poorthang -- You might want to reconsider your apparent policy of posting while high.
:-o:-o:D:DbThanks for the chuckle

poorthang, you posted
Re: shooting today of Tim from Big Kahuna?
January 22, 2011 12:42PMWould anyone like to take a guess at the profile of the shooter(s). :-X
i replied that you should speak your mind and not be coy. i am still unsure of how you ended up down this long road, but i have a feeling that the road that you are walking points to a lack of faith in the goodness of... only you can fill in the blank.

poorthang -- You might want to reconsider your apparent policy of posting while high.
dntw8up u r a hot mess! :@)
Drug test for welfare would be a good kick start.
Not gonna happen. I believe they enacted a law like this in Wisconsin (or some other state) and it was struck down by that state's Supreme Court as being unconstitutional - fourth amendment, unreasonable search and all.
There is currently a law pending in Kentucky for this very issue.
Yeah, and a lot of other states too. Something like five or six states. If it passes in any of those states, it will be struck down in their courts as unconstitutional. Don't forget; the precedent has been set.

checked this one at snopes.com, it is true that it's being considered in kentucky - http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/kentucky.asp
also missouri considering. but does not pass court muster when opposed apparently, see the article - was struck down in michigan.
Yeah, here is a more detailed article about drug testing and receiving state funds:
Foxnews on drug testing welfare recipients
West Virginia is considering something similar to Kentucky, as well as Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Hawaii, Florida, and Minnesota, but in Arizona their version failed.
At least six states — Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Wisconsin and Virginia — tie eligibility for some public assistance to drug testing for convicted felons or parolees, according to the NCSL.
I do wonder if the above could be constested under the 8th amendment for felons that are not on parole or probation - they already faced their punishment, by doing their time in jail/prison and finishing parole/probation.
Parolees and probationers already have to face drug testing as a condition of release, so I don't really see how these laws under this circumstance is helpful.
And the precedent (I was wrong about it being Wisconsin, I should have checked my facts first):
But a federal court struck down a Michigan law that would have allowed for "random, suspicionless" testing, saying it violated the 4th Amendment's protections against unreasonable search and seizure...
16 yr old black kid ...... runaway found murdered ..... and nobody knows nothin...... AGAIN !!!! sooo sooo sad...when you gonna stand up crucians............. somebody gotta know sumpin..don't dey ?????? sho is quiet tonite......,,,,,,,,,mus be all that "goodness"flowin out of me... huh anita
16 yr old black kid ...... runaway found murdered ..... and nobody knows nothin...... AGAIN !!!! sooo sooo sad...when you gonna stand up crucians............. somebody gotta know sumpin..don't dey ?????? sho is quiet tonite......,,,,,,,,,mus be all that "goodness"flowin out of me... huh anita
Nice try at speaking Cruzian West Indian dialect, poorthang, but obviously you have no clue. Anita is not a Cruzian or St. Thomian either, and is a genuinely good person, so STFU and go back to your KKK meetings.
/I guess I am shifting from five years ago presenting facts about the bad side of the islands to defending the islands, with facts, from people like this
poorthang: Though dntw8up may find it unintelligible, I cannot help but respond to your latest post. I suspect you view yourself as a "good guy" trying to be the provocateur, stirring things up, spurring people into action. Well, whether or not you are a racist may be up for debate, but without a doubt you are misguided, insensitive, and seemingly a boor. Someone's child is dead,
“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected” Mahatma Gandhi
Everybody gets it! Some of the Black people in the United States of America are responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime. However, the way to change that on the islands (or anywhere else) is not to mock, or patronize despite what I'm hoping are your good intentions. Your views presented in the way they are are a distraction. Rather than criticize in a constructive manner, or encouraging change thoughtfully, you alienate those that might otherwise appreciate what you have to say.
“Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning.” Mahatma Gandhi
Why not take some of that anger and put it to use with a productive approach? Go mentor a kid at risk. Write a letter to the editor. Call a public school principal and ask how you can help (And do it!). Call the chief of police, the governor and other elected officials, and demand that something be done. And then get your friends to do the same. Then, after you've done all that, you can feel free to complain all you want to, satisfied with the knowledge that you are really trying to make a difference.
I've taken the liberty of adding some additional quotes of encouragement and principal for you from someone I'm sure you know. 😉
John Wayne as:
Capt. Rockwell Torrey (In Harm's Way):
"All battles are fought by scared men who'd rather be some place else."
John T. Chance (Rio Bravo):
"Sorry don't get it done, Dude."
John Bernard Books (The Shootist):
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them."
Ringo Kid (Stagecoach):
"Well, there are some things a man just can't run away from."
John Wayne as John Wayne:
Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway.
Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday.

