Survey Says!
Hello Adam, Ryann, Eve, Dustin, MLogan, Jessica , Nate, Ryan S., Kyle P, carole, kasey, boris_159, amanda, Don, Shawn and everyone else planning to move to the USVI.
I would like to know:
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
Islander and the rest of the gang,
1) I am from the Caribbean (Trinidad and Tobago) but left there when I was 19 yrs. old. I lived in the US for 5 years and am now in London finishing shcool. So, to answer the first question: I am a fellow islander myself.
2) Because of the nature of my studies I can basically go whereever I want (providing there is internet access) after I've spent one year in London. That year is almost up and I've been wanting to move back to the Caribbean to spend some time before I finish my studies and begin a job back in the US. I considered moving back to Trinidad or Tobago but I wanted to try another island.
I like that the USVI has all the appeal of the Caribbean (in terms of geography, weather, food, music, people) and yet it is still close to the US geographically and politically (factors which are very important to me).
3) I'll probably stay a year or more (but no more than two years.)
4) My friends are jealous, but for the most part they're encouraging me to move mainly because they want to visit. My family doesn't mind at all (I'm very independent of them so it is not an issue).
5) I have never visited the USVI before.
Ryan S.
1.) My boss told me about the Virgin Islands and a possible move down there to set up a branch office for us.
2.) I want to move the USVI because it will be a interesting change in my life and also offer a great learning expiernce. The attraction is of course that it is on island in the Caribbean, and it has good weather all year around. Also it is a US territory.
3.) I intend to stay at least for a year maybe longer depending on how the office is running. Maybe for good, who knows, one can never tell what the future holds.
4.) Most friends are jelous, but they also like that fact that they will be able to visit me. My family supports my move because it is a great business move for me, being I am only 22.
5.) Yes, I had a chance in October to come down and visit to see if I would be willing to move. I had a great time, and like with anywhere if you people the respect they deserve you will recieve it in return.
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
My husband and I got married in St. Lucia last October. We're ocean lovers and have always dreamed of living near one. 4 years ago we started doing research on moving from Texas to California to open a dog boarding kennel but everything in Cali was so expensive. So, we started exploring the Caribbean. We want to stay within the United States of course so we decided on the USVI's.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
Like I mentioned about we love the ocean and we love to dive. Of course that's not the main reason but it helps. We dont want the big city life. We truly believe that there is more to life than where we are and we feel we can make our lives better and live longer if we arent always so stressed. Plus, we love a challenge. We're very minimal and we dont need a lot to live.
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
We're planning on forever.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
We havent told our family yet (want to tell them in person, they're in Michigan and we're in Texas). I know they're not going to be happy but they'll get over it.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
I have not but my husband has. We've got a "pre-move" visit booked for August 11-21st. We'll be staying at the Flamboyant Manor. We're looking forward to it. We're going to try to make it like we're living there...but not working of course.
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
My best friend lives on St. Croix.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
I love St. Thomas. It is so beautiful and I am never bored. Island living suits me.
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
My Mother and children are behind me 100%.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
Lots of times. Did STX carnival this year, came for a weekend alone the end of March and will be returning last week in May.
> 1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands?
My parents first visited about 15 years ago, staying on St. John. Since then, I have been lucky enough to travel about once a year with them. We started out renting on St. John but have been doing bareboat chartering for the past 10 years or so.
> 2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
I am tired of cold, gray new jersey winters. I am all about the laid back island lifestyle and nice blue diving water. (Diving in new jersey is like diving in a cup of coffee) Aside from this, I love travelling. I would almost prefer to go somewhere that I have not yet been, but with this being a US territory it makes things much easier to live/work. My time spent in other countries has taught me that if I don't do it now, I will probably never do it (soon to be fresh outta college)
> 3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year,
> forever)
I'm not really planning on any length of time, but probably 6 months-1 year. If the opportunity arises to obtain a job in the VI in an engineering field, that could turn into forever. If not, I've spent too much time and effort in getting my degree to not ever do anything with it, so my stay wouldn't be for all that long.
> 4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your
> idea to move?
My friends know that its what I've wanted to do and wish I would just shut up and do it instead of endlessly going on about it. My family is a bit concerned with me never returning, but it would give them another reason to come to their favorite vacation spot.
