Dominica getting slammed.
8.86 inches of rain reported near Canefield Airport.
1340AM Radio has good updates and info.
This report sounds hopeful for lots of VI rain....
lots of flooding there alana
Yeah it looks like Dominica got the most rain so far.
It is starting to look like STX, STT and STJ might not get much rain after all.
Based on the 11am advisory, Erika is still moving west and has not strengthened (still 50mph) and the barometric pressure has come up a little bit (from 1005 to 1006)
If it continues on a course due West and does not shift to the NW, we will just get brushed by the outer bands and not the center.
Headline: Hurricane Local Statement issued August 27 at 11:52AM AST by NWS San Juan
This Product Covers Puerto Rico And The Us Virgin Islands...Erika Moving Towards The U.S. Virgin Islands And Puerto Rico...New Information---------------* Changes To Watches And Warnings:- None* Current Watches And Warnings:- A Tropical Storm Warning In Effect For Puerto Rico And The U.S.Virgin Islands.*
Storm Information:- About 230 Miles Southeast Of San Juan Pr Or About 170 Milessoutheast Of Saint Thomas Vi Or About 130 Miles Southeast Ofsaint Croix Vi- 16.4N 63.3W- Storm Intensity 50 Mph-Movement West Or 270 Degrees At 16 Mph
Overview------------------Tropical Storm Erika Began Tracking Somewhat South Of The Previousforecast When It Crossed The Windward Islands And Is Now Forecast To track Directly Over Central Puerto Rico Overnight Tonight. Now Mostareas Of Puerto Rico Will Experience Sustained Storm Force Windsgreater Than 40 Mph...With Gusts Up To 60 Mph Possible. The Tropicalstorm Force Winds Are Now Expected To Begin Around Mid Afternoon Forall Of The U.S. Virgin Islands And As Early As Sunset In Puerto Rico.
Rainfall And Flooding Is A Major Concern. Rainfall Estimates For Thelocal Islands Have Been Raised To 4 To 8 Inches With Up To 12 Inchespossible.Also This New Track Will Mean That Storm Surge Will Be A Few Feethigher On The South Coasts Of All The Islands.Potential Impacts-----------------* Flooding Rain:Protect Against Dangerous Rainfall Flooding Having Possiblesignificant Impacts Across U.S. Virgin Islands And Puerto Rico.Potential Impacts Include:- Moderate Rainfall Flooding May Prompt Several Evacuations Andrescues.- Rivers And Tributaries May Quickly Become Swollen With Swiftercurrents And Overspill Their Banks In A Few Places, Especiallyin Usually Vulnerable Spots. Small Streams, Creeks, Canals,Arroyos, And Ditches Overflow.- Flood Waters Can Enter Some Structures Or Weaken Foundations.Several Places May Experience Expanded Areas Of Rapidinundation At Underpasses, Low-Lying Spots, And Poor Drainageareas. Some Streets And Parking Lots Take On Moving Water Asstorm Drains And Retention Ponds Overflow. Driving Conditionsbecome Hazardous. Some Road And Bridge Closures.* Wind:Protect Against Dangerous Wind Having Possible Significant Impactsacross U.S. Virgin Islands And Puerto Rico. Potential Impacts In Thisarea Include:- Some Damage To Roofing And Siding Materials, Along With Damageto Porches, Awnings, Carports, And Sheds. Unsecured Lightweightobjects Become Dangerous Projectiles.- Some Roads Impassable From Large Debris, And More Within Urbanor Heavily Wooded Places. A Few Bridges, Causeways, And Accessroutes Impassable.-Scattered Power And Communications Outages, But More Prevalentin Areas With Above Ground Lines.* Surge:Low Impacts Are Anticipated At This Time Across Puerto Rico And The Usvirgin Islands.