Success w/ barking dogs on STX?
Has anyone ever had success with a barking dog issue? Did you involve the VIPD or the Animal Welfare Center?

You might try ear plugs. They're all over so moving would not solve the problem. How do you like the roosters?

How do you like the roosters?
I prefer them fried, but the wild ones are tough so chicken and rice is good.
How do you like the roosters?
I prefer them fried, but the wild ones are tough so chicken and rice is good.
Are you suggesting eating the dog?*-)
The roosters don't tend to bother me... But these dogs sure do. Too bad they would be even less palatable than the roosters.
I'm amazed that with as many people who have this issue there aren't ANY laws regarding dogs on this island. No noise disturbance laws, no limit to number of animals, very little interference with neglected animals... Sheesh.
there aren't ANY laws regarding dogs on this island. No noise disturbance laws, no limit to number of animals, very little interference with neglected animals... Sheesh.
Who said there were not ANY laws?
Who said there is very little interference with neglected animals? Please don't tell that to the hard working people at the St. Croix Animal Welfare center.
There are laws but they are inadaquate in many instances and not enforced in others.
Here are our present animal cruelty laws which need to be updated and brought into the 21st Century:
Chapter 7. Animals and Birds
14 V.I.C. § 180 (2013)
§ 180. Definitions
The following terms, wherever used or referenced in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
(a) "Adequate care" means the provision of adequate food, clean water, shelter, sanitary conditions, exercise, rest, and veterinary medical attention in order to maintain the animalin a state of good health.
(b) "Adequate food" means the provision, at suitable intervals, of wholesome foodstuff, suitable for the species and age of the animal and adequate to maintain a reasonable level of nutrition to allow for proper growth and weight in the animal, all of which foodstuff is served in a safe clean dish or container.
(c) "Animal" means any non-human mammal, bird, reptile or amphibian but does not include any pest that might be exterminated.
(d) "Animal impound" means any premises designated by the Commissioner of Agriculture, or his designated agent, for the purpose of impounding and caring for animals.
(e) "To cause or permit unjustifiable pain" includes overloading, overworking, overdriving, over exercising, tormenting, unjustifiably beating or cruelly whipping an animal, using a disabled animal, maliciously abandoning or restraining an animal.
(f) "Humane society" and "animal shelter" mean a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the Virgin Islands as a humane society or shelter, or as a society or shelter for the prevention of cruelty to animals.
(g) "Maliciously" means intentionally acting with a depravity of mind or reckless and wanton disregard for life.
(h) "Neglect" means to fail to sufficiently and properly care for an animal to the extent that the animal's health is jeopardized.
(i) "Owner" means any person that (1) has a right of property in an animal, (2) keeps or harbors an animal, (3) has an animal in his care, or (4) acts as a custodian of ananimal.
(j) "Person" includes any individual, partnership, corporation or association.
(k) "Serious physical injury" means any injury that results in a serious or permanent impairment of a bodily function, leaves the animal disfigured or causes prolonged pain or impairment of health.
(l) "Shelter" means continuous and adequate protection from the elements, suitable for the age and species of animal and weather conditions, to maintain the animal in a state of good health, including appropriate space or provisions for adequate exercise.
(m) "State of good health" means freedom from disease and illness and in a condition of proper cleanliness, body weight, and temperature for the age and species of the animal,unless the animal is undergoing appropriate medical treatment.
(n) "Unnecessarily kills an animal" means an act that is not reasonably necessary to terminate an animal's suffering, to protect the life of the actor or another person or animal,or if other means of disposing of an animal exist which would not impair the health or well being of the animal.
(o) "Provision of adequate water" means provision of potable water made continuously available in a safe, clean dish, receptacle or container.
HISTORY: --Added May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, pp. 142, 143; amended May 28, 2005, No. 6732, § 14(1), Sess. L. 2005, p. 153.