> 5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
Yep! hopefully my limited experience can be of some help.
Hello All,
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? When I was 12 my grandmother took me on a 10 day cruise, one of the port of calls was St Thomas but that was years ago. Here in Maryland, after 9-11 the USVI has commerical in support of the US Mainland. A few months ago Essence had an ad for the USVI. Ford Motor company is currently offering a USVI vacation if you purcahse a Ford Escape.
2. Why do you want to move to USVI; whats the attraction? It's an Island, ISLAND is the key word. A few years back I said, if I wasn't in a seriously commited relationship and had all my bills paid off I wanted to move to a island. USVI is a caribbean island protected by the US. Since USVI is a US Territory and I'm a US citizen I don't need a work permit and don 't have to pay to work there.
3. How long do you intend to stay? I would like to stay forever. I'm coming with an open mind. I'm giving myself a year to sink or swim. If it doesn't work out after a year, I'll be going back to Michigan. HOPEFULLY FOREVER, I'm already trying to recruit my brothers and mother.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move? At first my mother wasn't happy. We're very very close, and the USVI is a long way from Michigan. My close cousins don't want me to move, but I asked what's the difference of me living in Maryland and you in Michaigan. After a few weeks of talking about it my entire family is in full support of me moving. I don't have any children, not married, I have nothing holding me back and still young enough, so if it doesn't work out I can say it was wonderful living on the island and take it as a life experience. My family only concern is I'm moving to quick. My original plan was to move April 2005 now it Sept 2004.
5. Have you ever visted the USVI. Yes, when I was 12 but I don't remember much. I'm planning a per-move visit for the end of May 2004.
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands?
After listening to Jimmy Buffett and reading two of his books, I was interested in moving to the carribbean. My original destination was St. Kitts, however after some research, I found out how unbelievably difficult it would be to gain citizenship. I honestly didn't even know the USA had territories when i first started my research.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
The weather and laid back atmosphere are definatly the big two. Also I am really interested in Carribbean music and culture. The drinking age isnt much of a deterant either.
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
Guess we'll find the answer to this one once I get there.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
They all think it's absolutly ridiculous. (I'm 18 years old) The whole time I was growing up, my parents and teachers always told me "You can do anything you want to do." But whenever I started talking about moving to the carribbean, they looked at me like I was nuts and said I better go to the college down the street instead.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
No. I'm going on a wing and a prayer.
What island are you on, Islander??
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands?
From my good buddy Adam, which you can see above.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
I'm having trouble putting this answer into a coherent statement but... I don't have enough direction / desire right now to make a decision pertaining to my first career. My parents both settled down very quickly and I feel at this time that I am not ready to settle, I have alot of ambitions that I want to achieve, seeing the world is one of them. The reason for STT specifically: Word of mouth from people who have been there, US Territory, available research material (aka that are making the logistics easier. I could go on....
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
6 months - 1 year unless something causes me to stay longer however i'm not putting a time limit on myself.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
Parents were skeptical at first (as always) but have come to grips that when I want to do something I do it (read: being disowned for a few weeks to keep my motorcycle). They both give the valid argument that I will be missed, and that my grandmother is in poor health, but they also say that they feel that now is the time to do it and I need to live my dreams... something they didnt do all that often.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
No... and I know why you ask, but my first visit is happening on June 2nd, and therefore no decisions will be finalized until I actually experience it myself.
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us) I have heard about the virgin islands through my boyfriend (whom I'm moving with) and we have friends there for about 15 years now, moved from the states as well, they are doing well.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction? I want to move because of the beauty of the island, the people there, the ocean is within 20 of wherever you are, its a great place to learn "patience", I have people ask me the same thing, "why do you want to move there" and after reading this board for the past couple months, I see alot of people saying you really need patience. I am going there, intending to wait in line for almost everything I need. Expecting nothing to be in stock and waiting in line at the bank for an hour to cash my check or open an account. My goal is to learn "PATIENCE", its a good thing, something you really don't need hear in the states.
