Tattoos and piercings
I have tattoos on my hands and neck and not one person has looked at me different
I have tattoos on my hands and neck and not one person has looked at me different
I don't know if it is an age thing or an education thing, but I am totally turned off by a person with tatts all over their arms and neck and more. To me that person has chosen to permanently disfigure them self. They might as well carve lines in their face or arms with a razor blade. When I see these pro athletes with markings all over them I can only think, how ignorant...ugh.. I admit that I worked in the prison system, and tatts on convicted criminals, especially murderers is considered normal. That is what I relate tatts to..prisoners...
I always advise young people to at least get tattoos that they can hide. I always react negatively to anyone with major tattoo work showing. They would need to prove to me that they are not what they look like. But hey it's your body and your life....
By the way, I have a reputation on this forum as being very very liberal and accepting, but even I have limits...
That's really too bad, but like they say, "Everyone has a right to their own opinion" it's a matter of if they can project their opinion with class and good taste.
Education? I'm thinking you meant that on your behalf as in: "I am not educated enough to judge a person on who they are and not what they look like." If that is the case you displayed that with great admiration. I have my neck tattooed on both sides and a couple others as does my wife [model, sociology major, 3.8 gpa] and we are very intelligent, as are millions of others out there.
Age? You are correct on that one, reminds me of an old saying as well "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". Most "greatest generation" and "Baby boomers" won't approve of them because more often times than not they were raised with strict drunken, often religiously disturbed Dads/Moms and their narrow minded views were often beaten into them or by breaking their children into following said,"Outlooks",and is why you have such unconvincing daft views on them.[tattoos] If you were raised by say a down to earth laid back educated parent, and continued not to grow up in a box and with an open mind you would be more understanding.
Criminals?? Now this one got to me. I am pretty sure that made the men and women who have ever served, and all those who served before them and have died to preserve our rights turn over in their graves, for they outnumber any amount of "criminals" ever to have worn them. The first permanent tattoo shop was in NewYork City settled up in 1846 and began a tradition by tattooing military servicemen from both sides of the civil war. Samuel O'Reilly invented the electric tattooing machine in 1891. This was set also close to the boardwalk area contributing the "sailor" era. Then our Navy, came there after adopting them into our Military system altogether. That comment was immensely disrespectful in the least. As criminals in prison do tattoo, so do "Wall-Street" Tycoons, and have seen my friend tattoo butterflies, initials, Japanese scripture etc on their wives who come in, hand their Versace 'Couture' handbags to their Husbands to hold and plop right down in the chairs. So "Class" has nothing to do with it either.
Opinons are exactly that. We all are entitled to them it is our right as human beings. The only time I will say anything is when I see someone twisting their own diluted prejudices in with a few demeaning remarks and putting a "Quirky" spin on it and labeling it an "Opinion" when it was clearly a blatant show of your complete disgust/disproval. Your comment about tattoos being compared to razor marks and "self mutilation" was completely mind blowing. As not everyone likes to do as they wish with their OWN bodies, there are those like me who love who they are as an individual and celebrate that through stories, interests, religious views, loves, in honor and memory of family who have come and gone and to show those who are still with us how much we love them. Through needle and ink. I choose to do this as many others do because we can never lose or misplace these memories they are forever apart of us and we CHOOSE to tell our stories through our skin rather than say something like a memoir or a journal.
Nobody needs to prove anything to me no matter how they "look". I will greet you with a smile and my hand out. After that it is what you show me through your points of views and your outlook entirely on life. In that case if they are different from mine I won't dislike you or openly degrade you. I will just wish you the best and not hold any further forms of acquaintanceships with you. Nothing in common can prove a miserable base of communication. We would have a lot of uncomfortable silences. :S
I am going to be basing my life and career around agriculture. It is the basis and "roots" [if you will] of our civilization in my opinion. With it and it's knowledge being passed person to person we could all learn to self sustain. A lot of things plaguing the human race could be fixed. What does this have to do with "judging people on how they look" you might ask? That's simple, when I was 8 years old I began my interest for Botany. I snuck into my neighbors garden and trimmed some dead leaves of some carrot tops. My neighbor later asked my mother face to face if he could take me under his wing for the summer and show me how to "work the soil" my mother being a woman with an open mind and an open heart with no hesitation said yes, shook his hand and told me to go have fun and learn something useful. My neighbor was a 65 year old african american man with his left eye removed and half his left jaw removed due to cancer. She had only seen him out in his garden before that never had she ever spoken to him anytime before then. I thank my Mother quite often for not "judging" that man at first glance, and for letting him teach me what he did about Botany. She later told me how proud she was of me for not "being rude" to him. I remember telling her, "What are you talking about? He's really smart."
