V.I. Daily News "Cannabis Chronicles" report
Leaving aside the question "Should marijuana be legalized in the VI?", who paid for these guys to go to Washington and Colorado? http://virginislandsdailynews.com/news/individual-interests-bring-v-i-delegation-together-1.1864757
We did with our tax dollars, dontcha know?
Positively Stoned should be having a high time of it on our behalf with his fact finding mission.
And just who were those folks who accompanied Positive? Did our tax dollars also pay for their trip? I hope not!!!
Maybe someone should simply call Mr Nelson's office tomorrow (or the DNews reporter) and ask who paid for the trip instead of jumping to assumptions.
Is the talk serious in the VI about legalization?
A good journalist would have included that little item in the story. We shouldn't have to do her job.
A good journalist would have included that little item in the story. We shouldn't have to do her job.
Well whoever calls be sure to tell her exactly that. That'll sort 'er out. 😀
Yes, stxonmymind, there's been considerable discussion on the matter. Personally I think it's a very good idea to look at what other states have gone through and are going through first-hand to gain a better understanding as certainly many concerns have been raised.
I think it is a great idea. My only question would be: what would be the water source for crops? Other states are benifiting greatly from the cash revenue of growing and taxing. A plan for where the tax money would go and who it would benefit would be a must to avoid the already sticky fingered govt. As far as a boost in economy if done corectly this would be great. Especially great news for a possible new Crucian(thats me) of course. Have a great day!
Many growers use hydroponics, and UVI offers course on growing using hydroponics. I hope they legalize so they'll take that noisy helicopter out of the sky. Talk about an annoyance and waste of tax dollars.
The emphasis at this point where the USVI is concerned is on decriminalizing it and allowing it to be used for medicinal purposes not for any large scale farming.
Oh ok. I agree with both. I actually was doing research on a hydro system for a small veggie backyard garden if we move there and its pretty awesome. I have loved how much I have learned on this site its making me think more like an islander living in AL. Sorta makes me wonder why the hell I wasnt thinking like this before? I find myself looking up different stuff, always thinking before I buy stuff, and overall just really find myself disconnecting from "stuff" in general. Looking forward to our visit in May!

We did with our tax dollars, dontcha know?
Positively Stoned should be having a high time of it on our behalf with his fact finding mission.
Positive paid for the trip himself I believe. He has been talking about doing this for a long time to see how it works in states that have a provision for it....
Possession of less than an ounce of Marijuana has been decriminalized in the VI. You might get a $100 fine if caught but that is unlikely since cops don't like to do paperwork.
I know of at least one of the members of the Positive Fact Finding delegation had their trip paid for by private donation, maybe others too.
That would be nice, for a change, since our tax dollars end up being spent (misspent) on so many inappropriate things. I know I would not be enthusiastic about my tax dollars funding Nelson and his cronies trip on their "fact finding" mission, to sample the wares.
"St Thomas... The Amsterdam of the Caribbean"
You are welcome VI government and tourism department. This one is on me. Now make it happen.
Hydroponics STILL uses a lot of water. Unless there's some kind of advanced reclamation system to get some of that evaporated water back, it will use significant amounts of water. Hydroponics is good if you have limited arable soil.
Legalizing marijuana will not stop the illegal access, distribution or consumption of it. Can you imagine an entire island population high while driving? Working? Etc...Great for revenue, yes, theoretically. From the sounds of the amount of criticism I've heard by some members of this forum regarding the local government, it will either not be collected efficiently or the funds squandered.
I have my own concerns regarding this. I am not entirely closed to legalizing weed, but it better be well planned and we should all be prepared for the consequences.
I do not smoke. Not my thing but I'm MUCH more worried about the people already driving drunk than hypothetical stoned drivers. Legalization in just 3 states has already had an effect on Mexican cartels. The consequences will be an increase in Funyun sales.
@Spartygrad95. Drunk + stoned...it will happen. If drunk driving is a problem, the legalization of weed will make driving under the influence more dangerous. That's my fear, at least.
And for those who don't drink....well, there will now be another, accessible psychotropic drug that can be freely gained. I don't know...a great deal of thought to social cost needs to be fully entertained. A foundation, an infrastructure that will enforce the well-thought out laws need to be in place. Does that exist on the islands? I truly hope the citizens of the island are given the opp. to reflect/debate on this before a decision is made.
I think a lot of people who maybe had a little experience with MJ back in the day fail to realize that there are literally hundreds of different strains now which have very different effects. If you seriously equate people driving while stoned to giggling, zombied-out, red-eyed Cheech and Chongers unable to maintain a simple train of thought let alone drive straight, welcome to the New World where the product has changed drastically since "Reefer Madness". 😀
As for, "an entire island population high while driving", that's a hoot of a fairy tale - but I'll take an entire island population driving on herb any day over that same entire population driving drunk.
I truly hope the citizens of the island are given the opp. to reflect/debate on this before a decision is made.
Please don't underestimate us.