Oh and the weather isn't so bad all year around either...LOL
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
no question about it, FOREVER, We will give ourselves plenty of time to adjust and get comfortable, you will need at least 8 months to a year, just to get to this point.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
We family was a little disappointed, but since we told them over a year ago, they have gotten used to the idea and are starting to deal with it. As we pack boxes and have yard sales and sell our furniture, they (friends also) realize we are serious and support us. Of course you have the friends that say something, or have the "green eyed monster" remarks of jealousy.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
Yes I have visited at least 6 times in the past 5 years and my boyfriend many more times. Everytime we visit, we NEVER wanna come home, so after our last visit, we thought long and hard about it, and decided the next time we go, we are STAYING, so thats when we planned on moving to the USVI.
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
My husband is 40 with a military carreer and 22 years in. I am 33. Only my father is alive and living near us. My brothers and his brothers are stationed elsewhere in military also. We decided it was time to start investing in retirement. Through circumstances, we are in a postion to be able to invest in land or a home to move to. But where to put it. Somewhere warm! We looked at Nv, Az, Tx, Fl, Al. Than my husband got tired of city level politics. Started looking outside the mainland, discovered USVI. StJ to exclusive, StT to open, StX just right. All through internet research during the last year...
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
I've always wanted a gecko that costs $350,000 dollars. Or maybe a palmtree. Actually it was weather. The climate we wanted. My husband and I are business partners as well and we look forward to finding oppurtunities which will allow us to ease into our retirement in a way that we can work togeather for our goals and enjoy each others company. We love each other and our time together.
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
If possible this is forever.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
My family is all for it. They (most of them) know how much Mark and I have given up to take care of our parents during long illnesses, as well as his grandparents, my uncle, aunts....etc. It is our turn to go and explore now. To be able to leave the roost so to speak. Our friends on the other hand are &%$holes. Not supportive, jealous, crappy remarks about not being able to do it. We have decided to not discuss it and give open answers like "welllll were just looking into it, and Maybe it'll happen" That way when we do this they'll all get a two week notice. Bye! Wee're outttaaa here! If you ever swing through the VI. Stop and see us!
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
Not before, Now in the last two months, I've been to STX twice and my husband Once.
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
I have traveled around Central America and the Caribbean before.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
I love the beach and the warm weather. I used to live in Charleston, SC, a small city where any beach was about five minutes away. Also, my cousin did a SEAmester on a Catamaran? around the Caribbean and said that it is the greatest place he has ever see
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
I have an internship in St. Croix which I must finish in order to recieve a degree, so one year at least but we will see if it is forever
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
My friends and family would said that it was a cool idea, living on an island, but none believed that I would do it. They knew I was serious when I bought the ticket down. Everyone is very cool about it, but am not getting much help about moving down
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
I have visited St. Thomas and St. John
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
I took a Caribbean cruise in 99 that had stops in San Juan, STX, and STT. To be honest I had never really heard much or knew much about the USVI before that.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
Sun, sea, beaches, cool leeezards, and a slower pace of life. 🙂
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
Forever! (if it's okay with the Islanders)
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
Friends don't believe me when I say I'm going to move there...they think since I was born and raised in the midwest that I'll always live in the midwest. They forget that I was in the Air Force and have lived in many different places that are not in the midwest. Family seems a bit worried, but they know me better and know I can make it work.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
As I said to #1, I visited shortly in 99 on a cruise, and I also came back last September to further explore STT and STJ for four days. I'm already planning another recon trip for either this fall or next spring.
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
I hope to never meet the people who don't know where the Virgin Islands are! My friends and I have travelled around the Carribean a bit.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
I enjoy moving around and rediscovering myself and life. The Virgin Islands was the only place that I haven't already lived that was of interest to me.
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
A couple of years as a permanent resident. Then, I would like to buy a place and rent it out for 6 months while I travel and return for the other 6 months.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
My mom will probably be joining me in a year or so. My friends just shake their heads!
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
I visited Saint Thomas and St. John last year for a week just to make sure my gut feeling was right. It was...
Thanks Everyone for sharing. Anyone else? More surveys to come. 🙂
Amanda - St. Thomas!
here are my responses:
1. My partner and I have traveled extensivly throughout the carribean and fell in love with STX on Past Visits.
2. It has been my dream since I was 18 yrs old to move to the carribean to live, I have a culinary Degree from the Culinary Insitute of America. My Partner of 15yrs can retire with in 3 yrs adn he told me we have stayed here in Michigan because of his Job adn when he retires I can Pick the place we m ove to. So I choosed STX because of love for the Island.