By the way, I have a reputation amongst all who know me as being a practitioner of the Philosophies of Buddha, but when it comes to holding my peace on certain things I have my limits.:D
Umm...feel attacked much????!!!!
Wow, I think you projected a lot on to Ms Information's post...I didn't read anything about her parents etc...and you belittled her opinions as "daft views" and then characterized them as disgust /disapproval. Her post may have been mildly insulting, but your haranguing reply was extremely vicious. I think your reputation might be more as someone who is striving to follow the teachings of the Buddha, but has aways to go yet.
I think a giant "chill" pill might go a long way towards your successful move to the Islands. this is a very small community and if you get a rep as someone who takes a war club to open a pistachio nut, you might find it hard to fit in with our very varied and er, interesting...population. I prescribe a few hours of Yo-Yo Ma to take the edge off.
PS I don't like tattoos much and I have a Master's - perhaps she meant nothing more than education about the meanings and rituals of tattoos...or perhaps she was using 'education' as shorthand for "indoctrination or life experience or parental influence. We will never know because you didn't really give her much of a chance to clarify her meaning before you delivered the 966 word beating!!!!
PPS Versace couture handbags have absolutely NOTHING to do with class!!!!
Sounds like you got more upset than anyone. You made the choice to comment on her "opinion". "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". We can go around all day in morals this, and points of view that, but being two entirely different people with nothing in common we will only end up spending to many useless minutes boring each other. I for one have more productive things to do. As I assume you do too.
I have to type what my 8 year old son said while reading over my shoulder at your reply. He said,"How did he think anything you said was mean? The other lady was mean. That was mean." Talk about kids saying the darndest things.
Thank you for your concern and I am pretty sure she will find it Noble as well. I responded to my thread in the most calm, and respectful manner, even "splashed" a bit of personal information in there. It helps so she wouldn't "opinion" me without knowing who I was as a person. I never called her a name, only merely put my opinion next to hers. Try to take that "Chill pill" yourself there. I know you thought that response was in "good intentions" but came off a bullish. You are right, I have bit of away to go. Don't we all?
P.S. If that WAS the case my response would still fit just fine. And I have already lived there in the past for many years. I was too young for tattoos then but I still got along just fine with the same "attitude" and outlooks I have now.
P.P.S Yeah I think they would if I was talking about "lower, middle, and upper CLASS" and not the "Classy" kind of class. 😉 You would have known that if you would have followed your own advice stated above.
P.P.P.S I have never had a problem fitting in while there or anywhere else. Nice little poke at the "Yo Yo Ma" thing. Made my kids laugh.
And if you could PM me with any further concerns feel free and let's keep this going in the right direction.
Thank you:-)
After walking away from this and coming back to it I would like to apologize to both Sallyf, and Ms info for the first half of my response that was a bit unfair to assume that about her "age" and "education" comment. Still learning. 😉
I have tattoos, but I respect the rights of others to not like them if they don't. I'm still their friends and am friendly and kind to them. 🙂
It's easy to make assumptions both ways on these sorts of things. Both on why someone would get a tattoo, or why someone else doesn't like them. Everyone carries their own basket of grief through life, and none of us truly knows what's going on with someone else. Trying to educate someone as to why they're "wrong" never achieves anything.
I think when sallyf was mentioning a "chill pill," that's what she's referring to - on island, one of the best attitudes is to simply respect others and their way of life and how they choose to live it. It's a small island and there are different cultures, ways of upbringing, and viewpoints and emotions here. I will never truly understand them all, but I can do my best to coexist and respect.
So nathan, some gentle feedback if I may, you started out this thread calling STX a "laid back place" - which it is, in many ways. But I think you may be projecting your own definition of "laid back" onto the island. I don't think it's laid back in exactly the same way that you think - not necessarily. Yes, you will meet people with similar attitudes and outlooks as your own, but there are many who won't share those attitudes and outlooks with you. And there are many here who are laid back, but not in the same way as you. And then there are many here who you will see as very different just in general.
The best way to be here really is to just chill, respect, have fun, and be kind. Give more heart and worry about others' opinions less. And having THAT attitude will cause others to view a person - perhaps even a person with tattoos and piercings - in a different light way more than trying to educate them will. 🙂
Nathany....When you move from book boy to getting a job...let us know what kinda job and how long it took to get one.I'd be very curious how that goes based not only on your outer appearance but that outer attitude.....Like all moms say about their kids.....he's such a nice boy...................get ready for the REAL world.:-o
nathanv: It's sometimes a good idea to walk away for a while before committing yourself in writing. Even sitting down and writing a draft can often save one from the later need to either apologize or qualify. "When it comes to holding my peace on certain things I have my limits", may well be something to curb a little more as you start to settle in here. Good luck.