16 yr old black kid ...... runaway found murdered ..... and nobody knows nothin...... AGAIN !!!! sooo sooo sad...when you gonna stand up crucians............. somebody gotta know sumpin..don't dey ?????? sho is quiet tonite......,,,,,,,,,mus be all that "goodness"flowin out of me... huh anita
Nice try at speaking Cruzian West Indian dialect, poorthang, but obviously you have no clue. Anita is not a Cruzian or St. Thomian either, and is a genuinely good person, so STFU and go back to your KKK meetings.
/I guess I am shifting from five years ago presenting facts about the bad side of the islands to defending the islands, with facts, from people like this
omg. i have not laughed this hard in a long time. far from a velvet slap there, noOne! poorthang is churning and burning for some reason, but at this point, he or she simply amuses me.
thanks for having my back 🙂

poorthang: Though dntw8up may find it unintelligible, I cannot help but respond to your latest post. I suspect you view yourself as a "good guy" trying to be the provocateur, stirring things up, spurring people into action. Well, whether or not you are a racist may be up for debate, but without a doubt you are misguided, insensitive, and seemingly a boor. Someone's child is dead,
“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected” Mahatma Gandhi
Everybody gets it! Some of the Black people in the United States of America are responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime. However, the way to change that on the islands (or anywhere else) is not to mock, or patronize despite what I'm hoping are your good intentions. Your views presented in the way they are are a distraction. Rather than criticize in a constructive manner, or encouraging change thoughtfully, you alienate those that might otherwise appreciate what you have to say.
“Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning.” Mahatma Gandhi
Why not take some of that anger and put it to use with a productive approach? Go mentor a kid at risk. Write a letter to the editor. Call a public school principal and ask how you can help (And do it!). Call the chief of police, the governor and other elected officials, and demand that something be done. And then get your friends to do the same. Then, after you've done all that, you can feel free to complain all you want to, satisfied with the knowledge that you are really trying to make a difference.
I've taken the liberty of adding some additional quotes of encouragement and principal for you from someone I'm sure you know. 😉
John Wayne as:
Capt. Rockwell Torrey (In Harm's Way):
"All battles are fought by scared men who'd rather be some place else."John T. Chance (Rio Bravo):
"Sorry don't get it done, Dude."John Bernard Books (The Shootist):
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them."Ringo Kid (Stagecoach):
"Well, there are some things a man just can't run away from."John Wayne as John Wayne:
Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway.
Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday.
man alive, i don't even like john wayne (not a fan of westerns) and i love this post! particularly the quote by gandhi. it should be copied and pasted wherever incendiary commentary occurs!
have a great day - you've certainly contributed to mine!!!

"Therefore, it is we who are responsible for much of the evil in the world; and we are each morally required to accept rather than project that ponderous responsibility - lest we prefer instead to wallow in a perennial state of powerlessness, frustrated, furious, victimhood. For what one possesses the power to bring about, one also has the power to limit, mitigate, counteract, or transmute."
Stephen A. Diamond, 1996, Anger, Madness, and the Diamonic
16 yr old black kid ...... runaway found murdered ..... and nobody knows nothin...... AGAIN !!!! sooo sooo sad...when you gonna stand up crucians............. somebody gotta know sumpin..don't dey ?????? sho is quiet tonite......,,,,,,,,,mus be all that "goodness"flowin out of me... huh anita
Maybe poorthang should grasp the obvious that the people on this message board aren't the ones out committing murders, so NO of course we don't know a thing about how or why this murder or any others happened.
So poorthang... what do YOU know about this murder? Did you participate in the crime? Did you help to cover it up?
I am" firing for effect" and by the responses, it appears, we are at least in the same war.Nice quote swans.If I go down to the fort today with my bullhorn and cause a riot cause of my insistence that the tribe on these islands take control of the punks and the politicos,the story would be about some crazy whiteboy and not what he had to say( before he was beaten to death,by the angry mob ). Sooo my approach is to stir a little debate and maybe one of you know some up and coming legislature types ,connected ,educated,principled, with common sense man or woman whose willing to take a risk for the sake of their community.