3. We plan on staying on STX til the end
4. Our families are Mixed about the move, Everyone is fine and excited for us with the exception of my mouther who thinks the move is stupid and is too far from home (only a 5 hour Flight) WOW......but otherwise they are all for it and are planning vacations with us
5. Yes we have visisted the islands frequently the last visit was on STX from March 7th to the 14th of this yr. we stayed at Coakly Bay condos and loved it we worked with our realtor while on the islands and found it very exciting and made our move a more positive idea and decided that STX is the place for us
Some interesting questions:
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
I've actually been to St. Thomas, years ago (in my early 20s). It was a short visit, but I thought the Island was beautiful.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
I've always wanted to live in the islands, since my pre-teen days. I love the ocean, and most things about a tropical environment. More recently, after I married my husband who has similar aspirations, I started researching how we could "make it happen". We were originally focusing on Costa Rica, but that was more of a longe-range goal, primarily for financial reasons. When I started thinking of ways to move sooner (i.e. before retirement), I had to factor in employment opportunities. Since I enjoy practicing law, I "brainstormed" (during a long run, actually) re: where I could find a job as an attorney. Before I had even cooled down from my run, I was on line researching that angle. That's how I found this web site. I've been VERY focused since then.
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
We are in the "forever" mode. We have a good situation here in Florida, a lot to give up. So it would not be a rash decision. No burnt bridges, though.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
Everyone so far has been supportive. We haven't told my husband's family, though. They're a little more conservative than the rest of our friends & family.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
Yes, as stated above.
Have a great weekend!
Your answers........
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
Previous amatuer radio operator, previous travel agency owner, visitor of the USVI many times.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
I'm from New Jersey.....everyone here wants to move to Florida....I want something...well....more romantic....more exciting.
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
At first two to three weeks per year....then upon retirement....three to four months each year.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
They want to come too.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
Yes, many times.
Future Islander
1. My husband, who travels nowhere, has always wanted to visit St. Thomas, hasn't. He has talked this for over 15 years. Ten years ago a friend with friends on St. Thomas gave me 3 "tourist brochures", which I read thourghly and stowed for years. Annual vacation discussions hadn't brought my husband to stepout and try an island vacation.
2. Born and raised Wisconsinite-for 30 years, moved to Florida, now here almost 23 years. Living in a small, rural town 30 miles from Disney World, where I have worked for over 22 years. I loved joining the culture here. I want to join the island culture-be part of the ambiance and reality of island life. I have selected USVI's because of the citizenship-I don't want to leave US behind and St. Croix because of the businesses there and the lesser amount to tourism. I don't go to Orlando very often-never drive on the interstate-will drive 50 miles to mall rather than any of Orlando's malls. Last year I started doing internet research - which is great with thoughts of quitting my job and moving.
3. I want to stay between 5 years and forever. I'm flexible.
4. My husband hasn't giving me negativity for my plans, but says he doesn't want to live on an island. Whatever! I'm forging ahead with my plans- if he's not joining me it'll be his loss. Other family members and friends are surprised, but not shocked, they're curious and supportive. You know the "Go Girl" attitude. Life is too short.
5. Never. Not yet. We're flying to St. Croix for a week next Saturday. This will be our exploratory vacation-staying at cottage on Castle-Nugent Ranch.
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
Honestly - four weeks ago, I couldn't find the Virgin Islands on a map to save my life. I thought they were off the coast of Europe or something because of British VI. I had no clue. I am not a dumb person, I just never thought about it. My husband takes short term contract jobs and had a contract to come work on STT for one week. I went with him, since we wouldn't have a 'real' vacation this year and this was close to free.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
Well, I did get sunburned the first day there, but I love the ocean and views from every part of the island. St. John was even better with less people. I think getting sunburned helped me discover more of the island rather than just the beaches. I am part Japanese and used to prefer Hawaii to the Carribean, but the water is so much more beautiful here (STT) than the Pacific. The water actually tastes less salty which I aim to find out why. People are friendly and helpful. By the end of the week I was 'seeing' the island from a local point of view rather than a tourist. I enjoy life by experiences rather than material goods.
