grateful when the end came. I have been so fortunate. My heart goes out to everyone who has experienced such a loss.
I always try to find some good in every bad experience I have had in life. This one has been difficult. My feelings after much thought are. You never know what tomorrow will bring. I hadn't seen my father in 2 years. I didn't say so many things that I wanted to say to him and I didn't get to tell him goodbye. I was too busy. I am now trying to contact all the people I love to tell them how much they mean to me. Maybe that is just my way of dealing with the grief but I hope that I am never again to busy. My second thought is to make sure that you make arrangements before you die. That was the worst thing to deal with. Everyone has different feeling on the subject. Make sure your loved ones know what you want. For me. I want to be cremated and scattered in the Caribbean.
I started this thread for two reasons. One was that a few STT posters thought that the stx today thread was just for people who lived on stx so there were only a few posters from St. Thomas, St. John and Water Island posting. When Trw originally started his thread that was not his intention and he had contacted a few posters from the other island asking why they didn't post on his thread. He got various answers. One was from a stx poster who hated my JJ stories and me even though we have never met. I think she said something to the effect that she would rather bang her head on the sidewalk. lol. Even though she eventually started posting on the thread. The second reason for starting the thread was that stx today had become a very sad place for me to go.I did not enjoy reading what it became nor did I enjoy the sick entertainment. It wasn't supposed to be that way. I don't know what happened to trw but even now I still think what I could do to help him despite the fact that he wants no part of me what so ever. 🙁 In any case those that read and enjoyed the stx today I hope will continue to post and read this one. For people wanting to relocate I think it imparts a very real scenario of our lives here. The joy, frustration, our concerns and generally how we go about our lives on these islands.
So sorry to hear of your losses, Tam. Best wishes to you.
Sorry for your losses, take care!

So sorry for your loss, if there is anything at all that you need or that could help, please let me know
Wow Tammy, it sure hit you at once-- I'm very sorry for your loss. As for me, I love the JJ stories. They remind me of when I was living on the island as a teenager and babysitting. The family I babysat for had 3 children who loved the island and some of the things you tell about remind me of them so much.
When we were on the island last year the vet in Princess,I think it's called the Sunshine Veterinary (or maybe the Sugarmill Vet?) had a program where you send in $25 and they will neuter a stray. My husband has been keeping up with it and sending in the money so I'm not sure of the name of the place-- I do know it's in the Princess area and the program is still going on.
One of the best cats who ever owned me (might as well be honest;)) was a tiny stray my dad found up in Queens Quarters when I was 17. So tiny we couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl! I swore it was a girl and called it Sugar, and my dad laughingly called it Tom saying 'that's a boy'-- so the poor thing became SugarTom. I had it on St Croix, then when my parents moved back to Texas several years later they brought HER back home to me where she lived for several more years. I think strays make the best pets. (those poor babies by the dumpster!!:-()
Having just lost Vickie's dad - especially so unexpectedly - I can relate.
My condolences.

So sorry about your losses, Tam. I know what you mean about the shock when it's unexpected.
I'm starting to breathe a little easier since it won't be long before the worst of the hurricane season (nail-biting time) is soon to be over. Hurricane Thanksgiving day is one holiday I nearly agree with. Plus, it's sure been pleasant here on the forum lately. Glad you started this thread, Tam. (tu)
Tammy and Paula both -- I'm so sorry for your losses. 🙁 Sudden deaths are the hardest.
Thank you for starting this thread!!! I stopped reading the board because of the negativity so I'm glad some of that has changed!
Tam - I am so sorry to hear about your loss! You're in our thoughts and prayers!
Feral Cats ... Sunshine Foundation www.sunshinefoundationstx.org has a feral cat program. $25 covers the surgery, feline aids/leukemia testing, vaccine and ear tipping. They have traps to loan so that you can catch the cats. You can reach them at 690-3335.
Trade, I agree but like to wait till the end of Oct. Yes, I remember OMAR but believe that was a freak.
Thanks everyone.:-)
Lovely rain last night. Today I have to pump the water out of the leaking cisterns into the one that doesn't leak. I had a dream the other night that we were having a torrential rain fall and I was down in the cistern trying to patch it with silly putty.
The mongoose dem have finally discovered my chickens and are stealing their eggs. We caught one yesterday in broad daylight stealing an egg. I have been letting the chickens roam free because they stay in the yard and though we have to hunt for the eggs we usually find them with no problem but I guess we have to pen them up again.
JJ is so happy to be home. As soon as we arrived he was off into the yard and the bush hunting for bugs, crabs and whatever he hunts for. I finally called him in as he was dressed for fall in the states. His face was so red from the heat. He still managed to find some caterpillars and make a habitat for them. He said they were corn caterpillars and wanted me to look up on the internet what they eat. Ummm, corn?
We boarded two of our animals at the sugar mill vet. I have to say I was very pleased with the facilities. Our animals were happy and calm when we picked them up and looked very well cared for. We were also sent e cards while we were away with pictures of our pets. Very nice.
Lots of rain last night and it just started again. Everything is green and beautiful.
Here is a funny story. The other night I went to go to bed and I always check under the covers, this night there was a nice size lizard under the covers, I don't mind these guys but I don't want them sleeping with me, so I called my husband in to help me get this lizard back outside, this lizard was not happy with us trying to catch him, he ended up jumping on the wall and was up by the ceiling when my husband went to grab it, it then jumped on my husbands head bounced off of it like it was a diving board then landed on our curtains. It was hilarious. We didn't expect that. Well, the lizard finally escaped back into my closet where we couldn't find him. He is still hanging out in our bedroom, just haven't been able to catch him. I don't mind as long as he stays off my bed.
I'll take a lizard under the covers any day then a centipede.
Great rain yesterday and even this morning. The temperature has really dropped so that its almost chilly...LOL! Mike and I sat out last night on the balcony and watched clouds come right onto the balcony with us, hmmm, I wonder if that moisture will keep my skin young looking!
We were going to take the ferry to Water Island today to check it out for our wedding in July, but the rain and overcast gray is making us postpone. Friends of ours said that Honeymoon Beach is great and that there are some cottages for rent on the beach. Does anyone have info/thoughts on Water Isl?
Tam~ really sorry about your losses, I have never experienced anything like that thankfully. I too like hearing your JJ stories, he sounds like a cutie! I always joke around that I am so glad I had 2 girls instead of boys because I am not sure if I would be able to handle finding bugs and creepy crawly things in pockets! YUK
Well it looks like the sky may be clearing up a bit so we may take our chances and go for a run at Magens.
Have a great day everyone!
I too am sorry to hear of your losses. Something about losing one's parents...we have lots of family and extended family, but for me, when my mother passed away, it was like that final shield from the world was gone, and it was time to be an adult now.
Thinking of you,
My condolences on your losses. I can't imagine how difficult that must be for you...
We've had a very close friend diagnosed with a rare, virulent form of bone cancer. He went to being perfectly healthy, to losing his leg in the span of less than a month. The suddenness of it is crushing and I suspect you experienced a similar feeling. My heart goes out to you and all my best wishes. Kim
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