May I add one more quote, which may apply here, from Stephen A. Diamond in his Anger, Madness, and the Daimonic:
"Like most human behavior, violence has a meaning: it only seems 'senseless' or 'meaningless' to the extent we are unable - or unwilling - to decode it."
Poorthang, I am offended, saddened, angry, and disgusted by your rants. Are you a even a resident of the VI? Or are you a teabagger/KKKer/ John Bircher just trying go stir things up? I love it here on STX. I get along with everyone. I respect and like the people who live here. Why do you feel a need to agitate things? Are you Rush Limbaugh in disguise? Glenn Beck in a dress? Don Imus back on the booze? Please, go back to your cave. Stop giving ammunition to the small, small minority of people here who aren't just plain old nice folks. Go troll elsewhere.
Hello all,
First off I don't live in the VI, but would love to. The visit I had there last summer left a lasting impression on me.
I have never, in any of my many travels, meet a nicer group of people. It didn't mater if they were white or black, poor or rich, they all had a great demeanor. Unlike many visitors, I took the dollar bus and got to know people. I soon realized that those that keep to themselves, like many in Denver were I live, were the ones frowned upon. I meet some great people, just going from point A to point B. I hear all these stories about violent crime and racism, but never once saw any or ever felt unsafe. I work as a paramedic and have seen things most people wont/don't believe and have to say one thing, this poorthing person is only frustrated and trying to get under everyones skin. Just ignore him and he'll go away. Thanks for listening and have a great day.
At last count there were over 1300 hits on this thread. If just half that number are people who live even part-time in the USVI that is at least 650 people with a real interest in what happens there on a daily basis. It may not seem like it, but that is a significant number in a population of +/-110,000. You pay taxes, support the economy, and hopefully those of you that can vote do. What if the Congresswoman, Governor's office and the Police Dept. got a hundred or more calls/emails/letters a day from you guys demanding that something be done to stop the violence? Letting them know you're "mad as hell, and,,, not going to take it anymore!" Letting them know you appreciate their hard work, but it is time to step it up. Letting them know you vote and/or support candidates that get results. What if?*-)
Contact Information:
Congresswoman Donna Christensen:
Governor Dejongh:
Gregory R. Francis
Lieutenant Governor:
Office of the Lieutenant Governor
1131 King Street, Suite 101
Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands 00820
Criminal Investigation Bureau
Lieutenant Kenneth Edwards, Chief of Detectives
St. Croix
340-712-6067 or 340-712-6037
Lieutenant Milton Petersen, Chief of Detectives
St. Thomas/St. John/Water Island
340-715-5522 or 340-715-5551
Patrol Bureau
Captain David Magras, Commander
Ancilmo Marshall Command, Christiansted, St. Croix
Captain Glen Awong, Commander
Wilbur Francis Command, Frederiksted, St. Croix
Lieutenant Sylvia Penn
Richard N. Callwood Command, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas
Sergeant Maria Jones
Mariel Newton Command, Four Winds Plaza, St. Thomas
340-775-3445 or 340-7752410
Lieutenant Lorraine Evans, Commander
Leander Jurgen Command, Cruz Bay, St. John
If someone else has a more complete/better list of elected and police officials they could add a link. 😀
Now redeyesadie has done a great board service for you" sea turtle types"...... Hard shell,slow to move,poke your head out every once in awhile to eat, then find some safe out of the way place to curl up and repeat the same crap the next day............Make the calls to the politicos and give em a piece of your mind.They have the money to update this place .They lack the willpower.......I was told your eyes have the most nerve endings in your body (I'm sure some smart ass will tell me different) so your eyes are most susceptible to pain. Applying extreme light to someone for example will break them down very quickly(first hand experience). I find what I see here to be painful cause everyone steal the days from this place without returning back .The majority keep on takin this as just da way it is mon. That is BS!.......I chose to remain anonymous.... because it's a small place........... and I sleep on the pillow of freedom and wrapped in the warmth of the American flag.! in paradise.
At last count there were over 1300 hits on this thread. If just half that number are people who live even part-time in the USVI that is at least 650 people with a real interest in what happens there on a daily basis.
It's the same 50 people re-reading this thread each time a new posting gets added. Each re-read adds another hit.
I'd like to say two things:
1) Join Crime Stoppers
2) VIPD is improving
