Lots of marijuana already growing here illegally. Supposedly the plants grown in VI are very high quality and command higher prices. Hopefully "Positive" took some samples. 🙂
Currently, marijuana is as easy to obtain as milk in the VI so I can't see much change in usage once its legalized. I have a teen going to a private high school and there seems to be no shortage reported there either.
Regarding the water usage of hydroponic growing systems, they are very efficient. But, some prefer the taste of plants grown in soil over hydro. As a grower back in the day, I preferred hydro because it was much less messy in the basement and yielded bigger buds faster. MJ is very hardy and extremely easy to grow. We used to cross pollinate and create tasty new, higher potency strains all the time.
I'm hoping the VI steps up boldly as the MJ industry emerges into a legitimate business because we have the agricultural land and cultural background to be a market leader. Sadly, it already seems like endless dithering will be the order of the day and we'll be bypassed by faster moving states and countries.
@OldTart. Is this discussion ONLY for those who currently live in the USVI? Telling you what to do??? My posts have been nothing but an attempt to share my own take on an important subject. I may not live there now, but my hope is to be there very soon, so this discussion does take on some significance for me and my family as we prepare.
If you disagree (which you clearly do), say so. Don't make this personal. As per the water usage...it is of concern or should be. If there is already a water issue on the islands, the legalization and inevitable (large) cultivation of the plant may exacerbate water usage concerns. And for anyone to disregard or minimize the social impact of allowing psychotropic drugs to become legal is hardly being responsible. Especially if the current conditions/infrastructure may not be prepared to deal with enforcement, etc.
Perhaps if the USVI decides to legalize MJ all concerns will be for naught. But a frank, open, discussion should take place and there's nothing wrong with that. Is the legalization of MJ good for USVI? Hopefully all sides will be given a voice, an opp. to engage in an open discussion on this.
I've mentally designed the T-shirt. 🙂
1. If you disagree (which you clearly do), say so.
2. As per the water usage...it is of concern or should be. If there is already a water issue on the islands ...
3. ... the legalization and inevitable (large) cultivation of the plant ...
4. And for anyone to disregard or minimize the social impact of allowing psychotropic drugs to become legal ...
1. I disagree with people who make assumptions based on half-truths and lack of knowledge.
2. There is no "water issue" here to the extent you seem to think there is and growing marijuana does not, as noted, necessitate use of large quantities of it.
3. I don't know how you can possibly leap in one sentence from decriminalization of marijuana and its legal medical use to an "inevitable large cultivation of the plant".
4. If "psychotropic" (drugs) are your concern then one should of course seek to banish caffeine and alcohol. Oh, wait, I think that's already history.
I can see that you are determined to legalize. Just hope you have considered the legal, social-economic, cultural ramifications that is relevant to all of USVI and its people before jumping on board.
My assumptions are based on possible outcomes. It may or may not occur, but it would be irresponsible not to consider them when making such an important decision that will affect everyone who will or will not support the legalization of a psychotropic drug that is far more potent than caffeine and more complicated than alcohol. Encouraging people to openly engage in habits that are unhealthy and potentially dangerous to not only the user, is, in my opinion, irresponsible.
Let us talk about ALL of the possibilities before making such a decision.
I can see that you are determined to legalize.
Then your vision needs correcting. I've expressed no opinion on the subject although I am with the faction who believes its use should be decriminalized, that people should be allowed to grow their own home supply without facing jail time and that it should be legally available to those with medical conditions which are alleviated by its use.
News flash.......PEOPLE ALREADY SMOKE WEED!!! If you do not like it do not smoke it. The whole push for legalization is to make it available without it being controlled by so called "criminals". My goodness I would love to hear how horrible you think alcohol is since it causes more deaths, damage, and issues than weed ever has. Take a step back and be logical see the potential revenue, jobs and taxes. As well as the fact that a hard working person might prefer a joint after a long day over a beer. And pretty please stop using this word "psychotropic" it sounds like an after school special. STX you are on the right path. The more I read everything on this forum the more I am starting to understand every ones mindset a bit more. I like the don't F with us, we take care of us mindset! Looking forward to our visit!
