Can anyone tell me how long you can collect unemployment on STX? I can not get a straight answer from anyone in the office.

Perhaps a call to Ms. Donna Christiansen's office on STX, who is the USVI delegate to U.S. Congress could answer your question.

I believe it depends on the length of employment. It starts at 20 weeks then can continue by following the process
I think if you're eligible you can collect for 26 weeks but it's highly unlikely there'll be any extensions of that as the USVI (along with many states) long ago exhausted its own unemployment funding and has been borrowing from the Federal government. As is now the case stateside (and since Federal laws apply equally here) there will be no EUC after December 31 unless Congress acts very quickly. There's virtually no hope of that as with so little time left there are more pressing issues on the front burners.
For information on how to apply, this site will be of help and you would have to go down to the office in person to apply and get details on what you might expect to receive and for how long:
The only way you will know for sure is when you apply. If you are currently in the States collecting, it could benefit you to stay collecting in the states while in VI----just check with your state unemployment for the rules. I remained collecting from RI a few years ago----collected more and instead of 47 weeks----I had up to 99 weeks due to the high unemployment in RI. while collecting, I continue applying for jobs in RI/MA, and also here on St Croix.
Simply put, do your homework, do to the Department of labor websites, and determine what is best for you.
Right now--A claimant initially is entitled to a maximum of 26 weeks of unemployment benefits, for which the territory foots the bill. Below is an article from Feb 2012. You can be sure of the 26 weeks-----if you are eligible for full 26 weeks. And after that , federal extensions kick in if VI is eligible, right now VI is eligible Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.
Once a claimant exhausts the 26 weeks of regular unemployment, they receive federally funded extended benefits, which could offer them up to an additional 27 weeks of benefits.
In all, beneficiaries can receive up to 53 weeks of unemployment benefits, though without Tier 4 benefits, that drops to 47 weeks, according to the Labor Department.
Info from an article in Daily News Feb 2012
Currently, the territory is unable to pay its share of unemployment and borrows $1.7 million from the federal government to cover its share of unemployment benefits, Bryan has said.
Given the average HOVENSA salary, and the claims anticipated with the upcoming layoff of more than 2,000 employees, the territory's monthly cost to pay unemployment will increase to between $3 million and $4 million, Bryan said.
The week ending Feb. 25 will be the last week in which unemployment beneficiaries can exhaust Tier 3 benefits, according to the Labor Department. Beneficiaries will receive remaining entitlements available on Tier 4 after Feb. 25.
Affected residents will continue to receive re-employment and workforce development services to prepare them for returning to work and potentially better job opportunities
-without TIER 4 eligibility, its 47 weeks
Well Gee, let's all sign up!

Can you say: "Socialism?"
Right now--A claimant initially is entitled to a maximum of 26 weeks of unemployment benefits, for which the territory foots the bill. Below is an article from Feb 2012. You can be sure of the 26 weeks-----if you are eligible for full 26 weeks. And after that , federal extensions kick in if VI is eligible, right now VI is eligible Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.
Right now there will be no unemployment compensation extension benefits as of December 29, 2012. This applies to all states and territories. All eligible UE applicants will be entitled to only 26 weeks of benefits. The last week of benefits payable to those on extensions is week ending 12/29/12. The President has asked for money to continue extension benefits but even if this is accepted (and it really doesn't look very likely) it won't kick in until Spring of 2013.
Oldtart your information is correct, but just like over the last year or so, once those a$$$$4hole in Washington negotiate, UE extensions will go thru-----although once while I was collecting, passage was delayed, three weeks later it was passed and I received a retro check for the 3 weeks. But in this fiscal cliff we are heading---I wouldn't count on anything right now.
I'm not one for socialism, but unemployment benefits help those where their jobs were eliminated---HOVENSA. In my case, job was eliminated at local hotel---and I collected for almost 14 months before being hired(while working part time at the same time), and those who lost their jobs for no fault of their own.
While collecting unemployment, I spent 3-4 hours a day job searching and or improving my accounting and computer skills. In addition, I volunteered at numerous non-profit organizations-----and helped raise money for needy causes by using my NY Hot Dog selling hot-dogs(almost $4000 raised for a special wheelchair for a young man at the home---one the government would not purchase for him).
Simply put, unemployment is a program crucial as a bridge for those who lost their jobs for no fault of their own.
Not all employers forward their contributions, and I think those contributions were recently increased to help repay the Feds.
No matter where you're collecting unemployment, you have to register locally if you want payments to continue.
Since many employers both here and Stateside don't pay a living wage, and our education system doesn't teach survival skills, because there are so few places to procure food/shelter at affordable rates that aren't subsidized and readily available to all who need them, someone or some entity (usually govt, religious, or secular non-profit, will have to fill the gap.
I can see unemployment being a bridge between a job lost & a new opportunity, but, soooo many weeks???
You either want to work or not.
The government can't give anything it doesn't first take from someone else!
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