Hi Everyone,
I've been lurking for the most part for about a month now. I posted a dating question in the community forum and received lots of helpful information. Anywho, I've officially accepted the position and will be on STT in less than two weeks. I'm in search of a furnished flat with internet and cable that allows one declawed, spayed kitty and an island car. Moderate inclusive rent is preferred. Any good leads are appreciated and I know it's best to look when I get there but leads on where to look would be an exceptional start.
I look forward to meeting you when I get to the island.
~~the one who still needs to come up with a clever signature

Check the online Island Trader on the Virgin Islands Daily News site as well as pick one up when you get here. They're free & come out on Thursdays.
Also check caribbean.craigslist.org under apts/housing, rooms/shared, and sublets/temporary.
I didn't know that the Island Trader was online. The thread about it says it's not regularly updated, etc. Will check for it tonight as they update their news site the night of publication. Do you have to be a paid subscriber to the VI Daily to get access to the IT?
@FDR: The Craig's List dealio is scam-ridden. Been feeling it out and only came upon one ad that wasn't a scam (to which I replied, etc.) and that person told me to email her a week before I get there.

For rentals, it might not matter if it's updated. Some rentals won't be rented with just one ad for one week, plus you don't want to rent sight unseen anyway. You have checked the Classified section of this forum, right? Click on Forum List.
I did check. Lots for STX not too many for STT, at least not in my range. PM'd one guy about a place in Wintberg, or something or other. I've gotten lots of advice about not looking til I get there and I agree. I just don't have lots of days to look and need at least a starting point, etc., so I can hit the ground running.
There are some scams on CL (hint: if the photo shows a fireplace, it is NOT of a USVI abode!), but there are also legitimate offers out there. Again, though, you'll find it hard to be taken seriously if you are not on island. I'm not sure what your price range is, but if it's below $900 for a 1BR, those places will be rented through word of mouth before they hit CL or the Trader. The easiest way to get started on a budget is to find a housemate.
The longer you can stay in your short-term arrangement, the better your chances of finding exactly what you want (a little tougher with the kitty-cat knocking the no-pets rentals off the list). I know it's not easy living with the uncertainty of not having a permanent place already, but it's just part of how things work around here, simply because it happens all the time -- people arrive, look for a place, and move in within a week. As long as you have enough cash saved up for your first/last/security, you shouldn't have a problem.
Is it a huge no cats culture? I just returned from living in Europe for two years and didn't take the kitty with me. I don't want to leave her behind indefinitely again, however, I am on the fence as the heartworm and flea situation has me scared for her. What to do, what to do?

Cats are not as difficult to rent with as dogs but it's so much easier now to rent with pets than years ago, that it's amazing.
Use Revolution monthly (topical anti-parasitic) and you'll have no trouble with fleas, mites, or anything else. Heartworm in cats is relatively rare even here (the mosquitoes have a hard time getting through all that fur, unlike on dogs), but if you are concerned about it, your vet can give you a monthly heartworm preventive pill as well.
You sound like a cat lover, so be prepared to see a lot of "bush cats" (ferals) surviving around the dumpsters. Unfortunately animal overpopulation is a problem, as are abandoned pets.
It's not impossible to find a rental with a kitty-cat, it just limits your choices somewhat. And there are also landlords who won't advertise that they accept pets but may do so on a case-by-case basis.
Ewe. Feral cats. My kitty is declawed and spayed, so I'm hoping that a landlord might be OK with her. She's as sweet as pie, says every kitty parent.
Thanks for the info on Revolution. I will look into that. You guys have been so helpful. If you think of anything else, don't hesitate!
fdr: On St Thomas there are houses with fireplaces, no scam...
"(hint: if the photo shows a fireplace, it is NOT of a USVI abode!), "
"fdr: On St Thomas there are houses with fireplaces, no scam..."
LOL....on STX too.
I actually have one of the very few fireplaces on island. It was here when we bought it. Hooked up to propane and lit it once in 5 yrs. to see if it worked. It does. Heatilator brand. LOL
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire *-)

They can be quite nice on the north side of STT on the occasion of several days of rainy, cool weather.
Trade: Watch out! SkystheLimit is singing Christmas carols...;)

😀 As long as it's not THAT song....
Wow EE - I stand corrected! I know of one on STJ, but it's of the era when they used them for cooking. This place I saw once on Craigslist was supposed to be a condo on STT. For $700/month. 1,200sf, with lots of dark leather furniture and paned windows, and an enormous modern fireplace. I suppose it's possible, but definitely not for that price! Somebody was not very detail-oriented in his scam. 😉
Well,the best thing for anyone is to see the place they want to rent before putting up any moolah! 😎
One of the furniture stores here on STX (can't remember the name, new one on the corner near Cost-U-Less) actually sells free-standing working fireplaces. I asked if they sell many. He just said... nah...
We have a chimenea. They are very popular here, and during the winter months, we burn it almost every night.
You might want to call a couple of Realtors. Most of their rental inventory is high end, but certainly not all. Some even specialize in rentals. Here's link to the phone book; http://www.viphonebook.com.
Where is your job? It's a small island, but still too spread out to enjoy living on one end and working on the other, and believe it or not, rush hour can be a royal pain!
Good luck LoisLane.
Juanita I am afraid to burn in the chimenea. Everytime the wind blows a spark I am chasing it with a bucket of water. We are surrounded by bush and when it is dry I am afraid that I will set everything on fire. 🙂
Sometimes we get the fire going a little more robust than we planned, but we always have the water hose handy! We aren't usually as dry as the east end, but it's definitely something to be mindful of.
Lois, about the cat...since she is declawed, you will definitely want to keep her inside, so you may not even need to worry about fleas, etc.
Hello Everyone,
My job is center island, at the VI Daily. I'm definitely not looking for high end and was told to avoid Smith something or other. I like a faster pace and wouldn't mind being near center. I was told North side is nice and quicker to reach center. I would like to keep Aphrodite (kitty) inside but she has other plans. Always darting outside. I do worry about the feral cats, however, she has a mean bite and will do. 😀
I've heard about the rush hour especially on port of call days, etc. Am looking to minimalize this as much as possible. The people at the paper are keeping an eye out for a place, so I'm hoping they will have some leads I can follow as well. I agree that I must see before committing. It seems there are flats of all types and then some!
This has been very informative. Thanks!
The Daily News? Another reporter? Now I get the Lois Lane reference! Well, you should definitely poll the other Daily News employees, as they live all over the place. And do a story on the vinow website! 😉

Good luck LL,
Let me know when you meet up with Clark and Jimmy...
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