They are all over this area up here by great pond, which is where we live. I think they are pretty to look at. The sting IMO is more of an irritation than anything, vinegar takes care of it. Not as bad as a bee sting but worse than a mosquito bite. Then again I'm not allergic to them...so it may affect others differently. I have not seen them anywhere but around here...not at Ha' Penny, Cramer's, Cheney etc etc.
It is storming this morning here on STX. An ok rain but a lot of thunder and lightening. The system that is bringing the storm is supposed to become a tropical storm later today after it passes us.
Took JJ to his first day of kindergarten. There were a bunch of new kids most of them crying and clinging to their mothers. I felt so sorry for them all especially the moms not wanting to leave their children. I was proud of JJ. Even though he is a bit shy when meeting new children he just gave me a kiss and said goodbye.

Tami, JJ sounds like a well adapted litle kid. Your story brought back fond memories from 20+years ago.
Trw, your story of your adventures and self discovery are very interesting. I'm probably older to you but we did have so much freedom and independece as kids. Your discovery of your sexuality seemed so direct compared to the issues kids face today. Today with the internet and all the promiscuity I think your realization could have been much more confusing. Did you get a beating when the cops sent you home? I can relate to the lsd thing, for me I thought and still do that those experiences were important.
Glad to hear JJ's first day started off well. I remember being a nervous wreck on my first day of kindergarten! Sounds like he'd be a good influence on the new grandson, if only the little one would move to STX!
Nope, haven't read "A Trip to the Beach," but I'll add it to my list! I'm reading "An Embarrassment of Mangoes" right now, and although I don't think it will ever win any awards, it's a good read. Brian said I was in a good mood when I went to bed for the first time all week! Work has been a little crazy. 🙂 It's so nice to read about the islands, and the best part is that the (true) stories are interspersed with recipes! As soon as work calms down, I'll start testing them out.
I'm glad Terry and Annie seem to be having fun. Since they live near me, it hits close to home when they get to go to STX and I don't! 🙂 I'll always be grateful to them for their advice, maps, etc. before my first trip there.
Boy is it hot and sticky out! Up in the rain forest we got the lightest of light showers possible in wee hours of morning, no storm here!
We just arrived yesterday, long travel day from Baltimore but all 3 flights were on time, we had no checked luggage this time so no hassle there either. All in all, an uneventful travel day which is about the best I can say about air travel lately 😉
Last night we made a couple stops before heading up to the house. Cost U Less to see if there was any decent meat . . . no, and then the Plaza Extra West for take home pizza (maybe I was just starved but that pizza was yummy) and some things for breakfast today. Can anyone remind me of the delivery days for Plaza Extra and Cost U Less? I'd like to hit them this week when their inventory is fresher.
Got to the house around 6, looks like the jungle has taken over, lol. I asked the lawn service to skip this month because when we were here over July 4th week it was so very dry and nothing was growing. Now everything is overgrown and lush, the valley looks beautiful but the house grounds, well . . . it needs attention today. But, instead of just spending the $75, the old man is headed out to buy some weed killer for the driveway and then he'll spend a few hours sweating with the weedwacker, his choice. Silly. I can think of a million other things I'd rather do and at least a dozen of other things we need to do . . . yard work does not qualify for either.
Had a great night of sleep, thanks to the nice breeze up here. Woke up to silence, it is really quiet out today. This calms me, at home in Baltimore, we live on a main thoroughfare through the inner harbor and never have silence.
Enjoyed my first cup of coffee on the deck. Looking out at the cruise ship pier I imagine the ships soon to arrive and how nice it will be to watch them come in and leave.
Went for my second cup and noticed a bat hanging on the kitchen window screen., inside the house. That was it for me, I shut myself in the bedroom until BF got it out of the house. I am not sure anything else freaks me out so badly. I'm not a girlie girl, but I do not want to see bats in my house.
