I just noticed that earlier today that I posted number 2,000 on this thread. I don't know if that is a record or not. Trw started this thread on January 17th 2008. Thanks Trw. It is very cool to go back and read some of the earlier posts. Almost like a diary of all the regular posters who participated on this thread. Trw, I don't know where you are but I will you would come back and post some more.

Tam, I just saw him...he looked good!
Thanks Yearasta.
Trw, you are in serious time out.
Winds were about 40 to 50 MPH here in Charlotte too Tammy. The only good thing is that it blew all the rain out and maybe now the sun will dry up the soggy yard....

Maybe she meant that's the total number of posts on this thread?
So sorry about your dog, Tam. I know how that hurts all too well. I'm so glad you had good care for him. I think I like your daughter already without having met her. She sounds like a very kind person.
Sorry Tam....I was distracted earlier and didn't mention that I am sooooo sorry about your dog... It is such an awful thing when that happens.... Take care.....
Dougtamjj: We are on the Chesapeake bay also, in Southern Maryland. Frigid was right. Can't wait to get to STX in February.
well michael springer the ex senate candidate is now my new best friend,lol,but he doesn'nt know how i actively preached against him during the campaign,i've talked with him 3 times this week already for about an hour each time,hugo hodge was in for dinner about a week ago and took offense about the anti WAPA signs my boss has posted at the restaurant,so he said something to my boss oh and they went back and forth,good entertainment and then ada from the beauty salon got in my face this am about no AC,but me being me merely dismissed her,i waited on rotorhead a couple of weeks ago,nice guy.Tammy i read "the book of joby" twice back to back god what a great book,one of the best i've read in awhile,then i read "i am charlotte simmons" by tom wolfe,that was good as well,tammy when do you come home,i hear a better copy got the print job for the asbestos lawsuit against hess and today they had a 32,000 page job one of my lawyer friends has 280 of the cases,i'm thinking of spending the night up at the house on sat night ,hey michael can i ride back in with you on sun night
I am glad that you enjoyed the book.
I am hoping to be home in the next 2 or 3 weeks. Finally moms paperwork came through for her home health care. On Monday the director of the agency will be coming out and by next week moms care givers will start coming out. As soon as I feel comfortable with her care I will come home.
alot of the burnt out distressed properties in the downtown area belong to the morehead family and good old mary morehead is in charge of the historic district rules and guidelines,hmmmmm if i were the gov i'd seriously be thinking "eminent domain" if she so much as raises her head when the williams and punch thing gets approved by the czm next week

TRW, I'm with you. Do something with the blight. How about a program where the building could be taken for back taxes or condemned, then evaluated for structural integrity or historical value. If there is no value tear it down but save the Danish and the ballast brick to restore more valuable abandoned or derelict properties. Use local labor, teach some skills, pretty up an incredibly beautiful and historic town and dig it forever.
Bombi................you forget where you live!!! *-)
Nice idea tho.

Islandtyme, I'm an optimist with low expectations. Restoring a building or two in town would be my dream retirement project. I studied and practiced Colonial architecture in New England and am intrieged with the West Indian style, another of the resons I choose to live here. Dreamin?
Watching hubby doing hula hooping and step aerobics with Wii Fit this am. ROFLMAO
Has he done any of the balance tests? There is one that you stand on one foot and just try to balance, that's it. Very funny to watch! Ski Jumping is fun too!
Cold her in NJ, it should get down to the teens tonight..... (td)
Yes, we have done the balance. Hubby is actually better at that then me and I used to be a ballerina. Go figure.
Nothing to do with the VI yet but in the upper 48 they are closing elementary schools to save money. Also Mr. Obama has asked for bailout money for public broadcasting television stations and for some Native American radio stations. I am considering asking for bailout money for my business as I am tired of working.:S
Mr Obama has already stated that his "change" will NOT be happening and that we all must make sacrifices.........ya think he'll take a pay cut? Will Michelle fire the staff & let her soon to be in the white house too mother help with the domestics? Perhaps pull the kids out of private school & start home schooling? Does DC have a local WalMart they can shop............Wait, only the rest of us need to tighten our belts & suck it up!
I'm with ya Tam.................Bail me out too!
lol you guys,change is good but we need to start in our own backyard (usvi) first,last nigts czm vote was a step in the right direction,my friend in the gov's office told me that the gov has already told the courts to expedite any lawsuits filed over last nigts vote,he really wants this project started,senator o'reilly told me she had a good first week in the senate and that all the guys were nice to her,oh and the other half or ex or whatever he is is signing his jeep over to me so i can have a vehicle to drive,go figure,i need to have some front end work done on it,oh and juanita i have a guy that needs a place for 5 weeks starting feb 5th or the 7th,he's an older musician and will be playig at zebos,the galleon and the blue moon he used to stay with jon rueck but he died last year,if you can help me call me at the cafe.

The positive vote for William Punch was a good thing. The people made themselves heard.This will be a good for Fredricksted. Reason prevails.
The William Punch thing, is that the resort being built by the Indian tribe? How did it go?

They passed DPNR and CZM reviews. I understand they need permits fom Arny Core for the dredging but it is looking good.
well big drama at the downtown CRRA,illegal elections,resignations and account balances in the hole,lol the fur has been flying for about a week now
Hey trw,
I tried to call you at the cafe, but I was too late. I don't have anything definite for the time he needs, but it's possible. I have a short term right now that hasn't told me yet if he is staying or moving. I'll ask tomorrow. His month is up on Feb. 6, so it might just work out. Thanks for thinking of me. Talk to you tomorrow after I ask him his plans.
I remember when you threw your cell phone away. You really never got another one?? A man of principles!
There was just an accident out on the highway by our house. My husband walked down and a young man, with two young women passengers, had flipped his car onto it's side. I heard it when it happened, so I call 911. They got here pretty quickly. At least one of the women was hurt but refused to go to the hospital. The driver was wanting to push the car back upright and get going, but nobody would help him. My husband said it was pretty obvious there was some alcohol or chemical use involved, but the cops didn't seem to notice.
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