trw, I've never heard the back view described quite so ? ! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLollolLOLOL
well i've read quite a few books in the last couple of weeks,the ones i really liked were"my life with 3 women by alan roberts,this guy signs on 3 women to be his crew on a boat in the pacific, and well you can guess the rest,good book though,then 2 Buffett books,"tales from margaritaville" and a salty piece of land,i loved that one,it's about searching, and then finally "blasphemy" by douglas preston and that one is about science as religion and how the old myths(christianity,judaism,islam ect...)are finally starting to die out,just a great book
so last week i was pretty stressed out,jail for 3 days then moving into town and back to the shitload of hours i work, well i needed trw time because i was starting to diminish so i took 3 days off and hid in my room and read books,ate ice cream and cookies and potato chips and smoked cigarettes and well of course i could'nt sleep,really depressed about this sudden turn of events,but hey it's just one more adventure in the life of TRW,so i found myself wandering the streets of c'sted at 3am looking to get robbed,beat up murdered,or whatever i don't know,i was a bit off at the time and did'nt really care anymore,and i mean i was on back streets side streets and times square,places most people do not go at 3 am,and you know what happened to me,NOTHING, not a goddamn thing, the bad guys all avoided me like the plague,maybe because they see me all day long at both my jobs they simple left me alone,or one of the gods was watching over me,i dunno know and after the 3rd night i finally realized that no one was going to kill me so i went home ,went to bed and then went back to work,who knew.
and so when i was in jail, i was at golden grove and they had me on cellblock d which is a unit for guys that are awaiting trial and not yet been sentenced, big unit maybe 30 cells with a big common area,some cells were 2 man some were singles like mine,lol i'm picky and told them i would not be rooming with just anyone and i needed my own room,hahahaha,so i got it and well the sink did not work but the toilet did,and i have to tell you the other jailbirds,hardened career criminals that they are were very sweet to me and made sure i had smokes and water all the time,lol and i met alot of really nice guys(not that i would have alot of trust in them on the outside) but these guys were really nice to me and went out of their way to make sure i was comfortable,i met the guy that shot his whole family and the dog to death,ok he was a bit off and i avoided that one,and the other white guy there was whacked out as well so i avoided him too,lol 3 of us white guys and 2 of then are the most whacked out ones, but the latinos were the nicest and the blacks were ok, they just wanted to know where i lived and when i told them it was all do you know so and so and blah blah blah,al in all it was like being in a monastary,you know lots of solitude,food sucked so i did'nt eat for 3 days,just water and smokes,they seemed to be somewhat fascinated with my nipple rings, and one guy yelled at me the first night to cover my ass while i was sleeping(i sleep nude) and i just yelled back quit staring through my windown and looking at my ass you ffing pervert, lol well that got a great laugh from all the guys and nothing more was said
ok i'm going to name a name here and only because this man is so cool and helped me in a time of need,Tom Alkon, while he is not my lawyer,he had the grace to answer my questions and offer advice for free,did not pass judgement,just offered advice which i accepted
well the first business to reopen on galveston after ike is a gay bar and they are providing donated food to the 20,000 people still there,the bar is owned and run by 2 trannies, and when katrina left the first big party in new orleans was southern decadence which is a huge gay street party lasting for about a week, the water was still in the lower ninth and my people(lol how chuckie can you get) were partying in the streets and feeding people,while the staties and the feds were crippled.
i guess i need to say this,after reading my posts please don't think i'm a whack job, i'm really not, i just don't have alot of the same beliefs most people do, nor do i subscribe to any of the current religious myths in vogue, i have always walked my own path,maybe not always the right path,but i've walked it none the less,i've paid the consequences and over the years i've learned a few things, the only real thing i've learned over the years is the old idiom "do unto to others as you would have others do unto you" and so i guess thats part of the reason why i'm so comfortable around criminals one night and the governor the next,they are all the same in my book, no matter who we are we all poop in the morning
so this woman i work with showed me a pic of her kid thats coming back here to live and i said" oh is he the f@g" and she just said yes without missing a beat and well i caught some people staring at me and then i realized what i had said and well lol how do you recover, i seem to forget the pc crowd and the pompous outrage all that blather entails, personally i have no problem with the words f@g queer homo, i honestly could care less and i guess i've always used the term f@g or fa@@ot, i suppose it would be like blacks casually calling each other nigga,it's ok for us to use the terms but no one else,and when i've been called these names in the past my first response has always been thanks for noticing and what do you want, a fight , a date, some temporary love perhaps
TRW............you quack me up!
During a depressed state you walked the streets hoping for more pain & and end to your problems. Even the bad guys picked up your "good vibe" and stayed away as you lurked around C'sted.
Think you're a nut case...............honey we all are nut cases!!! Be it some more than others, but we all have a fun house mirror of what normal is.
Thank goodness you are gay, nonbeliever who throws PC into the wind & just has a zest for life!!!! More of us wish we had the nads to say & do the things you do..........well, maybe not the gay thing for me............I like guys toooooooo much to switch hit.......what I'm trying to say is thank goodness you are different. The world would be a boring place if we all looked & acted the same.
Variety is the spice of life! Be proud of who & what you are.
TRW, did I miss something? Why were you in jail for 3 days? I don't mean to be nosy, I just don't understand why you can't bail yourself out like in the states?