14 V.I.C. § 181 (2013)
§ 181. Animal abuse in the first degree
Any person who maliciously or unnecessarily:
(a) kills any animal; or
(b) tortures, maims, mutilates, disfigures, wounds, or inflicts unjustifiable pain on any animal; or
(c) forces, causes or induces a minor to maliciously or unnecessarily kill, torture, maim, mutilate; maliciously disfigure, wound or inflict unjustifiable pain on any animal; or
(d) causes or permits the cropping of any animal's ears or the docking of any animal's tail by a person other than a licensed veterinarian; or
(e) uses or traps to use domestic dogs, cats or any other animal as bait, prey or target or other malicious activities, including for the purpose of, but not limited to, training dogs or other animals to fight, excluding adult, male fowl used for the sport of cockfighting; or
(f) administers any poison to an animal or exposes any poisonous substance with the intent that the substance be taken or swallowed by the animal shall, for each offense, be guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment not exceeding two (2) years and fined not less than $2,000, but not exceeding $5,000.
HISTORY: --Added May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, pp. 143, 144; amended May 28, 2005, No. 6732, § 14(2), Sess. L. 2005, p. 153.
14 V.I.C. § 182 (2013)
§ 182. Animal abuse in the second degree
Any person who intentionally or knowingly:
(a) causes, permits or inflicts unjustifiable or repeated physical pain, suffering or injury to any animal; or
(b) leads any animal from any vehicle or from a trailer drawn by a motor vehicle in a malicious or negligent manner; or
(c) transports an animal in a malicious manner or causes an animal to be transported in a malicious manner that results in unreasonable pain and suffering; or
(d) maliciously kills, wounds or traps any bird; destroys any bird's nest; or removes any eggs or young birds from any nest shall, for every such offense, be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment not exceeding one (1) year or a fine of $500.
HISTORY: --Added May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, p. 144; amended May 28, 2005, No. 6732, § 14(3), Sess. L. 2005, p. 153.
14 V.I.C. § 183 (2013)
§ 183. Animal neglect in the first degree
Any person who intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or negligently:
(a) fails to provide an animal in such person's custody or control with adequate care, and such failure causes serious physical injury or death to the animal; or
(b) abandons an animal or causes an animal to be abandoned in any place without making provisions for the animal's adequate care, unless the premises are temporarily vacated for the protection of human life during disaster; or
(c) disposes of any live animal at or into a dumpster or at any garbage disposal site; or
(d) allows an animal, including one who is aged, diseased, maimed, hopelessly sick, disabled or nonambulatory to suffer torture or unnecessary neglect or pain; or
(e) while operating a motor vehicle, hits or injures any animal and fails to make all reasonable efforts to contact the owner of the animal and otherwise attend to the animal's medical well-being; or
(f) confines an animal in a motor vehicle or other enclosed space in which the temperature is so high as to cause or threaten serious harm to the animal; shall, for every such offense, be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding $3,000 and up to 500 hours of community service.
HISTORY: --Added May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, pp. 144, 145; amended May 28, 2005, No. 6732, § 14(4), Sess. L. 2005, p. 153.
14 V.I.C. § 184 (2013)
§ 184. Animal neglect in the second degree
(a) Any person who intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or negligently fails to provide adequate care for an animal in such person's custody and such failure causes the animal needless suffering shall, for every such offense, be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500 and up to one hundred (100) hours of community service.
(b) If any domestic animal is at any time confined and continues to be confined without necessary food and water for more than 24 consecutive hours, it is lawful for any person designated by the Department of Agriculture, or any peace officer from time to time, as may be considered necessary, to enter into and upon any pound or area in which the animal is confined, and supply it with necessary food and water so long as it remains so confined. Such a person is not liable for the entry and may collect the reasonable cost of the food and water from the owner of the animal, and the owner is subject to enforcement of a money judgment for the reasonable cost of such food and water.
HISTORY: --Added May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, p. 145; amended May 28, 2005, No. 6732, § 14(5), Sess. L. 2005, p. 153.
