Supplies (school or otherwise) needed?
We may have a little room in our luggage when we come down in a few weeks and were wondering if the schools could use some supplies? Crayons, paper, small books etc.?
I think that would be a nice little donation.
If you have a relationship with a day care or small private school on-island, such a gift might be appropriate and appreciated. But showing up at the front office of a public school with a bag of supplies would not be something I would be comfortable doing.
We do not have any school contacts. Would it be appropriate to try to find a teacher or someone local that we would be able to give them some supplies? If not, I do not want to offend anyone or cause any problems. Just thought there might be a need and since we had some room, we could help out.
Why not contact the Humane Society of St. Thomas and ask for the Humane Education Coordinator? I don't know about STT but I know that on STX our Humane Education coordinator would love to have a donation of art supplies for the kids to use in their poster contests, writing essays, or just for good after-school projects. Other non-profits would also be similarily appreciative. Does STT have a Women's Coalition type group that does after-school activities??? A Boys and Girls Club?... or even Garden Center or something. Summer is coming and all of the Summer Camps would have the need for school supplies and craft things. I'd call first and ask what they might need then shop to hopefully get it for them. Make sure you let them know your budget tho! 🙂
Too bad you are not coming to STX... I could put you in touch with a number of non profit organizations that would definitly be thankful for a few giant boxes of crayons, craft paper, paints, colored pencils, and the like.
Best of Luck!
We will be in STX (staying at Cruzan Princess again). I will see how much room we have and buy stuff to "fill-in" and if I have to I will leave them with someone at Off the Wall or Cane Bay bar (or Frankie at Lobster Reef :)!!). It appears that some members frequent those establishments.
SandyandBob... thanks! I guess I just assumed STT. I go to Cane Bay weekly myself and you could leave them with Alex there. I'd be happy to transport to the desired recipient. Very nice. I'll try to do some research on what small items might be needed most. I'm particularly partial to the Humane Education program as it teaches Kindness is Contageous! and their program is as much about respecting animals as respecting all living things, taking care of our world, and being a responsible person... all good lessons! They focus on our public schools, especially elementary level.
Thanks. We will be down the 17th of this month. We hope to be hitting our favorite places by the afternoon (or at least by Sunday sometime). If we don't "hear" from you I will just leave whatever I can find (fit) at Cane Bay bar. Sandy
Humane Society is a GREAT idea. The Humane Society Flea market on STX is open from 9-2 on Saturday and would be happy to receive these things for the poster contest. Anyone can tell you where you are located - behind Pueblo at Golden Rock.
Sandy and Bob,
I am a Kindergarten teacher on STX at a small private school. If you have yet decided on the recipients, our students can always use crayons, colored pencils and journal books/writing books. When looking for basic things like ABC/Number flash cards here on island, I am limited to overpriced stores... i.e. no cheap dollar stores carrying these items... also, reward stickers are in limited supply on island.
You can always give them to Lisa (server/bartender/Jane of all trades) at Full Moon at Cane Bay. We could always share the supplies between her daughter’s class and mine.
I would think she meant public schools.
And giving to the public schools is her choice... but, while many people think of private schools as having money, I can tell you that that is not completely true... at least, not here on STX. At my school, most of my students attend on some financial aid which is offered to them through our year 'round fund raising. Most of the small private schools on the island have the same situation. Those schools affiliated with churches often receive additional funds from their church to supplement their budget.
My school's student population is approx 90% Crucians whose parents work very hard and could use a little financial help when it comes to supplies and tuition.
Whether you give to public or private, the items I listed before would benefit them since these are the types of things that teachers end up buying throughout the year, out of their own pockets, for the students…. And you can add pencils and erasers to that list.
SandyandBob, whomever you choose to assist, I am sure they will appreciate the help.
It seems like most teachers in the lower classes that I have talked with in the states are always complaining that they personally have to buy some of the supplies so the children will have something to work with. There never seems to be enough money.
I would think that if she were to go in the front office, she could get a cold shoulder??? but if she were to meet one of the teachers, she would be welcomed with open arms.
When we went to Fiji a few years ago, we were on Benga. A small island with two villages, no roads, and a small school. The resort ( small, limit 36 divers ) we went to took a walk to the village and school. The school would have the children come out and sign a song, and the teachers would tell what they were teaching at that time. Many of the guests would bring down supplies and give them to the teachers. It was very much appreciated. Luckily for us, a friend had been there before and told us so were brought down some items.
Is this exploiting the children to gain assistance? Yes it probably is, but the school needed help.
Linda J I would like to know why you wouldn't be comfortable showing up to the front office of a public school? Have you had a bad experience before or something? I know it's just your personal opinion, I was just curious.
I do make donations, both to organizations, like the Humane Society and privately. For example, in the states, we always "adopted" a family at Christmas through the day care my children used to attend.
But I would never assume to know someone elses' need. And if I did see a need, I'd try hard to give in such a way to leave the person their dignity. I feel the same way about the school system. To me, just showing up with a bag of school supplies feels a little condescending. I would much rather make human contact with a teacher or a parent and make a donation that way.
The reason I asked about the need for supplies on this forum is that it appeared that there are some teachers and youth group volunteers that write here on a regular basis. I did not know of a better way to contact someone before our arrival. I am not trying to assume that I know what (if anything) that is needed. That is why I asked.
Anyway, we have a backpack of supplies that we will share with Lisa and Alex as suggested. Hope to meet some of the forum members in person when we are there in mid-May.
SandyandBob, Any of the schools here would be delighted to receive school supplies. When I have to go to the states on business I go to the dollar stores and Walmart and fill the biggest suitcase I have with stickers, stamps, glue, pencils, crayons, sizzors, markers, ect. I often ship things as well. Some I give to my childs class and also drop some off to the local elementary school. They are always happy to receive these items.
Yvonne, I have a bunch of stuff waiting at the post office to pick up. Come and get some stuff.
Thanks to Sandy and Bob for their charitable intentions--I am sure that your generosity will be much appreciated.
...and bless you Linda for saying this. People in need, especially those in settings such as the USVI where there are often great disparities in wealth, little need to be reminded that there are some of us who can very easily obtain such material goods. So, a healthy dose of respect along with charity goes a long way.
Very true
when i give stuff to my homeless guy i never say a word to him or even get out of my vehicle, i just pull over and hand him the bag and drive off
Thank you so much.... I will pm you to coordinate. My students will be so happy!
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