Sugar beach condo's
My name is Randy and my girlfriend's name is Maile {pronounced My Lee } we are coming down on the second of December to STX staying for 7 days. Were coming there with a small group of friends and was wondering if sugar beach condo's are as nice as they say. When we look up sugar beach on google earth it plants us about 300 yards out in christansted harbour. Could you give us some land marks to help us locate them on google earth they show club st Croix and christansted harbour how close to them are they. Buy the way this is a pmv but the m part is 2yrs away. thnx 4 your help
try to copy paste this link to your adress bar
I also did a YAHOO search of Sugar Beach Condos St Croix and came up with lots of sights w/photos.
It looked very nice to me, and the link I probided has some customer reviews.
Happy Travels, Jay
Yes, they are nice and centrally located. Here's another link to a specific unit that's available for rental.
thx Jay the link was alot of help sounds like people enjoyed them selves on vacation thier. I guess i'm just kinda nervous because we are going to rent a car {van since thier is 6 adults} when we looked up directions and it put us out in the ocean I got freaked.
If Google Earth shows you where Club St. Croix is located, you can easily find Sugar Beach. Sugar Beach Condos are immediately west of Club St. Croix on the beach. To be sure you are looking at the right property, you should see four condo complexes all in a row. The westernmost of the four is a single serpentine building that runs inland from the beach. The one east of that is four buildings (three wrap around the swimming pool and one is waterfront), The next one is Sugar Beach. It's swimming pool is behind the building (not on the water side of the building). The easternmost is Club St. Croix. It has a swimming pool and restaurant on the northeast corner of the complex by the beach. Swimming pools usually stand out on Google Earth, so the pool placement might be something you can see online to help you be sure you are looking at the right buildings.
If you haven't already rented a car. Call Sharon at Mid-West, 877-772-0438, very nice to deal with. She will have the car waiting for you at the airport, and you just leave it in the parking lot when you leave.
thx alexandra that pinpointed them exact. If you could i would like a email address so me and Maile could come and talk to you when we are down kinda pick your brain a little. Randy
Terry thx for the tip we will call Sharon tomorrow
Randy - my email address is:
If I'm on-island the week you are here, I'd be happy to meet you for a chat about real estate and whatever else comes up. With a long-range plan of moving to the islands, figuring out sooner, rather than later, what is realistic to expect is a wise thing to do. Keep in mind that it is steadily becoming more expensive to live in the islands and the increase is rising faster than salaries. People who could have afforded to come here a couple years ago may not be able to afford it now and would be losing more ground if they waited two more years. The fastest rising exepense is for housing, either purchased or leased. As the sales prices rise, landlords also have to raise rents to cover their expenses. Prices seem to be stabilizing somewhat versus what they have done in the past 18 months. There may well be additional increases as the winter comes and the snow birds arrive with cash in hand.
When my husband and I first arrived at STX, we stayed at Club St. Croix. The arrangements were made by the Hovensa contracting company that he works for so we didn't have a choice in the matter. We we're exactly thrilled with our condo and after four days we drove next door to check out Sugar Beach condos. (We'd also read on-line that they were highly rated.)
We walked through a few vacant units until we found our favorite. We moved in the next day and happily stayed there until we were able to find a long-term lease at another condominium complex.
We would highly recommend Sugar Beach condos to anyone. They are nicely maintained (at least the units the we saw were) and overlook the ocean with a gorgeous white sandy beach. The pool is beautiful, with a clubhouse area that has a computer set up for residents to use, along with WI-FI access available in the pool area if you have a laptop.
Feel free to ask any additional questions that you may have! I'll be glad to assist.
I have also stayed at Sugar Beach. Two of us in a unit for six days, when we left we wished it had been sixteen days longer. You should like it there.
thx everybody for your input. It is great to talk to people that is down thier man how i envy you guys. We are so excited for the vacation let alone the actual time when we can move down. I know it will be hard to leave family and friends when we move but talking to all you friendly people tells me that it will not be hard to make new ones at all. Thx again for all your postings and help i am sure i will pick your brains again at some time Randy&Maile
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