14 V.I.C. § 185 (2013)
§ 185. Future animal custody and counseling
(a) If a person is convicted of any offense defined in sections 181, 182, 183 and 184 of this chapter, the court shall, in addition to any other sentence or penalty imposed, enter an order enjoining the person from acting as a custodian of any animal for a period of not less than five years from the date of sentence, or from the person's release from custody, if a term of custody is imposed, or for a greater period, up to twenty years, in the discretion of the court. To the extent that the duration of an order coincides with the term of, probation imposed, as a result of such conviction, a violation of an order shall be treated as a violation of probation, and punished as such; otherwise, any violation of an order shall be treated as criminal contempt of court and punished as such.
(b) (1) If a defendant is granted probation for a conviction under this section, the court shall order the defendant to pay for, and successfully complete, counseling as determined by the court, designed to evaluate and treat behavior or conduct disorders. If the court finds that the defendant is financially unable to pay for the counseling, the court may develop a sliding fee schedule based on the defendant's ability to pay. An indigent defendant may negotiate a deferred payment schedule, but shall pay a nominal fee, if the defendant has the ability to pay the nominal fee.
(2) The counseling specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be in addition to any other terms and conditions of probation, including any term of imprisonment and any fine.
HISTORY: --Added May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, p. 146; amended May 28, 2005, No. 6732, § 14(6), (7), Sess. L. 2005, p. 153.
14 V.I.C. § 186 (2013)
§ 186. Animal Abuse Fund
(a) There is established a special fund in the Treasury of the Virgin Islands known as the Animal Abuse Fund, referred to as the "Fund". The Commissioner of Finance shall provide for the administration of the Fund as a separate fund in the Treasury of the Virgin Islands.
(b) The Fund consists of all sums appropriated thereto from time to time by the Legislature of the Virgin Islands, all fines collected under sections 181, 182, 183 and 184 of this chapter, and such other monies, grants, contributions, gifts and bequests, federal or local, as may be made thereto that the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to accept and deposit therein.
(c) There is appropriated from the General Fund in each fiscal year, a sum of not less than $100,000 to be deposited into the Fund for the purpose of implementing the provisions of this chapter.
(d) Monies in the Fund must be used solely for the purposes stated in this subsection and for no other purpose. The Commissioner of Finance shall disburse monies from the Fund solely for non-reimbursed expenses incurred by a Humane Society, Animal Shelter, licensed veterinarian, or animal impound pursuant to this chapter, and expenses for cruelty prevention or education programs.
(e) The Commissioner of Finance shall maintain a record of all monies deposited into and disbursed from the Fund and shall annually report to the Governor and the Legislature on the status of the Fund.
HISTORY: --Added May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, pp. 146, 147.
14 V.I.C. § 187 (2013)
§ 187. Seizure
(a) Any employee of the Department of Agriculture appropriately designated by the Commissioner of Agriculture, any peace officer, animal warden or agent of a Humane Society or Animal Shelter designated by the Commissioner of Agriculture pursuant to title 19, section 2604 of the Virgin Islands Code, who becomes aware of any animal that the officer, warden or agent determines, in his sole discretion, to be an apparent victim of animal abuse or neglect as defined under this chapter, shall take possession of the animal and shall deliver the animal to a Humane Society, Animal Shelter, Animal Impound or licensed veterinarian to be sheltered, cared for and given medical attention, if necessary. If the animal is taken to a licensed veterinarian, the officer, warden or agent shall notify the appropriate Animal Shelter or Humane Society of that fact. Any employee of the Department of Agriculture appropriately designated by the Commissioner of Agriculture, peace officer, animal warden or agent of a Humane Society or Animal Shelter designated by the Commissioner of Agriculture pursuant to title 19, section 2604 of the Virgin Islands Code, acting pursuant to this section may take any action that such officer, warden or agent considers, in his sole discretion, reasonably necessary to seize such animal so endangered and to remove the threat of further harm to the animal, and no such officer, warden, veterinarian or agent, or his employers, or the Government of the Virgin Islands shall be liable for any harm or damages of whatever nature caused by such action or for any other action taken pursuant to this chapter.
(b) The veterinarian, animal warden or agent of a Humane Society, Animal Shelter, or animal impound receiving an animal from the Department of Agriculture pursuant to this section may humanely euthanize the animal, if such veterinarian, warden or agent, in his sole discretion, determines that the animal is injured or diseased past recovery, or that the animal's continued existence is inhumane and that euthananizing the animal is necessary to relieve pain or suffering.