* Tornadoes:Little Impacts Are Anticipated At This Time Across Puerto Rico And The Usvirgin Islands.Precautionary/Preparedness Actions----------------------------------* Evacuations:For Those Under Evacuation Orders, Leave As Soon As Practical With Adestination In Mind. Gas Up Your Vehicle Well Ahead Of Time. Be Surethat You Take All Essential Materials From Your Emergency Supplies Kit.Let Others Know Where You Are Going And When You Intend To Arrive.If You Are Exceptionally Vulnerable To Wind Or Water Hazards From Tropicalsystems, Consider Voluntary Evacuation, Especially If Being Officiallyrecommended. Relocate To A Predetermined Shelter Or Safe Destination.If Evacuating Away From The Area Or Relocating To A Nearby Shelter, Leaveearly Before Weather Conditions Become Hazardous.* Other Preparedness Information:Now Is The Time To Bring To Completion All Preparations To Protectlife And Property In Accordance With Your Emergency Plan.Outside Preparations Should Be Wrapped Up As Soon As Possible Beforeweather Conditions Completely Deteriorate. Any Remaining Evacuationsand Relocations Should Be Expedited Before The Onset Of Tropicalstorm Force Wind.Failure To Adequately Shelter May Result In Serious Injury Or Loss Oflife. Always Heed The Advice Of Local Officials And Comply With Anyorders That Are Issued. Remember, During The Storm 9 1 1 Emergencyservices May Not Be Able To Immediately Respond If Conditions Areunsafe. This Should Be A Big Factor In Your Decision Making.Check-In With Your Emergency Points Of Contact Among Family, Friends,And Workmates. Inform Them Of Your Status And Well-Being. Let Themknow How You Intend To Ride Out The Storm And When You Plan Tocheck-In Again.Keep Cell Phones Well Charged And Handy. Also, Cell Phone Chargersfor Automobiles Can Be Helpful After The Storm. Locate Your Chargersand Keep Them With Your Cell Phone.In Emergencies It Is Best To Remain Calm. Stay Informed And Focusedon The Situation At Hand. Exercise Patience With Those You Encounter.Be A Good Samaritan And Helpful To Others.If You Are A Visitor And Still In The Area, Listen For The Name Ofthe City Or Town In Which You Are Staying Within Local News Updates.Be Sure You Know The Name Of The County Or Parish In Which Itresides. Pay Attention For Instructions From Local Authorities.Closely Monitor Noaa Weather Radio Or Other Local News Outlets Forofficial Storm Information. Be Ready To Adapt To Possible Changes Tothe Forecast.* Additional Sources Of Information:- For Information On Appropriate Preparations See Ready.Gov- For Information On Creating An Emergency Plan See Getagameplan.Org- For Additional Disaster Preparedness Information See Redcross.Orgnext Update-----------The Next Local Statement Will Be Issued By The National Weatherservice In San Juan Pr Around 230 PM AST, Or Sooner If Conditionswarrant.
Heads up, STX!
Issued By: VITEMA Affected Jurisdictions: St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas, Water Island Counties
Headline: Tropical Storm Force Winds Begin at 5 PM, Flooding Rainfall Forecast; Now is the Time to Move to Shelters
The US Virgin Islands has been placed under Flash Flood Watch. Tropical Storm Erika is expected to produce 4 to 8 inches of rain with a maximum of 12 inches possible.
At 11 a.m., the center of Tropical Storm Erika was located near latitude 16.4 North, longitude 63.3 West. Erika is moving toward the west near 16 miles per hour. A turn toward the west-northwest is forecast later today, and this general motion should continue for the next 48 hours.
Maximum sustained winds are near 50 miles per hour with higher gusts. Little change in strength is forecast during the next 48 hours. Tropical storm force winds extend outward up to 105 miles from the center.
On the forecast track, tropical storm force winds- winds in excess of 39 miles per hour-will arrive to St. Croix by 5 p.m. and with the peak winds of 49 miles per hour at about 8 p.m. St. Thomas and St. John will begin to experience sustained tropical storm force winds at 7 p.m. with the peak winds of 45 miles per hour being experienced at 9 p.m.