Ms Information was just sharing her opinion. It wasn't an attack on anyone - just her opinion of how she feels when she sees a tattoo. 🙂
And her opinion is apparently meaningful to her - hey, we all have our triggers. 😉 But I didn't read it as insulting or attacking.
I wasn't prepared for Nathany's reaction. My intent was to give my opinion of major tattoo coverage. I just wanted people who have such coverage to be aware how they might be viewed by some other (not always older) people. My time as a teacher in a prison gave me time to know some of those men who covered themselves with tatts. Consequently, until I know someone, my first reaction is negative.
I understand that tatt acceptance is much higher now, but I know how I react to major tatt coverage. Oh, I have a very small tatt on my hip. but no one sees it unless ....;)
Men & women are now accepted into the military that are (heavily) tattooed. Their spouses and family members that have tattoos have to be approved also.
They get a waiver if the tattoos are NOT gang related.
I do know of a person that was rejected a government job in the states because they had tattoos that were visable. The story was passed on to me that works in the same govt. office (reliable source).
I guess it depends on the govt. entity.
There is a cover-up (make-up) line to use one can buy for situations when one must cover up their tattoo(s).
@Mr info, however you choose to judge people is fine. Just don't expect others [old or young] not to say anything. People come on here with the reassurance they can "say" what they want. I would like to think that it is that way for everyone, including me. You have a tattoo, that's great. You don't kill people," in fact, by the time I finished reading your comment I got a little playfulness out of it, so apparently you are not a mean stubborn person either, We are who we are. I am tattooed, I really am an easy going person, and will virtually do anything to help a stranger. That is neither here nor there. Point is I am a veteran, a father and a husband. AND I am pretty cool too. 8-).
All in all it is crappy you had to be involved in the prison system. I say that because for a short 8 months I had to step in as an MP at the military holdings in Leavenworth. It can definitely leave a life long "impression" on a person.
Hopefully we can get this going a bit more positive. I am pretty sure there is more everyone can learn from each other.
I teach my children to be respectful of everyone no matter what color they are. That, white, green, blue, orange...and so on. I want them to get to know the person on the inside before any judgement is made. As a tattooed women, I deal with this stigma everyday. If someone was badly burned or scared would you think they were a bad person? Would you go into someone's home and berate them for the paintings they hang on the walls? Why ridicule this form of art? I choose to decorate my body to show my life experiences and share with the world. To have someone say publically that all whom are tattooed are associated with murderers is "ignorant".
Now, on to the reason for this thread. I personally don't know what the job market is like for a tattooed prospective employee on stx. I would imagine in your field you will be just fine. I was an accounting supervisor for a very uptight company in the states. I can say that I did hire people with body art. It had nothing to do with the way they looked. I judged based on their past and present knowledge of the field, demeanor and work history. I just hope you get the same here!
Hi Lots
I found some responses on here a bit surprising to say the least, but I am at ease knowing that the career field I have chosen will NOT in fact discriminate against my choice in lifestyle. Fortunately I still have time to put a "good impression" on even the negative people on this forum when I get to the Island. It is one thing to say things over a thread, but once you meet me you will know I am much more than a tattoo enthusiast. If they still choose to not look past petty things to get to know me it's their loss.
I still look forward to going back to the Islands regardless, and can't wait for my kids to have the opportunity to spend a part of their childhood there as I got to and not just vicariously through old home movies.
I would like to publicly apologize to nathan if it seemed that I insulted him. It wasn't my intent to do so - sometimes advice and discussion comes across wrong. My apologies.
"I think they are ignorant, they might as well carve lines in their faces" "I see them all as criminals"
Too bad this is considered a legitimate "opinion" when clearly a 5 year old could see that as a demeaning insult. BUT HEY who am I?
I watch "Top Chef" on the Bravo Channel and many of these chef are tattooed. I've seen it in this season and previous seasons.
Like they say, "You can't judge a book by its cover".
I don't judge, until you get to know the person.
I'm a waitress and everyone loves my tattoos, its a great conversation starter and its all good.
There is a cover-up (make-up) line to use one can buy for situations when one must cover up their tattoo(s).
Yeah, they have to slather Angelina Jolie in that every time she makes a movie. Or maybe they just CGI 'em out now.
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