(c) It is the duty of any veterinarian licensed in the Virgin Islands to report to the Police Department, Department of Justice, Department of Agriculture, any peace officer or other appropriate enforcement agency, any animal found, reasonably known or believed to be abandoned, neglected or abused as defined in this chapter, and such veterinarian is not subject to any civil or criminal liability for such reporting or for participating in an investigation of animal abuse or neglect, if done in good faith.
(d) If an animal seized under subsection (a) of this section is not euthanized pursuant to subsection (b), the Animal Shelter, Humane Society or animal impound in possession of the animal, or notified of a veterinarian's possession of the animal, shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner or custodian of the animal of such seizure pursuant to the terms of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection.
(1) If the identity and the mailing address of the custodian or owner are known, written notice of seizure shall be given and shall be deposited in the postal service, postage pre-paid and certified.
(2) The notice shall include all of the following:
(A) The name, business address, and telephone number of the officer providing the notice and the date of the notice.
(B) A description of the animal seized, including any identification upon the animal.
(C) The authority and purpose for the seizure, or impoundment, including the time, place, and circumstances under which the animal was seized.
(D) A statement that, in order to receive a post-seizure hearing, the owner or person authorized to keep the animal, or his agent, shall request the hearing pursuant to the procedures set forth in subsection (e) of this section.
(E) A statement that the cost of caring for and treating any animal properly seized under this section is a lien on the animal and that the animal shall not be returned to the owner until the charges are paid, and that failure to request or to attend a scheduled hearing shall result in liability for this cost.
(F) Notice is deemed accomplished three days after the mailing of the notice, and in no event may proof of receipt of such notice be required.
(G) If the identity of the custodian or owner is known, but the custodian or owner's mailing address is unknown, notice of seizure shall be given either by delivery of written notice to the custodian or owner, in which case, notice shall be deemed accomplished upon delivery or by the procedures set forth in subparagraph (H) of this paragraph.
(H) If the identity of the custodian or owner is unknown, notice of seizure shall be given either by posting for written notice thereof at the physical location of such seizure or by publishing written notice thereof in a newspaper of general circulation on the island of seizure, and notice shall be deemed accomplished three days after such posting or publication.
(e) The owner or custodian of the seized animal must deliver to the Animal Shelter, Humane Society or animal impound written notice of the owner's or custodian's desire to contest the seizure of the animal and to regain custody of the animal within three days after delivery of such notice. To be considered effective, the notice of the owner or custodian of the seized animal must set forth the owner's or custodian's physical address and mailing address. If the owner or custodian of the animal fails to deliver such notice within the specified period, then the owner or custodian shall be deemed to have relinquished all legal and custodial rights to such animal and to have delivered such animal to the ownership and custody of the Department of Agriculture.
(f) If the owner or custodian of the animal delivers the notice set forth in subsection (e) within the stated period, the Commissioner of Agriculture, within five days after receipt of such notice shall hold an administrative hearing to make a determination as to whether the animal should have been removed. After a determination that the animal should have been removed, the Commissioner shall file a complaint in the Superior Court setting forth the facts and circumstances relating to the seizure of the animal and such facts as he has been able to determine relating to the animal's care, custody, and condition and requesting that legal and custodial rights to such animal be transferred to the Animal Shelter or Humane Society. A copy of such a complaint shall be served on the owner or custodian of the animal.
(g) If the owner or custodian of the animal wishes to dispute the allegations of the complaint or the requested relief, he shall file an answer to the complaint within 10 days after service, setting forth his response to the allegations of the complaint. If no such answer is filed within the ten-day time limit, the legal and custodial rights to the animal shall be deemed transferred to the Animal Shelter or Humane Society, and the court shall, on application of the Department of Agriculture and the consent of the Animal Shelter or Humane Society, enter an order to that effect. If an answer is filed, the court shall hold a hearing on the merits of the matter within 30 days thereafter. Neither party shall have the right to trial by jury at such a hearing.
