Ms Information,
You'll never get rid of the drugs and guns if we do not fix our schools and make them safe places as well as getting these children some great education. If we improved our universities from glorified community colleges to a place statesiders want to go to we would not loose our best and brightest at 18 as well. Right now these kids are not being challenge enough and have way too much free time. They do not have enough after school and team sports to build confidence and leadership.
It has to start in our schools.

Tam, love the JJ stories. What's with this thread turning everyone into the Bickersons?
Trade, I don't know about everyone else but I have been a little grumpy. Too much work and not enough play I guess.
Uttica, very sorry to have bored you or offended you. I couldn't watch the saw movies. Couldn't even get past the first 30 minutes of the first one.
As for the JJ stories. For the first 2 and 1 half years that I have lived here I was rarely out of the house because I was the main caregiver for my disabled mother who could not be left alone. JJ and my mother were the solitary focus of my world. When trw started this thread about daily life here I started posted my experience on STX with JJ. It was a way for me to have contact with the outside world and post what I thought were cute heart warming stories about our daily life. I was encouraged by people who expressed the desire to hear more of those stories. JJ is of course a delight to me and I expect any other parents on this forum probably have their own cute little stories about their own children. My situation was that those were the only experiences that I was having on STX. I didn't have any stories to tell about new restaurants, where to get my nails done, my favorite place to shop, ect. so I simply shared my experience. I don't think JJ is any cuter, more precocious, smarter or more special than any other child. The stories I wrote about him were my experiences through a little boys eyes who loves this island. I finally quit writing about JJ because of PMs that other posters and I received about my JJs stories. I frankly wished that I never read of heard about those messages. So hateful and hurtful that I wept. Finally, I have also put JJ and I at a disadvantage as everyone on this message board could pick us out of a crowd. Not too many 50 year old blonde women with a 5 year old red head on this island. I would have thought some of you such as at Chicken Charlies on trivia night would have come up and introduced yourselves. I don't know what you look like.
So Uttica there you have it. Oh, before I forget, do make sure that you tip well as usual at Chicken Charlies as they are all my friends including the kitchen. They work hard and they appreciate your patronage.

You don't need to explain yourself to anyone here, Tam. Since you haven't posted JJ stories in quite a while I hardly see how anyone could be bored by them.
This forum is the Virgin island moving center. I believe that families thinking of moving to the islands welcome the stories about JJ. People that are already here may find things of interest that they can do with their children. In my opinion your stories are very important for newbies and old farts like me. Keep um coming! They make me smile.
Never understand why people attack in private. If I have something to say I say it in public. Always seems extremely cowardly to attack someone like that. Still can't believe someone had to attack trw in this day and age. So many live in hate and it only hurts them.

Ditto Betty. I don't get the nasty PM's either. Wimpy people do that.
Edited to add "get" as in understand.
I always tip well, whether it's your daughter or someplace else.
I didn't say anything about my daughter.
Hmmmm, The only time I have posted about my daughter was at Christmas 08. It is the only time I posted about her working there. I pretty much haven't posted about JJ since then as well. You registered and started posting 5 weeks ago. I guess you are just trying to f with me for some reason. Not good.

Recycling is alive & well in the VI. 😀
Don't think I'm stalking...I've been on island since 2004.
Just because I just registered doesn't mean I haven't read the board. I read and pay attention (try anyway).

...The stories I wrote about him were my experiences through a little boys eyes who loves this island. I finally quit writing about JJ because of PMs that other posters and I received about my JJs stories. I frankly wished that I never read of heard about those messages. So hateful and hurtful that I wept. ....
that is so sad, that people would send private messages to you to flame you. if you cannot say it in public, it says a lot. it means that you know you are crossing a line. sorry that this happened to you, you were only sharing your life.
Tam-- I MISS your J.J. stories!!!!! I lived on the island as a teenager years ago and babysat for my parents friends children who remind me so much of J. J.! I think it's interesting to hear about the activities of a child living on the island because their lives are so different from children living in the states. Maybe in your free time you should think about writing a childrens book based on some of J.J.'s experiences--- Island Boy, or A Boy and his Island! Anyway, sorry about the cranks you had to hear from publicly and privately.
Tam, i love your JJ stories. I plan on moving to STX this summer and i have a new grandbaby. He just turned a year old march the 20th so he is just starting to walk. so cute and then falls on his bottom, i know he will master it. Anyway the point to all this is everytime i read one of JJs stories i have to run and tell my daughter-in-law. I always say guess what JJ did today on the island. I always think, Taylor my grandson would love the beach, crab hunting, all the lizards. I try to think of him doing those things as well and growing up on the island. Maybe they will follow me in a year or too after i get settled and my son gets his engineering degree. So pleeeeezzzee keep the JJ stories coming............Christina
P.S. they truly make me laugh, children are so unpredictable.

Only small-minded people object to stories about small people living here. I guess they'd just rather whine about what's wrong down here. We have to put up with that so they can just learn to live with JJ stories. 😉
Only small-minded people object to stories about small people living here.
Just because someone disagrees with you on a public message board, you have to insult them??
Sounds like you are the small minded one.;)

one love
Hi all,
I currently live stateside but own a condo on STT. I am a few years away from achieving my dream of relocating to the islands. I look forward to logging onto this forum to see how everyones days are going. Love hearing about JJ and all of the posts from trw and all of the other daily news from the islands. Let's all lighten up!
Thanks for all of the messages that have made me laugh out loud and brighten my days until I can be on island,
JJ stories are fine! They tell island life thro the eyes of a child. I don't always read them, thus just skip past, but other times I read them & laugh! This board gets too heavy at times, JJ stories are a welcome break!! Post your heart out & if we don't want to hear about our favorite lil redheaded boy, just skip over your posts! 😉
well i have nothing to say about anything,i'm bored out of my skull right now,so much stuff needs to be taken care of and i'm just overwhelmed,lol so i'll just go away
Well I for one am going to lighten up. Bombi, you did that thing to me about hearing a song all day. Now all day long "one love" is going to be humming in my brain.
Maybe I'll start telling Phoenix stories. My little grandson. Right now I am watching him on the computer playing in his jeep walker. Too cute.
trw I am overwhelmed too. Putting in new windows, fixing the roof, cistern leaking, pool leaking, after that installing solar panels, new kitchen and tons of tile work.
...............Putting in new windows, fixing the roof, cistern leaking, pool leaking, after that installing solar panels, new kitchen and tons of tile work...............
Be happy you have the money do do all that work.
The economy has taken its effect on everyone. We tend to get angry at the least little thing... we are all worried that we may lose our jobs, our homes, our retirement.... Gas prices keep going up..we can't afford to take our kids on vacations and that makes us feel bad. This too shall pass...The best thing we can do is be supportive of each other and not bicker about minutiae (the small things in life that really make no difference). This board is just like everything else in life....if you don't like what you see, read, watch on tv, then go to something else that interest you. Being bitter is not healthy, and right now that's about all we have is our least I hope we do.
As a great person once said," More limin, less whinin".

Tam, let's hear about JJ. Kids live here too & have a day to day life like everyone else.
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