The " don't F with us, we take care of us mindset!" is exactly why
the islands are so screwed up by our territorial government, with our infrastructure and our debt to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. It's not a good thing but you'll find out soon enough when you move to STX.
And pretty please stop using this word "psychotropic" it sounds like an after school special.
My aged brain simply doesn't know how to wrap itself around assertions such as, "It may or may not occur, but it would be irresponsible not to consider them when making such an important decision that will affect everyone who will or will not support the legalization of a psychotropic drug that is far more potent than caffeine and more complicated than alcohol. Encouraging people to openly engage in habits that are unhealthy and potentially dangerous to not only the user, is, in my opinion, irresponsible."
The " don't F with us, we take care of us mindset!" is exactly why
the islands are so screwed up with by our territorial government, with our infrastructure and our debt to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. It's not a good thing but you'll find out soon enough when you move to STX.
I'm sure when you move to Florida you'll be totally overwhelmed with relief to be resident of a mainland state where no bribery, corruption or inefficient governmental agencies exist. 😀
It'll be a nice change that's for sure!
Not to mention smooth roads, reliable and affordable electricity, grocery shopping options with actual fresh produce.
I definitely need a break from all the crap that goes on here.
The " don't F with us, we take care of us mindset!" is exactly why
the islands are so screwed up by our territorial government, with our infrastructure and our debt to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. It's not a good thing but you'll find out soon enough when you move to STX.
I was meaning it more or less as the tone of the forum. Although after rereading it I can also see how it could be a mindset of people in STX because of the issues with government there. My question as an AL resident living in a county that filed bankruptcy. Our issues here at home are infrastructure, corrupt politicians and a joke of a sewage issue. For me that affects my wallet mostly. Could you share with me as an individual living in STX working for someone how I might be affected by the STX government so that I can try just a little to understand?
The " don't F with us, we take care of us mindset!" is exactly why
the islands are so screwed up with by our territorial government, with our infrastructure and our debt to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. It's not a good thing but you'll find out soon enough when you move to STX.I'm sure when you move to Florida you'll be totally overwhelmed with relief to be resident of a mainland state where no bribery, corruption or inefficient governmental agencies exist. 😀
Although the state is run by idealogues who continued to try to test welfare recipients for drugs even after "catching" around 1% and spending way more money than they saved.
Although the state is run by idealogues who continued to try to test welfare recipients for drugs even after "catching" around 1% and spending way more money than they saved.
The mere tip of the iceberg.
And pretty please stop using this word "psychotropic" it sounds like an after school special.
My aged brain simply doesn't know how to wrap itself around assertions such as, "It may or may not occur, but it would be irresponsible not to consider them when making such an important decision that will affect everyone who will or will not support the legalization of a psychotropic drug that is far more potent than caffeine and more complicated than alcohol. Encouraging people to openly engage in habits that are unhealthy and potentially dangerous to not only the user, is, in my opinion, irresponsible."
I will tell you this much its 11:56am at my house right now and I am making coffee like a crackhead. Dont even get me started on "more complicated than alcohol" that is such a load of BS. Believe me I know, I am a bartender and cannot even begin to tell you just how complicated alcohol really is from a personal user perspective to the person watching people go through alcohol changes. Believe me "I didnt inhale". HAHAHAHAHA!
The " don't F with us, we take care of us mindset!" is exactly why
the islands are so screwed up by our territorial government, with our infrastructure and our debt to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. It's not a good thing but you'll find out soon enough when you move to STX.I was meaning it more or less as the tone of the forum. Although after rereading it I can also see how it could be a mindset of people in STX because of the issues with government there. My question as an AL resident living in a county that filed bankruptcy. Our issues here at home are infrastructure, corrupt politicians and a joke of a sewage issue. For me that affects my wallet mostly. Could you share with me as an individual living in STX working for someone how I might be affected by the STX government so that I can try just a little to understand?