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
My husband was offered a full-time position at the end of the week which we were completely surprised about. We went home to the kids and thought about it. We researched and calculated cost of living - which I have to admit, this website really helped with that - and eventually decided to go for it. My husband is moving there next week and I am to follow in three months with the kids. For medical insurance reasons, we have to wait. I will be flying out there a few times to set up house before I move. We plan on staying a few years and maybe longer.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
Grandparents are upset that the grandkids will be so far away, but everyone is happy for us.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
I really would have never decided to move to STT had I not been there first. It is Paradise with a twist of reality. You can't have the sweet without a twist of sour - no? That reminds me - I need to make another fun drink... See you on the island!
1. I served in the US Coast Guard and made patrols to the area. We provided fuel and water to St. Thomas right after H. Hugo hit. I've worked on a variety of boats on each coast, and have always had a love for "island" life, lore, and history.
2. Found a great job. I want to spend a year on island time, quit making noise, and start making music on my guitar. Reintroduce myself to scuba/snorkling, and kill a few fish.
3. A year to start, we'll see where the wind blows from there.
4. Anxious for my address and a place to stay!
5. Brief visits while in the USCG.
I would like to know:
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
My eventual employer took out an ad in a local trade publication at the time I was looking for a new job. I was actually looking for work in St. Louis. St. Croix was ahead of it in the alphabetical city listings. Wasn't really interested in moving there, but could hardly turn down their invitation to fly down for an interview. Stayed for a year, moved back to the states for another year to explore other options. Am returning indefinately to same job on STX in July.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
Job. Money. It was a complete fluke that I ended up there the first time around. The economy is terrible right now where I currently live and there are few jobs available in my line of work. The VI position has the advantage of being definite and secure, with pay about 40% higher than I could get here. It also never gets cold. Ever.
I also collect interesting places to live. One of the U.S.'s last colonial outposts, in the form of tiny, Caribbean island, fit the bill.
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
3-5 years with an open mind towards a longer tenure. Will probably retain income property on island even if I move my permanent residence elsewhere.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
My friends and family are used to me living in unusual places and taking quixotic left-hand life turns. Many people liked the idea of having a free place to stay should they decide to visit.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
Nope. The five days I was there for the job interview was my only contact with the VI prior to relocation.
Hello Islander!
I'm not listed on your list yet, but thought I would add my two cents too!
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
In 1962, my ship, the USS Amphion AR-13, took a cruise to Mexico via the Caribbean. We stopped in Jamaica, and in 'Gitmo', and then on to Vera Cruz Mexico. Unfortunately, I couldn't convince the Captain to make a pit stop in St. Thomas to enable the crew to 'party hardy'!
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
Three reasons:
1. the weather
2. the weather
3. the weather
(I've lived with gray, winter skies in the Pacific Northwest most of my life)
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
A few months at a time at first then extending to 6 to 9 months out of the year.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
We haven't told anyone about our plans. We'll probably wait and casually mention it at the last minute.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
Yes, in my dreams.
Physically? No, but I came real close. See answer #1 above.
1. How did you hear/learn about the Virgin Islands? (there are quite a number of folks in the states who don't know where, what ect. about us)
A friend of a friend had an internship down there and loved it. I was planning on going to the Cayman Islands but things were just not working out so I started looking into it and things were coming together a lot easier.
2. Why do you want to move to the USVI; whats the attraction?
An island with lots of nice water for diving and a good place to have a good time while I am still young and can. What other reasons are needed.
3. How long do you intend to stay? (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, forever)
I am planning on a year or so, just depending on the friends I find and how long the money lasts.
4. What are your friends and family saying/thinking about your idea to move?
There are some that want me to stay but there are a lot more that are jealous and wished that they either had done it or could do it depending on their age. Parents were not to fond of spending all that money for me to be a beach bum at first but they have come around and are ready for me to get the heck out of Dodge.
5. Have you ever visited the USVI?
I have never visited the VI and am really looking forward to it. Pictures look really good and those that have visited that I have talk to loved it.
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