I think a lot of people who maybe had a little experience with MJ back in the day fail to realize that there are literally hundreds of different strains now which have very different effects. If you seriously equate people driving while stoned to giggling, zombied-out, red-eyed Cheech and Chongers unable to maintain a simple train of thought let alone drive straight, welcome to the New World where the product has changed drastically since "Reefer Madness". 😀
As for, "an entire island population high while driving", that's a hoot of a fairy tale - but I'll take an entire island population driving on herb any day over that same entire population driving drunk.
I'll go one step further. Legalize ALL drugs. End the ridiculously ineffective "war on drugs". Empty the prisons of small time dealers. Create a database of users. End the senseless violence. Prohibition should have taught us something. The revenue aspect of legalized weed alone is enough to push me in that direction. It won't happen though until the VI sees other Caribbean nations doing it and tries to play catch up. Social conservative/religious folks still have much influence as can be seen by the VI still being on wrong side of history with same sex marriage.
Ot nailed it im still in co and driving while high is not a huge concern unless they are idiots. Drinking and driving is the true problem. Driving while high may annoy you because they dont wanna go over 30 and make frequent stops at gas stations but if an entire population is given this right most people become very informed and will be curious. Most is done at home in privacy since most grown ups want it to be private . this is a great opportunity for a money flow and for adults to be responsible. Not everyone who smokes is a stoner hippy i sure hope the government takes this opportunity to make money

In posting this I will say that I am one of the executive board members of USVI NORML so I am a bit biased in my views.
There has been a real Chicken Little attitude vs the reality as to what would happen if Marijuana became available for usage in any form to the public. If you look at the statistics there has not been a mad rush say in Colorado or Washington for people in those states to rush out and try pot. Straw polls have usage levels about the same as before. The sky is not falling, the world is not coming to a end, people are able to have access to a substance that is working wonders for a wide variety of medical conditions with way fewer side effects than overpriced big-pharma meds.
I have not seen reports from either state that shows a huge upswing in marijuana related driving accidents. In fact there has been more than one study that says people under the influence of marijuana are less likely to be in a accident than under certain prescribed meds or alcohol.
There is a lot talked about at a local level as to what is being considered and what isn't. USVI NORML is one of many groups of people and individuals that are working to reform Cannabis laws in the Virgin Islands and the effort is not new. I personally have been involved with NORML in the VI for 6-7 years now. Supporters of reform range the gambit of professions, personal wealth, local vs transplant, people that consume and those that dont. Sen. Terrance "Positive" Nelson worked a large body of people both here and in other states to draft 4 bills. These were to allow for :
Hemp production for industrial fiber
Medicinal Marijuana provision
Decriminalization for possession
Total Legalization
3 out of the 4 have been put to a vote and now for 2 of them the senate needs to move forward.
Someone mentioned tax revenue for here , look at This Link from Colorado Dept of Revenue. For February 2015 they collected 8.8 million dollars in taxes from Cannabis sales. This also doesn't reflect the cost savings with the courts and law enforcement in prosecution for simple Cannabis crime.
In this thread and other places I see and hear Positive slammed also for his diehard dedication the this issue. I will say this, he is equally passionate about other issues as well and after numerous meetings with him and staff is a very well spoken and learned individual. I would also say this, Nelson is not the only Senator in support of revamping cannabis laws in the VI.
I'll leave it with this thought. From 1920-1933 the US outlawed booze and it didn't change one damn thing. It gave rise to organized crime in the US and was the catalyst to the modern day Mafia. We learned a lesson and repealed the Volstead act. We still havent learned the lesson of 50+ years with cannabis.....
Again, a serious discussion needs to be had for the USVI. USVI is NOT Colorado or Washington. There isn't obscene levels of unemployment like there is in the USVI. When people have jobs, relative satisfaction, they are less likely to risk by engaging in behavior that may be dangerous. Again, weed is a psychotropic substance. It affects one's senses. Driving too slow, Reaction times affected...dangerous.
I am aware of the failed drug war. I am aware that statistics do not seem to show a mad dash to obtain weed, get more drugs. Again, the socio-economic conditions in the two states does not resemble the conditions in the USVI.
All things must be considered. Social, cultural, environmental and economic dynamics included. I have mixed feelings on the issue. Let's not jump to a one size fits all approach.
BTW. There isn't a mad dash from the other 48 states to legalize. Partly b/c they, responsibly, are taking a more thought-out approach and watching. In the state of Washington is there serious concern regarding the environment, water usage. Someone asked before about water....where is this fresh water for the legalized weed going to come from? Let's think it through...that's all.
Again, a serious discussion needs to be had for the USVI. USVI is NOT Colorado or Washington. There isn't obscene levels of unemployment like there is in the USVI.Again, the socio-economic conditions in the two states does not resemble the conditions in the USVI. Someone asked before about water....where is this fresh water for the legalized weed going to come from? Let's think it through...that's all.
Seriously, all this and you don't even live here? You've briefly visited, read a few forums and a few articles but consider yourself in a position to advise us what we should do and what we should seek from our representatives? Your opinion of marijuana is one thing but before you decide what's right or wrong for the USVI, it would be a good idea to at least know how to get from one side of the island(s) to the other without a GPS.
PS: You may want to verify your facts about MJ plants requiring excessive water. Not true.
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