VI PowerNet Problems
Is it just me, or is anyone else having MAJOR problems with VI Powernet. It's been bad before, but usually just for a day or so - this past week, I haven't had more than 20-30 minutes at a time where my "DSL" worked even halfway decently. I have called Innovative every day for the past 4 days, but their tech support goes straight to voicemail and they have yet to call me back - I left polite but obviously frustrated messages each time. Man, this sucks...
HUGE problems. 10 minutes to load a page and time outs all over the place. At times it can't be used at all.
My experience is the same as yours. I've called tech support for 4 consecutive days - straight to voice mail - no return call.
I move to an area where I can finally get high speed and I'm seeing download speeds of 2 and 3 kb/sec. My dial up was faster than this!
Dial-up is working fine.

I'm using Choice's wireless DSL modem. I often have problems and I pay way too much for it, but as often as the phone line goes out (it's out now and has been out for a day and a half), I need to keep my internet access separate from my telephone line.
Broad band VI is excellent. Always a person to talk to if there are any problems. Anytime we have call the problem is solved on the phone. If they know they are going to have an outage they put a recording on the phone telling you want the problem is and will it is expected to be fixed.

The funniest VIPowerNet story that I know was last easter when they forgot to renew their domain name "". It had expired for over a month and all of the DNS servers started dropping the domain name on the Thursday before Easter. Of course everyone at VIPowernet had taken a 5 day holiday for easter and no one was around to answer the phone.
The result was that all of their customers lost website access and email for 5 days. They could have reserved this domain name for 100 years for $1000. Or $15 for one year. Don't expect any tech support from VIPowernet.
BroadBandVI is the best.
Ackley is the best I know of!
I have no opinion about which internet provider is best. But I have dial-up through VIPowernet and I don't recall being off-line for 5 days last Easter.

VIPowernet was unavailble for 5 days over Easter 2006. I have emails to prove it from a couple of executives at VIPowernet.
Dial up would be different from DSL. They don't rely on each other. Both are available from VI Powernet.

Is BroadbandVI still only available in STX?
When I got the message the other day that everythng was okee dokee from the recording at their office.....naturally (like a dope) I thought the problem was my computer. I called Dell and after many hours of reconfiguring and deleting and going places on my computer that I never dreamed existed, we reinstalled the original software, which came with the computer...When that didn't work......we came to the conclusion that the computer was not the problem.....I now have a computer with the original software from 2003 and nothing else....lost everything I ever saved...On the bright side though, I have a computer that is extremely fast again, like it used to be!!
I guess a large part of my upcoming vacation will be spent putting pictures back on the computer.....
Oh, and when I came home last night....everything was just fine. I am back online and all is well, should've just given it two weeks at least and assumed that it was their problem not mine.....Another lesson learned.
Good day all!!
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