Next, was a call via cell phone to Innovative, they still have not repaired our phone line which is nearly hanging on the road. Have not had dial tone for at least 6 weeks and now they say they will get here as soon as they can, estimated date next Tuesday! It really annoys me to pay that bill again!
A hummingbird has come to say hello and then I rescues a tine gecko who decided to investigate the tub. Funny how those little things snap my mood back to a better place!
Well, have a little cleaning to get done today and try to take it easy as we adjust our body clocks to island time. The haze seems to have lifted some, there are now some slivers of blue sky and I can see the pier clearly.
Sunorski, I think someone told me the best time to shop at plaza extra was Tuesday or Wednesday. My house was empty of food when we arrived. I guess daughter # 2 had friends over. Sigh. I need to shop as well. Like you, I am not a fan of bats. I told a story a while ago about the bat in my living room late at night while I was watching a scary movie. Needless to say it was very funny if you were not experiencing it.
Wapa is out here in cotton valley. Broadband VI is on top of things and we still have internet. I am washing clothes and running the ac and the dishwasher since we are on generator power. Don't want to waste that precious desiel. We are working on getting solar and there is a very nice father and daughter on island who stock solar stuff. They are very nice and have invited us over to see their house. Lisa, I will be calling you soon. We are ready to go green.
JJ seemed to have a good day at school but wouldn't talk much about it. When I picked him up there were no crying children or mommys so I guess all survived the first day. The teacher looked a bit frazzeled however. She has 16 children this year and only 3 had returned from last year. She said most of the new children had never been to school before. Thank goodness for her assistant, Senora Santiago. She is such a mommy. The first thing JJ did was crawl up in her lap for some lovin.
JJ is trying everything in the book not to go to bed tonight. He even told me he loved me more than all the crabs on the beach. Wow. that is some powerful love.
Trw, are you going to come over and get the tiller or do I need to bring it. I will have hubby get it out and make sure everything is working. Would have for you to drive all the way over and it not start. That has happened to a few tools lately. Don't know why.
Have a good night all.
Tam, I am sorry but your bat story did make me chuckle . . . I would totally freak! I neglected to mention earlier our bat was actually dead, guess it got trapped inside the house and died clinging to the screen. You'd think the darn thing would have fallen off??? Weird. No matter, still scary and gross.
I never did get to PE (thanks for letting me know stocking day(s)) today or to the post office like I wanted . . . there's always tomorrow.
Power went out just as we were getting ready to start dinner . . . no prob, we cooked on the gas portable stove, by the time we were finished eating power was back so I took my shower just in case it decided to go out again 😉 too bad it came on in time for BF to watch Prison Break. I have never been able to get into that show.
While the power was off we listened to the sounds of the rain forest . . . nature sure was deafening tonight.

Good ole WAPA killed our power right around dinner time! So we had to head on over to Chicken Charlies to eat.
Yearasta-- Thanks for the info on the jellyfish. Knowing they only have a small sting wouldn't really bother me. They were pretty!
so i walked the 2 miles down to cane bay to get the truck from the ex so i could get to work by 430 and i was napping when he left but i figured he had'nt gone far,very nice walk by the way,so i find him at one of the beach bars and he's drinking with the 2 joes and some big blond girl and all 4 of them were trashed and the woman behind the bar looked like an escapee from a strip club,lol you know boobs and tats everywhere,short shorts and just as coarse as sandpaper and just as drunk as the rest of them,so billy oceans song from the 80's comes on caribbean queen,and up on the bar she gets and starts to bump and grind and lol it was too tacky and then she started demanding dollars from everyone and they were sticking dollars in her sandals and then she gets to me,lol well i told her when her fake boobs started paying my wapa bill i'd give her a dollar and so please just get down and give me some juice,god the whole scene at 300 in the afternoon was just so tacky and trashy,so i took the ex's keys and asked the 2 joes to make sure he got home in one piece and left. Last night i went to the redneck palace to get food and the singing corpse was going to be the entertainment and i just did'nt want to sit through that bit of fun so i got my food and had the ex take me home and then he went back,the redneck palace is just like a vfw in northern minnesota on all you can eat fish fry friday nights, you know where all the food gets set up on the pooltable,and in town yesterday i saw that the strikers(american citizens) were ALL wearing the national colors of jamaica and they want stuff from denmark,lol thats rather confusing i should think that if they think they're jamacian they'd go after the british instead of the danish.