Please become a dues-paying member of Crime Stoppers http://www.crimestoppersusvi.org/supportus.aspx . You’ll be joining a program that is getting real results. We just completed our second year of operation, and in those two years, we received 931 anonymous tips from the community, including 136 homicide tips, which we passed to law enforcement, helping them to make 101 arrests. We also authorized $81,167 in cash rewards for those tips, of which $34,385 were collected. Most people do not want their reward. They just want to get their info to the police.
Before Crime Stoppers' anonymous tip line, there was no good way for the community to give their info to the police without fear of retaliation.
From http://virginislandsdailynews.com/news/crime-stoppers-tout-program-s-success-appeal-to-residents-for-continued-support-1.1092276 :
Lt. Thomas Hannah, St. Croix Law Enforcement Police Coordinator for the program, said that when Crime Stoppers USVI launched two years ago, he had serious doubts about whether it would work in the territory.
He has since been convinced that Crime Stoppers provides a valuable tool to investigators that has helped change law enforcement in the territory by getting citizens more involved with police.
With citizen involvement, the Police Department's solve rate for homicides has drastically improved, Hannah said.
"Folks are calling in now. They're telling us what's going on," Hannah said.
Another article about Crime Stoppers’ progress as of our second anniversary http://stcroixsource.com/content/news/local-news/2011/01/18/crime-stoppers-gaining-communitys-trust :
VIPD is also improving. From http://stcroixsource.com/content/news/local-news/2011/01/03/homicide-rate-set-record-2010-gains-were-made :
Francis also pointed to the effectiveness of the Crime Stoppers V.I. program, the anonymous tip service that has been bringing in information for the police to act on.
But the most important factor, he said, has been hard, aggressive police work, which has resulted in a very high "clearance" rate.
"We're not proud of the numbers (of homicides) we have seen," he said. "We don't have any control over the murders that are committed, we have the responsibility to solve them."
And the V.I.P.D. has been getting very good at that. Their clearance rate has been between 67 and 73 percent all year, better than the national average, which according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports is 65 percent for homicides.
So poorthang... what do YOU know about this murder?
Timmy closed the kahuna and went to betsy's. He was driven home by a person I won't identify, two thugs were waiting for them when they parked. They jumped the two of them and wanted to rob them. Timmy told them they didn't have any money and they said 'we're gonna beat the shit out of you' and started fighting with him and the driver. The guy fighting the driver ran off because they were beating the shit out of them. Timmy was a big guy, the guy was a football player. He backed off Timmy and shot him five times.
Glacial Energy has put up a 25 thousand dollar reward to info leading to the conviction of the murderer.
yep, poorthing's a redneck, i am sure of it as he wraps himself in his flag (probably lined with a confederate flag)...and he needs a xanax...badly...ignore him...he has insulted anita time after time, and insulted the people of the virgin islands in a horrific way...he does not deserve the time of day from any of us, regardless whether we agree with one another all the time or not...
So poorthang... what do YOU know about this murder?
Timmy closed the kahuna and went to betsy's. He was driven home by a person I won't identify, two thugs were waiting for them when they parked. They jumped the two of them and wanted to rob them. Timmy told them they didn't have any money and they said 'we're gonna beat the shit out of you' and started fighting with him and the driver. The guy fighting the driver ran off because they were beating the shit out of them. Timmy was a big guy, the guy was a football player. He backed off Timmy and shot him five times.
Glacial Energy has put up a 25 thousand dollar reward to info leading to the conviction of the murderer.
Thank you Glacial Energy
sista iriJAW.....you would love to shut me up cause I know your game... you Hate the country that gives you all the benefits that flag (American)represents..You probably didn't or wouldn't say the pledge of allegiance,feel you deserve reparations for the white man bringing yo folk over on the boat 200 years ago(they did you a favor) then you instill that same hatred into yo yungins to disrespect the 5...0...(police )(sorry I have to use Ebonics for some words) and then you wonder how is it the black youth go shootin up the joint or their brotha s... over some drug deal or turf battle.Ignore me if you like ,but you cannot ignore the destruction going on in you alls peoples(Ebonics again)communiteeeee.You and the black community should not live in government housing ....AKA the black reservations.......why ???because it is showing disrespect to your community.... that you can be bought and paid for,.. (cause your gonna vote to keep that free stuff commin).Jesse Jackson said he'd rather see a white guy behind him walking than a 20 s something black kid.Did Jesse profile????? Damn spanky he did.The sad part is you think" people like me" don't care .You couldn't be more wrong.
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