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Survey: stateside 'transplants' on this forum, who live here year-round - did you/do you vote?

Posts: 231
Estimable Member

stxsailor wrote:
"absolutely! every year since we moved here,even when the pickings were real slim [this past election perhaps?"

Pickings are always slim. you are basically picked the best out a special ed class.

I think I would prefer a "Special ed class." In my experience they are mostly kindhearted, honest people.

Posted : November 28, 2018 4:28 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

So what do you think about Albert as our new governer?

I'm glad Mapp didn't get reelected.
Wonder how he'll now fund his, Potter's and cronies lifestyle but
It'll be interesting to see an AUDIT.

Posted : November 30, 2018 11:17 pm
Posts: 1072
Noble Member

I am curious to see how this transition will go. I am also really curious to see some of the contracts that happened since we have been in a state of emergency for over a year and have a feeling it has been so because they could push through contracts without all the necessary steps. I have so little patience for red tape, so I don't envy those in the government who basically are just wrapped up in it all the time. I would love some transparency in the government but I am not so sure we are going to see any more of it with Bryan than we did with Mapp. It will be interesting considering how many senators went out, a new governor, and a lot of new commissioners.

Posted : December 1, 2018 8:09 am
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

Bryan at least set a kinder tone by feeding people on St John Thanksgiving dinner. If Mapp did, it wasn't reported on local online sites or in the Daily News.

He also set an example by using an electric vehicle as his official campaign vehicle.

He hired a young musical group to perform at his events at his campaign HQ and for an event tonight. By young I mean students.

At least he has a more civil and gracious demeanor. Let's hope it works to the benefit of the VI.

Posted : December 1, 2018 9:13 am
Posts: 862
Prominent Member

ms411 wrote:
Bryan at least set a kinder tone by feeding people on St John Thanksgiving dinner. If Mapp did, it wasn't reported on local online sites or in the Daily News.

He also set an example by using an electric vehicle as his official campaign vehicle.

He hired a young musical group to perform at his events at his campaign HQ and for an event tonight. By young I mean students.

At least he has a more civil and gracious demeanor. Let's hope it works to the benefit of the VI.

Bryan also marched in the Pride parade this year, despite the hate threats.

Posted : December 1, 2018 5:03 pm
Posts: 1072
Noble Member

This is at least something! I have to say, I am often so embarrassed about the president of the US that I can't read about or watch him. I'm ashamed. I personally never be in politics because I don't have the temperament for it, but at least I know that about myself and stay out of politics.

ms411 wrote:
At least he has a more civil and gracious demeanor. Let's hope it works to the benefit of the VI.

Posted : December 2, 2018 7:04 am
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

Somebody asked me for recommendations for inaugural ball location on St John since Westin not available. I made a few suggestions and will follow up with a list via text later today. If anybody has recommendations I'll add them to the list.

Events Committee, which I am not on, will make the decision.

Posted : December 2, 2018 11:53 am
Posts: 1072
Noble Member

Not a lot available other than private villas or possibly Serenusa that would already have the necessary facilities in place and would also have protection from rain should it happen. Fred's is the only place of I can think of in town and it's pretty small for something like that.

Posted : December 3, 2018 6:32 am
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