hey i had a 6pack of the sliders at parrots cove last night, just the regular ones half with cheese and half plain and they were really good,it took forever so if i had them again i'd call ahead,now i'm at the cafe waiting for my laundry to finish up in the dryer at the blue angel and so i'm having banana pancakes,lol lots and lots of bananas
well laundry's done 4.50 to wash and dry at blueangel vs 16 bucks to have her do it,walked around awhile,lots of tourists out and about,it's going to be a beautiful day weather wise,took some stuff over to the lady at SewTech to mend for me,she does a good job at mending clothes,lol i had to check on my man sl*t neighbor this am i was starting to worry and he's fine hahaha looks a little worn out but says he's fine,his doors were open at least,lol he trims and sculpts his body hair hahahahahaha,i'm not even that vain.
so i got off work and had another load of laundry to do so i load up and head over to the blue angel and the 2 good machines are in use by the owners and a couple of the "out of order'machines are in use as well so i ask how long before a machine is ready for me to use and the male owner points to a couple of piles and says these are next and i see him load them into an "out of order"machine and he tells me no machines today and we'll do your laundry pick it up tomorrow and i said for 4.50? and he said no and i said well i can't afford the 16 dollars you charge and i'll just walk the extra 6 blocks over to the prince street laundry which is cleaner and the owner there does'nt lie to your face and tell you machines are out of order so you can't do your own laundry,well the look on his face after i said that was great, he knew he'd been caught lying and taking advantage and i just left,so no more blue angel for me.
we are missing one of our crack heads downtown and i have the cops i know down here trying to find him,he's dale the tall older white guy and he's been missing for about 2 weeks now,he's from my roommate stories,the one with boston red,anyway he's been sleeping above styx and he does windows and small painting jobs all over downtown and now he's gone missing so he's either dead,in the hospitol,back in rehab,or in the bush somewhere,my bike cop friend just told me she'd find him and lat me know.
while i was waiting for the washing machine to finish i went to rum runners for a piece of pie and had the lemon merinque ice cream pie and it was great the big old guy bartender told me the lady in the kitchen does one with key lime as well
new menu at my night job rolls out fri night or sat night for sure,our entree's change every night so this is the app and salads menu
well it's time for bed,i work 7am till 11pm tomorrow,both jobs,hey they're doing trivia at parrots cove right now,looks like about 4 big teams,the questions are not easy.
LOL after reading todays AVIS,may i PLEASE drive the bulldozer? PLEASSSSSSSSE
Yeah, it's always nice getting high....lol
hey trw what is the reference to the bulldozer about? I have today's Avis and don't see what you're talking about but now I'm really curious!!!
the article on williams and punch and mary m's inane and stupid comments about lying in front of the bulldozer to prevent them from moving the road.I despise this woman and what she represents,she and wayne james are nothing but female versions of bert byrant,they talk alot about whats good for "their" people but thats all it is Talk,bert may not have been voted into the senate but we ended up with his protege(sp) wayne james,and he uses prettier words but is of the same ilk,mary m is in charge of preservation in the historic districts but she just her immense weight around with paint colors you can and cannot use,she is about as usefull as teats on a boar,she needs to concern herself more with all of ruined buildings and eyesore in town and how to fix and renovate them instead of some dumbass road.
oh...yeah, now I get it!!! haha The thing that doesn't make sense is that someone said the road has been moved at least twice already and no one was concerned then...so why are they concerned now? Because outsiders are the ones doing it, right? Although I do wonder why they need to move the road. I haven't followed this closely enough so I can't say but the article should have addressed that part of it so the public knows why the road needs to move. Guess they went over that in the presentation. St Croix needs SOMETHING to happen, anything. But looks like it never will....
they need to move the road so it's not in the new marina they want to build and so the tourists that actually pay good money to come here will not have to walk across a road to get to the beach,they use davis bay beach as an example of locals not really using a beach anymore after a hotel has been developed in that spot, well i mean really how many people drive out of their way to go to the beach at carambola?it's kind of a crappy rocky beach anyway lots of rocks in the water unless you walk to the very end,and the stretch of beach they are talking about between rainbow and sunset grille is mostly bush anyway and tell me why do locals think it's ok to drive onto the beach anyway,how absolutely stupid is that,walk like the rest of us and lose some weight.Cane bay beach is fenced off from cars and you never hear any whining about that do you?
lol, well man sl*t just stumbled by the cafe window looking for a b'fast place that takes credit cards so he can have bloody's and food,dudes still trashed from last night so i sent him down to rum runners,lucky them
so last night i saw one of the hag lawyers pay for play boys and turnbulls last lt.gov and the ex senate pres that got voted out of office because he voted for the vlt thing,they were really drunk stumbling around downtown and the accents were really really thick,lol when you see them sober during the day the english is perfect.
authur and gregory from the cormorant are in the process of opening a vietnamese restaurant downtown in the old pizza hut space across from the old post office,i saw them in there measuring walls the other day,and i met the dude from boston that will be bartending at the place going into the old aqua west ,i thinks it's going to be called ono's,guy named sean from st tropez is the owner
hey i found another wifi hotspot,it's down here at zebos,and i shook wayne james hand today,lol now i grew up in the midwest and a firm handshake was a good thing,shaking his hand was like holding mashed potato's and limp noodles.
well new menu was a hit
well now someone told me that A and G's new place is going to be Thai which is even better!!!!!!!!!
now todays avis is a perfect example of the type of crap mary m tries to pull,this woman truly needs a bulldozer
RE the new menu---how much did the prices of salads and apps go up?
stayed the same beachy!!!!,no increases on any of it,and we retained a few items from the last menu as well, the popular ones anyway
uustcroix.org found it, they are having a thanksgiving potluck nov.23rd after service at the botanical gardens
Soon as I blast my hub from the bed, pour a cup of java dwn his throat & hose him off in the shower..........off to play tourist in C'sted!
Gonna troll around the many shops & get ideas to decorate the new place. Also get ideas for holiday gifts!!! Jump Up is just around the corner...........so I want to plan ahead! Many great shops..........and FYI people, as a local (living on island) alot of stores offer a small discount!
So pony up.............lets help the shop keepers and save as much as 10% at selected stores!! Matter of fact, I hear Caribbean Rum Balls calling my name - YUM!
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