The Trek Begins
was a long trek up to the grand canyon, they had a train robbery. it was awesome-of course i went 20 years ago
Yeah they had singers both ways doing a few old toons. And of course, the robbery!
Visited relatives in Michigan and New York and now going down the eastern seaboard.
Stopped at South of the Border in NC. Pretty crazy place. Caught in a small tropical sotrm(ana).
RVing through brooklyn btw is not fun.
Nice! So jealous. Wish we were on our way.
We have entered camp Miami. The RV park is quite nice.
We are camping here for 19 days.
Then we fly in and settle in!
Gonna be a slow 19 days!
I envy you.
I recently had to temporarily relocate to Orlando. It is like a different planet. I can't wait to get back to my island, with all of its imperfections. There is a constant level of insanity here that I find hard to deal with...everyday things we take for granted on St. Croix, like courteous drivers and no road rage. You can get shot at here for some perceived traffic misstep, and the only creature more dangerous than the Florida alligator is the Florida tailgator. And God help you if you're a Black male, because then you are presumed to be the guy who was on the six o'clock news in handcuffs.
@Jah - Agreed FL sucks - Southern Hostility @ it's finest!!!!
It's been a LONG 6 yrs here in Swampville .......btw I'm white - hated too, it ain't no skin thang, they HATE everyone who isn't one of them.........Redneck
@ Quirion - agreed 19 days is a LONG time..........T-minus 8 days & counting until I'm back on STX (packing & clicking my ruby red flip-flops while repeating "There's no place like home" hahahaha)
Now I'll be needing a vehicle! Been scouring craigslist for a 4x4 pickup with extended cab.
no luck as of yet.
So how are all the pets doing?
Including, of course, the world's best traveled goldfish!
After all that traveling, you must be looking forward to your arrival in STX and getting settled in.
Have you considered picking a truck up in Fla. And shipping?
Pets are all very well.
They seem to have adjusted to RV life so going back to a house should be amazing for them! Goldfish handled the trip better than anyone I think 🙂
Re: shipping a vehicle from florida... i wonder if the expense is worth it?
Its about 3k to ship a car from there yes?
Think it's less than that but someone should be able verify.
I was thinking it was about $2K.
That's what I would consider doing as I priced newer trucks here recently (STT) and much more expensive than stateside. Mine is a 1997 Toyota Tacoma. I was looking at 2006-2010 models of various different manufacturers but way pricy. Toyota trucks have very good resale value here in islands. I'm always getting asked if I wish to sell mine.
Decided since my truck still ran perfectly, had less miles than what was for sale here, I'd just fix the dings and dents and paint.
Now, it looks brand new.
Glad to hear all pets have fared well, yourselves as well.
Happy trails.8-)
You really should check into the Guinness book of records for your goldfish! Bet she/he has been to more states and has more mileage than any other goldfish.
All animals and humans safely arrived yesterday.
The only casualty was forgetting my phone in Miami. Something had to be sacrificed I guess. Holy brown though! Hopefully we brought some rain!
We're home!
lets hope you did bring the rain-we could surely use it
I brought a little!
Day 93. Absolutely still loving it 🙂
We'd been visiting (often) for 4 years or so and knew very well about island time and various issues with crime and government so there's been no real surprises.
Animals are mostly doing well. One is having issues but aren't related to being here.
She's just always had issues. The vets here are great.
Been doing a lot of diving!
glad you are still enjoying, but seriously-where did you hide the rain
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