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Temp Housing - St. John

Posts: 7
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Hi all,

Read thru the temp housing threads, but nothing was mentioned for St. John, any body have any info on temp housing, a few weeks to a month, on St. John?



Posted : October 15, 2004 5:26 am
Posts: 5
Active Member

Lakerat, if you want a little comfort, try Tamarind Inn, they can give you a single room, shared bathroom for $50 a night, 2 week minimum right now thru the beginning of November. That is cheaper that the eco-tents at Maho and Cinnamon Bays. Not cheap-cheap, but for St. John, not bad?? Otherwise you can camp at Cinnamon for as little as $27 a night, with your own tent, no frills. Should be down in the next couple weeks, are you there? As I will probably look for a roomate situation........if something should pop up, I can come sooner, have already started packing and just set up cell service with a 340 area code.

Posted : October 15, 2004 1:43 pm
Posts: 8
Active Member

Do they allow pets (cats, bunnies)?

Posted : October 15, 2004 7:00 pm
Posts: 7
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Will be there by the 20th - appreciate the info- $50 per nite is within budget while looking for long term- have cancelled my cell service till 10/21 will resume when on St. John - email me at rick@grandlaker.com if you will be looking for a roommate when you get here. Trying to locate affordable housing and will forward all I find out while down here.


Posted : October 16, 2004 5:58 am
Posts: 3030

Hello Arjay,

Perhaps http://www.sweetplantains-stjohn.com/


Posted : October 16, 2004 6:55 pm
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