To stxsomeday - answering your question
Hey stxsomeday-
Well, we bought a condo in Colony Cove Beach Resort. It is a somewhat 'sterile' rental unit - i.e. everything painted white, cheap furniture, etc. But, we made 2 trips down and looked at a lot of property. We DO feel OUR 'someday' has come and we want to be in STX but also not loose sight of our original goal of living a different lifestyle, still working but working at something we enjoy, and having time to enjoy life.
Since we are making a big change we decided IF we would ever want to re-sell or rent the property a condo would be easier than a house in the middle of the island (couldn't afford a house on the ocean). Then we looked at what condo would put us close to a pool, beach, etc. Harbor Mill is in pretty bad disarray (don't want to offend anyone, but that "lagoon" is just scary). Colony Cove is clean, grounds are immaculate,etc. Its had a bad reputation and was somewhat run-down so property values there are low; a new management is making great improvements and it is really turning around. Condo fees are high right now while they do capital improvements, but thats going towards OUR investment. There were other nice condos for about 50,000 more but lower condo fees. So, its all a wash in my book. We have virtually no mortgage, just condo fees because the price was low.
We believe Colony Cove's new management will make property values rise there, and its already decent (wait til I paint and re-decorate - its gonna be Gorgeous!)
We got a 2 bedroom 2 bath overlooking the pool and ocean for a fabulous price- we couldn't touch a place like that in the mainland.
We hope to fall in love with STX and never leave, then we will look for a great little house we can settle into and rent out our condo! It was a "safer" way for us, with all the perks of pool, ocean , etc.
Its everyones dream, but believe me, when its reality, it is scary. We did what we felt comfortable with. We talked to alot of people who rent, or did other things, so that was helpful in knowing the options. I wanted "my" place to paint and re-do as I wanted, so we decided to buy, but there are lots of ways to get to your "someday". 🙂
Thanks, travelwoman! I thought my post was lost forever!:)
Your choice of Colony Cove sounds like a good strategy and potentially a good investment. I bet it's scary when you take that step into the reality of actually buying a place. We'd like to make it all happen in a year, so it's wonderful to benefit from all of you who are doing it now. I have these moments of paralysis when I wonder if I'm just crazy and what if I don't like it and what if it's not as great as I thought it was on our 2 week visit. Then my husband says it doesn't have to be forever if we don't want it to be, and I'm reassured that it will just be a grand adventure and learning experience. Lately I'm loving living vicariously through people like you guys and Linda from Michigan, though!

Thank you! I appreciate that - but now I have to really do something worth living vicariously for...
Good new - been here 10 days today and have been offered a job - been offered 5(count them) Five places to live. I settled on a real nice 2br/2ba condo right on the water on the west side just between Changes and Rythums on Rainbow Beach. I'll post pictures.
Everyone has just been fabulous! I've not met anyone rude - and I've been to Plaza for groceries, a handful of bars, realty companies, little local bbq places, gas stations, etc.
I have only found that no one at home (friends/family) are happy for me. It's like that saying "Everyone wants you to get ahead, just not ahead of them."
It kind of hurts - but those are their issues not mine. I feel totally at peace with all of this. My friend I've known for 15 years says I'm acting "frantic and like I have ADD - shouldn't make snap judgements on major life issues like this move.
I asked friends down here if they saw me in that light as this has all come about and they said no. That it has all just fallen into place like it is meant to be. I haven't felt rushed, pressed, or anything like that. I have just been so peaceful. Like this is how it is supposed to be.
I say, save some money - make some plans. It is worth it. If you want to work - there is work here. If you want to try it - rent a place for a while. I found at least 2 places - nice near the ocean and relatively inexpensive - that will rent month to month for as long as needed. Consult the "powers greater than us" or what ever your belief is and put it past them. I attribute all of my luck to Someone's hand sculpting out my new life.
Enough - sorry for the long post.
Linda A
I am a firm believer that if things fall into place easily and peacefully, you are definitely on the right path. Good for you! And please don't apologize for a long post...the more details, the better! Thanks for the pics, too!
Hi Linda! congrats! I lived in STX 20 years ago and miss it so badly. My kids are older and I am ready to go back for a nice visit. I will be coming by myself though and would love to stay for about a week. can you reccommed a place for me to rent? Probably a boarding house with other people around would be great or a hotel/condo. I just want to drive around and remember!! Please email me so I don;t miss your answer...thanks
Okay, this is two messages in a rown where I've recommended The Pink Fancy The place is nice but modestly priced and everyone apparently gets to know each other well if they want to.
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