VIpowernet DSL
Anyone using VIpowernet DSL and have a static IP set-up? Did you set it up as a bridge in the admin screen?
Anyone know what the VPI and VCI values are?
One of the tech people today had the cojones to tell me to call the modem manufacturer for this info. HAHAHAHAH!
Needless to say, I'm not calling back there again.
VIpowernet's service is pretty bad, as expected with all of Innovative. But here's my question: why is your Internet setup so complicated? Usually with VIPowernet, you just plug in everything and the computer automatically works, assuming you're using Windows XP.
Sure, it's "easy" but it's not very configurable.
Vipowernet blocks all of your ports by default so you have to actually go into the hardware's menu and open appropriate ports as needed.
Most people won't ever need that feature, but if you have specific programs that require port forwarding you need to get into that menu and make your own adjustments.
The folks at vipowernet have no idea what I'm talking about but I'm sure someone has already gone ahead and done this.
The VCI and VCI values are 0 and 35 respectively, in case anyone was interested.
Anyone out there with a Static IP config willing to add some info here?
Here is the email I got from vipowernet today in reply to my questions:
>>"We donnot offer any technical support for setting up any
special settings such as vpn, firewalls, opening ports, etc. Anything of that
nature would be done at the sole discretion of the end user. We can only provide
you with the manual info, which you stated that you already have. Hope this
Which doesn't help at all really.
I agree. Every time I've had to call their office, I usually get an answering machine. I leave a detailed message and days/weeks go by with no response. If I DO actually speak to a person, they are extremely rude. Needless to say I've switched to satellite internet.

If the router comes from your ISP you need a password to change anything on the configuration page and ISPs aren't always eager to share it.
I have the login/password. It was the default admin/admin just like the manual said.
Vipowernet just has a convoluted network setup on their end. According to the WHOIS database, Vipowernet is leasing their lines from Qwest communications.
Qwest Communications Corporation QWEST-INET-10 (NET-65-112-0-0-1) -
VIPOWERNET Q1120-65-112-145-0 (NET-65-112-145-0-1) -
I have no idea what VPI and VCI values are. However, I am rather familiar with firewall configuration and port forwarding. I might be able to, in a general sort of way, to steer you where you need to go if you offer me some more information like....are you trying to open ports, forward ports,.....set up a vpn??? Also, don't underestimate the power of google...
I'm trying to forward ports.
I'm convinced that the problem lies in the bridge that vipowernet uses.
The manual for the modem can be found here:
You say that you are using a static IP address. I see that vipowernet only has 254 total ip addresses (according to your whois query...that just doesn't seem like very much. Is the WAN IP address that you are receiving a 65.112.145.??? If not what are the first two numbers of your wan ip address? If you are pulling one of the 65.112.145.??? addresses, then I believe that the problem is probably on your side.
The directions (which I am certain that you have seen) are located on page 3-25 of the manual.
Yep, when I check my ip online I get
I get a different ip when I ipconfig/all.
Are you doing ipconfig /all from a DOS prompt....if so you should be getting a 192.168.1.???. Your machine's ip address would be 192.168.1.????which uses the routers Lan ip address ( ....this same number should also appear as the default gateway provided that you are doing ipconfig /all from a DOS prompt) which routes traffic to your Wan's (public) ip address and out to the internet. Port forwarding basically forwards traffic to your public ip address to a specific computer on the LAN side of your router. I hope this helps to explain a few things. Let me know if my assumptions are correct about your ip address and we can work from there. If I have thoroughly confused you about anything please tell me.
Yep, I am doing the ipconfig/all from the command line.
I got this email from tech support:
"It is not possible to have a 192.168.x.x ip address and still be able to access
the internet through vi powernet services using just the paradyne modem. Doing
so should only be for configuring the modem to your specifics. Once that is
complete, you must change back to your original settings which is either dhcp or
a static ip address."
I believe there may be some confusion in the terminology. First of all, My guess is that you are online, and you can get the internet with that 192.168.xx.xx address since you are posting here.
I believe that you are using the two terms modem and router interchangeably. They are two different things, although they can be packaged together in the same box. If you are getting a 192.168.....ip address from a command prompt AND you are getting out to the internet....then you have a router. The manual that you showed me was for a router. I think that is where the confusion between you and vipowernet exists.
These 192.168.... ip addresses are called private ip address because they aren't "allowed" out on the internet. You can only use them on a private network. In order to be able to get out to the internet you have need a device which will translate between your public ip address (in your case the 65.112....) and other computers on your private network. A modem won't do that, but a router will.
Port forwarding will take a certain type of traffic bound for your public ip address (which in your case is assigned to the WAN side of the router) and send it to the computer on your private network that needs it. I hope this helps explain a few things.
Again, give the directions for port forwarding starting on page 3-25 a try and see if this works. Feel free to ask me anything else.
Chris, Thanks for the effort here!
I can't get on the internet with the 192.168.xx.xx address. I need to set my ip to that in order to access the modem's admin menu, but once I do that I can't get online. I have to back out of that and then reset my network connections to DHCP in order for that to work.
Check your PMs.
Additionally you may want to check with Broadband VI for their service. WWW.BROADBAND.VI several people who have it like it. Hi speed access. Call Jerry Smith on STX 340-719-2943 for info. They have been on island for several years, but the system is growing steadily. They installed antenna on my property for my tenants use, and have supplied good service and technical help when needed. Can't ask for more than that! is only on STX. I'm on STJ.
Thanks anyway!
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