USVI v. Cayman
Hi I have been looking to pack it all up and move down to the Caribbean for some time now. I have reasearched carefully and am between Grand Cayman and STT. I need help deciding. I have been to both but cannot choose. Cayman is safe, wealthy but not as beautiful and kind of boring. While STT is exciting and beautiful, yet not as safe and without all the modern amenities. Please help me choose
Thank You
Two very different places. Your list of comparisons is a bit over simplified. Nothing is as it seems. Yes Grand Cayman is a safe place, but statistically Not any safer than the USVI. It is a busy populated place too. It is also much more expensive for housing and food and purchases in the Cayman's. I don't know of any "modern" amenities that you will find on Grand Cayman that you do not find in the USVI. However, you will find Rows of High Rise condominiums along Grand Cayman's nicest beach. (if you like that sort of thing). The USVI is a part of the United States of America. The Cayman's are a British protectorate , somewhat like the BVI. That does have some influence on your ability to get a job. If you like small and isolated you can find that at Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. (like St John 15/20 years ago.) And yes there is a lot of money on Grand Cayman, both legal and otherwise. The only way to really know is to spend time in both places.
Boy, what an understatement that Grand Cayman and STT are two different places!!! I lived on Grand Cayman for 4 years and found it to be very expensive (about 1.25 US to 1.00 CI) Translated that means you go to GC with $100 US but really only have $80 CI. Food prices are ex[tremely high and the government is, well let me say, different. When they say there is legal and illegal, that is puttig it lightly.
If you plan on getting a job there you are required to get a work permit from the place you will be working. This must be done before you move there. Work permits are sometimes hard to get, can be cancelled or not granted or not renewed. I guess I'm saying staying under a US territory is probably a lot safer.
What ever yoiur choice, enjoy your time in sun and fun..
As stated before by the other author. I am also wondering what types of modern amenities did you find in Grand Cayman that St Thomas don't have ?
Hi Rhea,
I can't think of a thing that GC has that STT doesn't. Is there anything in particularthat you are looking for? I will say the diving is better.
Nothing in particular Cherly I was just questioning what Bill stated in his comments in camparing St Thomas to Grand Cayman as far as amenities. I was just wondering what he thought was so great that st thomas didn't have other than Grand Cayman having many banks.
Well while on my trip to grand cayman and st. thomas. I didnt mean things they didnt have, but im saying that things worked more on Cayman then STT. Like the power went out twice while on my trip, once for 4 hours. On cayman that never happened But regardless I have been looking through the message board and STT seems irrisistable, I will be coming down one more time and then I will be moving here! Yay!
Grand Cayman is a flat flat flat little piece of land. St.Thomas is a lush wonderful landscape of a place with adventures around every corner. Come to St.Thomas and enjoy it.....if need be you can always go "visit" Cayman from here - perhaps to dive with the stingrays, or ? No choice to me, I've been to both, but now happily live on St.Thomas as of only a few weeks ago.....but hands down no choice in my life's book!
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