(h) At the adjudicatory hearing, the Department of Agriculture shall bear the burden of proving by preponderance of evidence that the seized animal was neglected or abused as defined in this chapter, and that the owner or custodian was either responsible for or had or should have had knowledge of the abuse or neglect. If the court so finds, the court shall enter an order transferring legal and custodial rights to the animal to the Department of Agriculture and shall enter judgment against the owner or custodian for an amount pursuant to subsection (i) of this section.
(i) The owner or custodian of such animal shall be liable to the Department of Agriculture, Humane Society, Animal Shelter, or licensed veterinarian for the payment of such care keeping and medical attention provided to the animal from the date of its delivery to the date of its release.
HISTORY: --Added May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, pp. 147-151.
14 V.I.C. § 188 (2013)
§ 188. Permitting animals to stray on public roads
Whoever permits donkeys, horses, mules, sheep, cattle, hogs or goats to stray at large so as to create a menace or hazard upon any public road, street or highway shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
HISTORY: --Added May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, p. 151.
14 V.I.C. § 189 (2013)
§ 189. Dogs running at large
It is unlawful for any person owning, controlling, or having in their care or custody any dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to permit the dog to be upon any public street, alley, or public place, or private places open to the public, or upon any unenclosed land or property unless the dog is upon a leash, not exceeding six feet in length, and in the hands of a person capable of controlling the dog.
Any person violating this provision shall be fined not less than $200, but not exceeding $1,000.
HISTORY: --Added May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, p. 151.
14 V.I.C. § 190 (2013)
§ 190. Ferocious, vicious or mischievous animals
Whoever, owning a ferocious, vicious, or mischievous animal and knowing its propensities--
(1) willfully suffers it to go at large; or
(2) keeps it without ordinary care--
and such animal while so at large, or while not kept with ordinary care, kills or seriously injures any human being who has taken all the precautions which the circumstances permitted, or which a reasonable person would ordinarily take in the same situation, shall be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned not more than 180 days, or both.
HISTORY: --Renumbered May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, p. 142.
14 V.I.C. § 192 (2013)
§ 192. Importation of snakes
(a) Whoever imports into the Virgin Islands any snake of any kind, without the prior written permission of the Department of Agriculture, shall be fined not more than $500.
(b) Whoever wilfully frees within the Virgin Islands any snake of any kind shall be fined not more than $500.
HISTORY: --Added Apr. 7, 1978, No. 4119, § 1, Sess. L. 1978, p. 56; renumbered May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, p. 142.
14 V.I.C. § 193 (2013)
§ 193. Wrongful killing of animals for personal use or financial gain
Any person not entitled to the possession of any animal or animals, who with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the same, kills the animal or animals for the purpose of procuring the meat for his own personal use or to sell the meat or carcass for personal gain is, if the total value of the animal or animals is $100 or more, guilty of a felony and shall be subject to imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine of not more than $1000 or both.
HISTORY: --Added Oct. 20, 1981, No. 4642, Sess. L. 1981, p. 244; renumbered May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, p. 142.
14 V.I.C. § 194 (2013)
§ 194. Dogs or horses used by peace officers; willful or malicious harm or interference; penalty; restitution
(a) Any person who willfully and maliciously and with no legal justification strikes, beats, kicks, stabs, shoots with a firearm, administers any poison or other harmful or stupefying substance to, or throws, hurls, or projects at, or places any rock, object, or other substance which is used in such a manner as to be capable of producing injury and is likely to produce injury, on or in the path of, any dog, under the supervision of, or any horse being used by, any peace officer in the discharge or attempted discharge of his duties, is guilty of a felony and shall be subject to a fine of not more than $2000 or imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or both.
(b) Any person who willfully and maliciously and with no legal justification interferes with or obstructs any dog or horse being used by a peace officer in the discharge or attempted discharge of his duties by frightening, teasing, agitating, harassing, or hindering the dog or horse shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1000 or imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both.
(c) Any person who, in violation of this section, and with intent to inflict such injury or death, causes the death, destruction, or serious physical injury, including but not limited to, bone fracture, loss or impairment of function of any bodily member, wounds requiring extensive suturing, or crippling, of any dog or horse, shall upon conviction of a felony under subsection (a) of this section be subject to a term of imprisonment of one (1) year in addition and consecutive to the punishment prescribed for such felony.