Well, you can read the recently released EPA OIG eport on our DPNR for starters.
There's a thread on forum but here's the link:
I did indeed read that, appalling, Its bad it had to get to that point. Isn't the EPA stepping in a good thing now?
In VI, marijuana may as well have been made legal years ago. I can get it anytime I want and use it anytime I want. More and more, I see people using theirs vapes everywhere now too. The times are changing my friends.
I did indeed ready that appalling, Its bad it had to get to that point. Isn't the EPA stepping in a good thing now?
That's just the tip of the iceberg as someone just commented.
What's really needed is federal oversight and a federally appointed CFO to insure all government agencies are doing their mandated jobs, in compliance and accountable for the money they waste. I mean misspend. No, I mean spend.
Seriously, our legislators can't budget their way out of a paper bag.
If you wish to get a grasp of how well run, or not, as is really the case, just check out the various audits by our VI Inspector General.
The wasted funds, mismanagement, misappropriation, misuse, etc.
is appalling and the reason why the VI government continues to create new fees and taxes and increase old ones. They need more money from Peter to pay Paul. We have had the same problems for decades except we just have higher debt and higher cost of living.
Everyone is jumping on the marijuana bandwagon.
Good grief! You'd think the just invented the stuff.
Willie Nelson and Snoop Dog will be marketing their own brands and Bethany Frankel wants to come out with a marijuana infused Skinny Girl wine that doesn't give you the munchies - Good idea about the munchies part, anyway!
The problem I see is with the creation and enforcement of laws created by our VI Legislature to deal with this matter.
They are not the most astute bunch and enforcement of any of our laws here is a joke.
As for drunk or stoned drivers, you all seem to forget that our drivers don't need to be high on anything to be a menace on our roads.
I cant wait to hear what alana says after living in florida and seeing mj is nothing when compared to their problem with prescription pills. You are against people getting mj at a store wait till you see the pill heads getting whatever they want in florida and also if you are so tired of everything in the VI and want to get away why do you keep posting on this site. I usually don't read who the poster is but its obvious when you post because you are extremely negative and argumentative. I'm sure im not the only one tired of your negativity . thanks 😀 PS Florida will be legal in 2 years most likely so may want to reconsider that move.
I understand the population differences but the savings are real. The revenue is real. Marketing the VI as Amsterdam of Caribbean would move VI ahead of other Caribbean destinations. I, personally, would stop legislating morality. Legal "red light" district as well.
I cant wait to hear what alana says after living in florida and seeing mj is nothing when compared to their problem with prescription pills. You are against people getting mj at a store wait till you see the pill heads getting whatever they want in florida and also if you are so tired of everything in the VI and want to get away why do you keep posting on this site. I usually don't read who the poster is but its obvious when you post because you are extremely negative and argumentative. I'm sure im not the only one tired of your negativity . thanks 😀 PS Florida will be legal in 2 years most likely so may want to reconsider that move.
Thanks for you opinion dabb21.
You're a ray of sunshine!
Since I don't do any drugs at all, I doubt I'll have a problem.
I don't really care if you do drugs or not want them legalized or not.
That's your choice and preference.
I never said I was against legalizing medical marijuana or any other type.
I said I have concerns about the crafting of the legislation for it by our senators and the enforcement aspects. If you've lived here any length of time, you would, too.
If you don't like my posts, don't read them.
Didn't realize you are the poster police. Everyone here gives an opinion and whether you like it or not, is up to how you read it.
Yes, I am down on our abysmally screwed up government.
After living here the majority of my life, I'm entitled to speak my mind on this subject and often do and not only here on this forum. That's my prerogative.
Whether I take a temporary break or a permanent move from the islands I've loved and grew up on, remains to be seen.
Nor is it your concern.
That being said, I wish you good luck with whatever you do with
your life. Have at it!
I have always liked Alana33's posts even though I've been snarky with her a few times. You're obviously very smart and I wish you well. Keep posting though!
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