Surviving the tropi...
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Surviving the tropics...

(@Andrew McGregor)
Posts: 26
Eminent Member
Topic starter

This is from my room mate......

Marci wants to know what do they use to perserve wood furniture from termites and other critters in the islands? She has several pieces of antique furniture and would like to bring them with her.

Any help would be appreciated, as she is very attached to these heirlooms.



Posted : October 31, 2003 5:47 am
(@Richard N. Kurpiers)
Posts: 92
Trusted Member


I kid you not.

Check out:

Posted : October 31, 2003 4:23 pm
(@Andrew McGregor)
Posts: 26
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Hi Richard....

Boy if that don't beat all!....I'll do a bit more research on the oil, make sure that it doesn't affect the finish etc......

She has two rocking chairs from the 1800's and a couple of other pieces she wants to take to the islands, I wonder if the oil might also be a natural treatment for the wood....that would be to good to be true.....

Thanks so much for the heads up Richard, I've learned a lot off this board.


Posted : October 31, 2003 4:47 pm
Posts: 3030

Hello Andrew,

Also when looking for a house/apartment make sure to scope out wooden items, closet doors, bookshelves, kitchen cabinets, doors - things that might have termites already. Their dropping look like tan colored sand basically. Might have the place fumigated before moving in to insure there is no termites waiting to eat your wooden furniture before you even move in, if you should find indications of termites. Make sure your room-mate packs these special items carefully to insure they are delivered without problems.


Posted : November 2, 2003 6:22 am
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