If you live in a low-lying area or in a flood prone zone, and have decided to ride the storm out at a shelter, now is the time to head to the shelter. Shelters are located at the Herbert Grigg Home on St. Croix, the Knud Hansen Complex on St. Thomas and the Julius Sprauve and Guy Benjamin schools on St. John,
Special Medical Needs Shelters are open for individuals with medical conditions needing shelter. Shelters are located at: Charles Harwood Clinic on St. Croix. Roy Lester Schneider Hospital on St. Thomas.
at least 44 dead in dominica. last i heard
Terrible news about Dominica! So many people from Dominica here, so Dominica is very familiar for so many.
at least 44 dead in dominica. last i heard
Where did you get that figure?
Last I read in the current news, it was 4 dead in Dominica. 4 dead is too many.
3 in one house hit by mudslide - elderly blind man and 2 children. 1 man in another mudslide. Terrible.

I hate the waiting!! How soon will WAPA shut it down?
You won't have long to wait, now, Novanut!
Tropical Storm Erika Shifts Closer to St. Croix
“St. Croix is going to get hit the hardest,” meteorologist Walter Snell at the National Weather Service in San Juan said at 2 p.m. Thursday, noting a shift Thursday morning to the south-southwest caused Tropical Storm Erika to reset its course closer to St. Croix.
Until the 11 a.m. update from the National Hurricane Center, Erika had been poised to pass almost directly over St. Thomas and St. John.
Snell updated that course. “The center will pass 20 miles to the southwest of St. Croix at about 8 p.m.,” he said.
This means that St. Croix will get winds of 50 mph with gusts to 60 mph starting somewhere between 5 and 8 p.m., Snell said.
As for St. Thomas and St. John, he said that those two islands should get winds of 35 to 40 mph with gusts to 50 mph starting at around the same time as St. Croix.
“St. Thomas and St. John could see more changes,” he said. “There is still a lot of uncertainty” regarding the northern islands.
Snell said it’s not clear why Erika shifted course as it passed north of Guadeloupe, but he said the storm is now starting to shift back toward its earlier track.
The territory remains on a tropical storm warning.
At 2 p.m., the skies were gray, some rain had fallen throughout the morning and the occasional wind gusts were becoming more frequent.
Winds are currently at 45 mph. Tropical storm force winds extend outward 140 miles to the east of the center.
The storm is moving west at 16 mph.
The barometric pressure stands at 1006 millibars.
At the 2 p.m. update, Erika center stood at 16.5 degrees north latitude and 63.8 degrees west longitude.
Rainfall will be an issue, particularly in St. Croix. Snell said the island could get 6 to 10 inches of rain.
“It could be quite heavy,” he said.
According to Snell, St. Thomas and St. John can expect 4 to 8 inches of rain.
Snell urged motorists not to drive through flooded roads.
And he said residents are running out of time to prepare.
“You’re only a few hours now from peak winds. You should be well sheltered by late afternoon,” he said.
(Hopefully, tomorrow we'll still have power, phone coverage and internet!)

I certainly hope so (power/internet, that is))))

Up/Down speeds too slow to show anything! Must be Erica's fault??? Yeah, that's it.
TS Dudika amirite?

Power out here @ 7:42. Soon Come!
Same here. Go go genny!
I've been watching the Rum runners web cam all day but it went down again about 8PM.
According to NHC web site the eye should be about 50miles South of STX right now.
10PM now indicated as time for impact to start to be felt in STT and continue for 9 hrs. according to a recent radio announcement.
Starting to gust more here at Villa Solemare in Coral Bay. Seems to be building.
Just heard on radio, many power outages happening in STX and wind picking up. Good luck guys and girls!
Nothing to speak of here/Northside STT as yet.
The darned storm slowed down to 12 mph.
Wishing you well in the islands. Hoping for some nice rain minus damage and flooding for all of you.- Shannon
FYI, I just heard state of emergency declared until 5pm tomorrow. Not sure what this means exactly, just passing it along.
I just woke up but we've had zip wind/rain here so far!
It's true, NADA!
Score so far!
Storms 2 - Weather forecasting - 0!
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