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Udder Delight robbery

Posts: 57
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Just read the Source article about this afternoon's robbery, I'm heartsick. Mr. Bailey is the kindest man... Please support them in any way you can, I don't want this to be the last straw. Karma's a b*#ch, I hope they find the perps.

Posted : December 28, 2013 1:19 am
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

WTF????? When was this? We were there at about 3 today. It was packed with people. I HATE that people do such shitty things!!! Hope they get caught and I HOPE everyone at Udder Delight is ok mentally and physically. I agree Mr. Baily is always so kind and always has on a big smile.

Just read the article that we went after the robbery. I am glad that they were so busy and all seemed in good spirits. Hopefully it comes around to the perps and they get busted. How terrible.

Posted : December 28, 2013 3:14 am
Posts: 213
Estimable Member

I just can't belive it. So much for the myth about bas things happening only late at night and/or in "bad areas". 1 in the afternoon next to the island's biggest tourist draw. AK47s? WTF??? I'm from Detroit and nobody uses those for a simple robbery. The important part is that Mr. Bailey is OK, but $3,200 is a lot of ice cream too.

Posted : December 28, 2013 3:36 am
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

Thieves on STT are getting bolder and smarter every day. I think businesses in more isolated locations are especially vulnerable. Thank goodness nobody was hurt.

As long as the US has a love affair with guns, we are all potential victims, IMO.

Posted : December 28, 2013 7:20 am
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

That is horrendous. Glad no one was hurt but they need to find who and where these weapons are coming from.
I hope Mr. Baily gets his money and belongings back. Someone out there knows who did this.
Here's the VI Source article: http://stthomassource.com/content/news/local-news/2013/12/27/no-joke-say-gunmen-robbing-popular-ice-cream-stand

Posted : December 28, 2013 12:29 pm
Posts: 205
Estimable Member

Can anyone say "vigilante"?

Posted : December 28, 2013 3:18 pm
Posts: 275
Reputable Member

The police were not able to confirm the incident? Did I read that correctly? What the hell does that mean? I didn't happen?

Posted : December 28, 2013 3:24 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

Can anyone say "vigilante"?


Posted : December 28, 2013 10:09 pm
Posts: 215
Estimable Member

Can anyone say "vigilante"?


Double-LIKE. I've thought about that on more than one occasion, when reading about the crime here. Clean it up!

Posted : December 28, 2013 10:25 pm
Posts: 275
Reputable Member

Can anyone say "vigilante"?


Double-LIKE. I've thought about that on more than one occasion, when reading about the crime here. Clean it up!

Sad to say that may be exactly what it's going to take. When they become the victims and start dropping like flies something would be done about it then. Guaranteed.

Posted : December 28, 2013 10:57 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

That is horrendous. Glad no one was hurt but they need to find who and where these weapons are coming from.
I hope Mr. Baily gets his money and belongings back. Someone out there knows who did this.
Here's the VI Source article: http://stthomassource.com/content/news/local-news/2013/12/27/no-joke-say-gunmen-robbing-popular-ice-cream-stand

Well, if it is the same as the late '80s, Puerto Rico. Don't ask me how i know that.

Posted : December 29, 2013 12:22 am
Posts: 275
Reputable Member

That is horrendous. Glad no one was hurt but they need to find who and where these weapons are coming from.
I hope Mr. Baily gets his money and belongings back. Someone out there knows who did this.
Here's the VI Source article: http://stthomassource.com/content/news/local-news/2013/12/27/no-joke-say-gunmen-robbing-popular-ice-cream-stand

They know where they're coming from. The whole island is corrupt from the governor on down. They enter in shipping containers and someone at the port is taking a payoff.

Posted : December 29, 2013 4:08 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

It is sooooooooo depressing that what could be a safe, thriving, healthy island community is rife with threats to our safety, our livelihood and our quality of life.

And to think DeJong was the lesser of evils!
It's been a long 8 yrs. and I really do not see any positive changes over the course of his tenure and am severely disappointed.
Just increases in cost of living, nothing to show for our taxes except the waste of our tax dollars, rampant crime, disrespect, corrupt and incompetent, ineffectual leadership, all around.

Posted : December 29, 2013 4:19 pm
Posts: 2536
Famed Member

Yes, the VI is a Democrats paradise.

Posted : December 29, 2013 4:33 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

I know I'm a newb and all but to ME and from what Ive seen, it seems to be more of a fear issue. I mean all I ever hear is that people are afraid to stand up for fear of retaliation. Does anyone actually know of a situation like this? Not coconut vine stories either. An actual friend or family member that stood up and maybe reported a crime or wrong doing and then they were actually targeted???

Maybe I'm wrong but it seems that more people are willing to look away because they think they will be targeted next if they say something. I just wonder how true that really is. Just yesterday someone stopped us on the beach - they recognized my boyfriend from work. This broad (who was SOOOO freaking rude anyways) were complaining about a situation but WOULDN'T give the damn names of the employees that caused the problem! You can't hold people accountable without NAMES. I actually hope she reads this and leads a lesson in etiquette. Don't stope someone on personal time to bitch about a situation and then have the audacity to not even provide names but be pissed about the situation. Her reason for not wanting to give names of the employees...... they would find her and retaliate. Stupidity. She could have easily emailed or call anonymously and given the names of the employees.

Do the cops REALLY care? I know I see a lot of people bashing cops but I wonder if that fact true.... that they just don't seem to care. I find it hard to believe that the cops just don't care.

Maybe the incoming drugs and gins are the start of the end? Seems like that is the causing factor?

I also hear that everyone is related or family or friends so thats why its so hard to get any criminals put away. Is this fact?

Maybe someone can help me understand... OR maybe this is the way its always been and always will be and not worth thinking about it? Maybe thats the mindset thats landed the islands in this situation? Such a shame.

Posted : December 29, 2013 5:47 pm
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

Yes, I know people who have been targeted and threatened.

Posted : December 29, 2013 6:55 pm
Posts: 205
Estimable Member


Posted : December 29, 2013 6:57 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

Good grief - sorry about all my spelling errors was on my cell. HA!

MS411 I am curious - was this is response to reporting a crime?? How did they find our the reporters information?

Posted : December 29, 2013 7:13 pm
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

Too many instances for me to post. I quit my job because too many new Statesiders had been hired and thought I was paranoid about security.

Banco Popular had a seminar not too long ago about security, because they wanted to alert their customers. They admitted they can't keep up so advised businesses to be more vigilant.

Don't be an ostrich.

Posted : December 29, 2013 9:57 pm
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