I think is was a hatchet murder, they gave him the chair, however WAPA was off that day so they set him free.
lol lizard
charlotte, i did bail myself out,no money involved just my signature,but down here it takes longer than in the states,and it looks like you need 6 signatures on the paperwork and so if so and so is not in the office that day you have to wait until the next day,and one of my bosses had to vouch for me,the ex and i had a spat over the shared use of our vehicle and well since it's officially in his name,even though i've been the primary driver for the last 4 months and everyone knows that it needs to be figured out by the court,it seems theres quite alot of gray area there because we have joint bank accounts and own the house together and have considered everything during the last 16 yeasrs as joint property
trw i'm sorry you are going through a difficult time, but i can tell from your posts you have a good spirit and that my friend... will get you through!
thanks true, so a couple of saturdays ago Tammy picked me up and we went to chicken charlies to hear her daughters boyfriends band,"taylor and the boozehounds,her bf is the bass player not taylor,good band taylor and the drummer guy who is the father of the 15 year old that plays with them both have great voices,they sang a great rendition of "all along the watchtower" which i thought was great because they had not even been born yet when the song was a hit, then i came back to town and went to parrots cove and the band there sang the same song only a slow version and once again the singer was like 12,just odd hearing these great old songs being sung by a really new generation, and that same saturday i saw my friend from the gov's office on the street with sen weber and i went and thanked weber for the diageo deal and i have to tell you it was refreshing to see him smoking on the street in public and not trying to hide it like so many politicos in the states,he looked really good too all dressed in white,big smile on his face and just a happy guy.
hey all if you're like i am you like reading the newspapers sometimes the old fashioned way,you know in your hands, well the library downtown has the ny times,wall street journal,usa today a PR paper and both of our dailies,i've made good use of my library card the last 3 weeks and on the 3rd floor they have all the old island historical books from the plantation days, you can only read them in house though, they also have plenty of new releases both fiction and non fiction
Wow, this is huge. There has not been any money for newspapers in the library for years and years. I can remember going into the library, even a year after Hugo, when the library was temporarily across the street where Jeffrey Moorehead's office is now, and reading the NY Times while my kids looked for books to take out. They used to have those big bamboo poles that they put the paper on, same as when i was in college. Then, money disappeared, and the subscriptions to all the newspapers and magazines ended.
A couple years ago they started getting current books. One of the librarians mentioned they had started leasing books, which I know is something that stateside libraries often do...apparently it cuts down on the funds required, and they can turn the books back after a time, and get new ones.
still on the bamboo poles beachy
hey does anyone know if there is still a branch of the unitarian church here,i seem to recall one that met every other week but i can't remember if it was here or STT
Hey trw,
I've been offline a couple days, but soooo glad to see you are back. It's tough, been there . . . ok, not as far as you have been, but have dealt with what I call "F*#@ Love" crap before. I know that need for alone time to work things out in you mind, or even to choose not to.
I did LOL when you said you did not mind at all being called a f*g . . . sometimes when I am acting like a b'tch (usually just standing my ground) and someone calls me one I say "thanks" never did see that one as being derogatory.
In any case . . . welcome back.
The other night after an extracurricular activity for JJ and we were leaving, JJ as usual was hugging his little friends and saying I love you to them, one of the fathers as he was walking off said, "little fagot" about JJ. At the moment I was very happy that hubby didn't hear that and I certainly did not mention it to him. JJ says I love you and gives hugs to everyone. We have a large family and that is what he sees us do. I took the word as it was intended, an insult. I had to slow my breathing and stop myself from beating the poop out of that man but realized that he was just an ignorant, white trash piece of garbage and if I jumped upon his back and beat him that I was no better than he. Besides that the kids would have just been totally freaked out not knowing what to do and it would have been a terrible example. Hubby would have said, oh no, not again. LOL So now I know that gay men don't consider that a derogatory term and it is ok. So the only people who are insulted are not gay. Interesting.
tam,had i have been there and heard it myself, you know damn well i would have gone into attack mode,i personally do not care what people call me, never have and never will but i would take great offense at hearing a little boy addressed as such,you had better control of your mouth and actions than i would have had and for that i salute you,my family and my brother wonder at times if his middle child is gay,he's not a teen yet and when asked my brother just says who cares if he is,does'nt matter he's my son and Tam one more thing alot of gay people still take great offense towards those words,i'm just alittle more enlightened IMHO and because of all of the activism i was involved with in the 80's I chose to embrace those words so they would not have power over me,lol i was one of those in your face radical homos like larry kramer and all the actup boys,lol at one point i was known as the "loudmouth fa@@ot" of grand forks NDbecause i was quite vocal about the founding of the gay student group at UND, ah those were good days fro me back in the early to mid 80's, and then i moved to denver and experienced the radical gay movement on a bigger level, and then on to mpls at an even bigger level, and now it's just all so polite and boring and about "marriage"
well i managed to read 3 books today,a dick francis book and 2 pattersons,lol i need to get out more.
a book i read a few days ago said that the whole pc and tree hugger movement really went into high gear at the end of the cold war when nancy ripped down the wall in berlin, the books says america no longer had a foreign enemy to scare americans with and so the powers that be started the whole pc/tree thing in earnest to give americans a new reason to live in a state of fear, who knows the book itself is called "state of fear" and i guess makes sense to me when you read it.
Well trw, JJ didn't hear the remark. Hubby didn't hear the remark. If I had reacted to it or told hubby then it might have become ugly. The kids would have been traumatized and what is the point in that. Better to ignore it. Worst of all JJ would have demanded to know what a faggot was. How this will end up is that the little boy and JJ will become friends and the redneck daddy will see JJ hug his son and say I love you. The son will probably be fine with it and if not JJ will be rejected. Part of life. Redneck daddy didn't intend for the comment to be heard, I don't think. If he says it again or is not nice to my child I will whisper quietly in his ear that I will kick his red neck hinny.
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