USVI Makes Top 24 Pot Destinations
According to
Now if we only had a lot business to go with it. Also that dude from the vifreepress is a blatant plagiarist
Now if we only had a lot business to go with it. Also that dude from the vifreepress is a blatant plagiarist
A lot of those posts are copied word for word.
He may be a plagiarist, but I don't see where he plagiarize that article. I only skimmed it, but as far as I read, the source was cited and a link was provided. The verbatim content was in quotes. I'm sure is grateful for the added site traffic.
I didn't say this article was plagiarized but many of his are. If he tried this crap in the States he would be sued constantly. "Free press" is quite ironic
Surely it's very misleading at source to promote the territory as a pot destination. Marijuana's been decriminalized in the USVI but isn't it still illegal to buy, sell and use it?
I didn't say this article was plagiarized but many of his are. If he tried this crap in the States he would be sued constantly. "Free press" is quite ironic
Wasn't sure. That's why I said "he may be". Good to know.
FYI: This is a rampant disease in the states also. It's usually by bad content aggregator programs that don't plug the source citation in or by lazy cut-and-pasters, who pass the work off as their own. It's so overwhelming that suing is too costly to pursue, so usually only the deeper pocket companies go that far.
As for a pot destination, pot's almost as easy to get a hold of as rum, at least on STX, and our LEO's aren't all that curious. So, I'm not surprised it made the list.
Just go to Coki Beach.
Before you get to Coki, stop at the food Mart at the corner. You can buy whatever you want there. I've seen cocaine sold over the counter
The fact that you can get it here wasn't the point at all and a "doh" has to be injected.
MJ/hash use in Amsterdam, for instance, is still illegal but for decades the selling/purchase and café smoking of up to 5 grams has been openly tolerated and not prosecuted. Yes, there have been quite recent proposals to exclude foreigners from that umbrella of tolerance but that's a whole 'nother issue.
We simply don't have that tolerance here by any stretch but many people (as in visitors) are gullible enough to assume from the territory's inclusion on such a list that we do. That was the point.

Ummm the VI has been on that list in the past. There have been numerous articles in HT as well as other Cannabis sites about VI, old news.......
Ummm the VI has been on that list in the past. There have been numerous articles in HT as well as other Cannabis sites about VI, old news.......
Since I don't read those publications, I didn't know VI was on a pot list until reading it on that site.
I agree with OT, though. The article is misleading.
One of the senatorial candidates on the WTJX Meet the Candidates on Friday mentioned the law saying the police don't have tools to enforce. From what I understood he said, their citation book doesn't even include marijuana infractions, among other things.
One of the senatorial candidates on the WTJX Meet the Candidates on Friday mentioned the law saying the police don't have tools to enforce. From what I understood he said, their citation book doesn't even include marijuana infractions, among other things.
Of course they do, always have.
I'm not going to click on the link, because the senatorial candidate should be challenged.
Too many "laws" are beliefs or custom and that's how Yob prevailed because nobody quoted a law pertaining to residency.
Soneone presented me with a bill yesterday that supposedly proved their response to a candiddate's argument, but I don't believe it does, responded as such, so can only hope person making complaint don't further challenge. If so, the VI Elections goes to court again costing taxpayers $ they can't afford
I have suggested to, I think, Virgin Islands Daily News and St Thomas Source, that they reference title and chapter of VI Code when they say, "According to VI law..:, but got what I consider a CYA response. Imo if they quoted the referenced law, it would make it easier to understand stated law. The responses I received did not give me an indication they were concerned.
I'm not going to click on the link, because the senatorial candidate should be challenged.
Well that's just too bad as the link provides the VI Code section. You made a statement which was questionable and a link was provided which clarifies. Ignorance may be bliss but don't bring up something "you heard" if you're not interested in facts. Very Trumpish.
I have no idea who or what that norml link refers to. MJ was on 2014 referendum from what I remember.
I don't understand your reference, because I also don't know what that the candidate was referencing since I don't have a "citation book." I'm only stating what I understood from the taped forum, and welcome explanation/info.
I have no idea who or what that norml link refers to.
Then stop fluffing and read the darned thing and you'll find out.
Nope. I may read posts, but am hesitant to click links. I haven't seen anything in VI msm in quite a while so links need detail or I may not click.
Nope. I may read posts, but am hesitant to click links. I haven't seen anything in VI msm in quite a while so links need detail or I may not click.
I know what you mean. It took me about 8 hours of very serious soul-searching and several 'phone calls to reliable sources on a secure line to make the decision to open the link you provided to the vi free press in that catchily-headlined first post. Not to mention an extensive chat with my computer guru to ensure my computer security system was charged to the max and both my tinfoil hat and computer cover dusted off and at the ready.
I'm not worried about security. I may not have enough interest to click on links.
Not interested in mj but am interested in tourism because of its importance to our economy. If the article increases number of visitors, that's a good thing.
I learn more and more about the underground economy here. Wonder how much the illegal drug trade contributes to our and to US economy? Maybe you and/or spartygrad may have the answer.:@)
There's no point providing you with information (which you can actually find yourself) when it would entail providing links to relevant sources which you would arbitrarily decide not to open. No popcorn but a strong sense of being either in a Fellini movie or in the middle of a Monty Python skit.
The links in any thread are for anybody who is interested in the topic.
The links in any thread are for anybody who is interested in the topic.
I couldn't agree more. Obviously your're interested in the topic since you were the one who raised it. Ergo a repeat:
"I'm not going to click on the link ..."
"I have no idea who or what that norml link refers to."
" I may read posts, but am hesitant to click links ... "
Culminating in:
"There's no point providing you with information (which you can actually find yourself) when it would entail providing links to relevant sources which you would arbitrarily decide not to open. No popcorn but a strong sense of being either in a Fellini movie or in the middle of a Monty Python skit."
I am not interested in mj topics, and most of the links on this forum are to posts I have already read. Very seldom do I post links for a number of reasons with Google search capability assumption of most people participating on this forum being one of them.
I am not interested in mj topics, and most of the links on this forum are to posts I have already read. Very seldom do I post links for a number of reasons with Google search capability assumption of most people participating on this forum being one of them.
None of which is intelligible and begs the question - what are you smoking. You started the thread.
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