(d) In any case in which a defendant is convicted of a violation of this section, the defendant shall be ordered to make restitution to the agency, department, independent instrumentality or subdivision of the Government of the Virgin Islands owning the animal or employing the peace officer for any veterinary bills, replacement costs of the animal if it is disabled or killed, and the salary of the peace officer for the period of time his services are lost to the Government.
HISTORY: --Added Oct. 16, 1987, No. 5284, § 3, Sess. L. 1987, p. 139; renumbered May 5, 2005, No. 6731, § 1, Sess. L. 2005, p. 142.

We had problems with a barking dog a few years ago. No resolve ever came from it. The homeowner was sweeter than ever and tried frantically to get this nonsense to stop. (We weren't the only tenants who had left because of the neighbor's dogs.)
You can read my previous posts here.,175269,page=1
We ended up moving to another home.
Good luck!
Barking and free range dogs...its a local "cultural" thing isn't it? Kinda like cock-fighting I suppose.
We have plenty of dogs in my area that bark all night but I've gotten used to it and can sleep through the night pretty easily now.
Get used to it.
§ 189. Dogs running at large
It is unlawful for any person owning, controlling, or having in their care or custody any dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to permit the dog to be upon any public street, alley, or public place, or private places open to the public, or upon any unenclosed land or property unless the dog is upon a leash, not exceeding six feet in length, and in the hands of a person capable of controlling the dog.
Any person violating this provision shall be fined not less than $200, but not exceeding $1,000.
§ 190. Ferocious, vicious or mischievous animals
Whoever, owning a ferocious, vicious, or mischievous animal and knowing its propensities--
(1) willfully suffers it to go at large; or
(2) keeps it without ordinary care--
and such animal while so at large, or while not kept with ordinary care, kills or seriously injures any human being who has taken all the precautions which the circumstances permitted, or which a reasonable person would ordinarily take in the same situation, shall be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned not more than 180 days, or both.
So if I am reading this correctly, if you're walking with a well-behaved, non-aggressive dog off-leash you're going to pay a minimum fine of $200 up to a maximum fine of $1,000.
However, if you have an aggressive dog that kills somebody you might only walk away with a $100 or less fine.
Do legislators actually read this stuff before they enact in into law?
"Do legislators actually read this stuff before they enact in into law?"
There is little evidence to suggest that our Senate is functionally literate. Chucky claims to specialize in phonics but that doesn't mean she understands the words she is able to "sound out".
Which is why unless people get actively involved in requesting changes to these laws and updating them to include the banning of cockfighting NOTHING will change. Here's a list of senators e-mails and contact numbers.
Here are contact Telephone numbers for OUR senators if you do not wish to e-mail them as there is no guarantee that they actually will read their constituent's e-mails..
[];;,,,,,, also,,,,,,,, (think this guy answers for Hansen)
Thank you in advance to those that actually will do this!
WE can make a difference!
We had problems with a neighbors dogs constantly barking (in a high end Eastern area) and approached the neighbors and offered to buy them a "Bark collar", they refused saying that they "wanted the dogs to bark". Go figure.
I consider people that allow their dogs to constantly bark unfit dog owners, wish there was a law against it.
Then don't something to get laws changed with regard to the animal cruelty laws plus noise ordinances or just deal with it.
Oh please!!! The police here have shown time and again that they won't enforce laws that they can't be bothered to enforce.
Take riding in the back of pick up trucks as an example of another cultural oddity.
Or rolling through stop signs...or not using turn signals...or children not in child seats in cars or anyone one of the hundreds of laws that don't get enforced here.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.
I'm used to area dogs barking all night.
Get roosters and get even,... Tee Hee Hee
My point exactly. You'd rather complain than get together to make things change.
Squeaky wheels get the grease. If you do not make your problems known, in mass, there shall never be a resolution.
I think it was stxaloha that was the one complaining about barking dogs.
I like things just as they are.
Then you become an instrument for a lack of change.
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