Hi new to the message board, but lived off n on STX for the last 5 yrs............on the east end.
However it appears more & more that the cooler people live on the north shore! I don't drink, but would have loved to see the wench begging for dollars!!!!!!
Sunday hubby and I were taking SCUBA lessons with Tony at Cane Bay and we had to do an open water dive. We went to the carousel horse but when we were going out, Steve Neske was taking a camera man to film him holding up his campaign sign. So here we are at 40 feet doing our mask removal and partial mask removal and a camera man is walking behind our instructor. I turned around and Steve Neske is waving to the camera and holding up his sign. He stopped and shook our hands and we waved. He says he is going to put the video on UTube.
Saturday went to Off the Wall for the Elvis party. I won Bananas and peanut butter for knowing the most about Elvis. Diane also gave us a $20 gift certificate for using at Off the Wall.
TRW, it is so funny the last two Sundays going through CSted to look for the guys on strike. They aren't there on Sundays! Guess they need beach time too. Does that mean their time starts all over again on Monday?
Just a quick note/question about bats. Do they carry rabies on STX like they do on the mainland? Here, they're one of the top carriers of rabies, and you're supposed to have rabies shots if you find a bat in the room and can't be absolutely sure that you didn't come into contact with it... if you were sleeping or drunk or found a child in the room, you're supposed to presume that there may have been contact. It's so easy for them to transmit rabies, even with just a little scratch from their teeth, that paranoia is actually healthy in those cases. Anyway, just wondering if it's the same there as it is here.
SunorSki, we stayed at Mount Victory Camp earlier this year, and your post brings back good memories!
marlene at night and on weekends they are on the side of the building all the way to the end by the side entrance to bongos courtyard,thats where they sleep and play house and then they pee in the side yard of the church across the street,or at least i'm assuming thats why they are walking back and forth in the early morn when i get downtown,good night at work tonight,it was french night and we had the phone sex guy's ex private chef guest cheffing,most people seemed very happy with the food, and lol they made nisky promise he would'nt use his old slogan anymore"lets put some color back in the senate"
There has been no "Proof or Fact that Bats in the USVI have Rabies"! To date. This can be verified with the Center for Disease Control.
bombi i need a few days to think before i answer,but just so you all don't think the early years were a total waste,thanks to my mother the teacher i was reading at a college level by the time i was in 4th grade,my 8th grade english teach had us write a book report once,this would have been i think 75 so gayboy that i was chose the valley of the dolls and this woman had a fit and went to my mom who also taught at the same school and tried to raise hell and my mom told her he reads what he wants to read,deal with it,those same years i was on the school newspaper,the yearbook staff and the school band,in highschool i was president of my highschool DECA club all 3 years i was there,won the state wide competitions and went to nationals every year and managed to get into the whos who among american high school students for the 78-79 school year,nobody, myself included recognized my addictive behaviour or the addictions i was involved in but in retrospect looking back i still would not change a thing if i was able to go back,all of those experiences are a part of the guy i am today,lol by the time i was 18 i was so old and jaded oh hell by the time i was 5 i was already cynical and tired.
and islandtyme i would love to see the area from gentle winds all the way over to carambola become one big gated community like shoys or judiths fancy,it would cut down on the riff raff driving about with nothing to do,there are only 3 roads to get up here and so monitoring would be kind of easy a gate just before gentle winds but after salt river,one again by the bridge to nowhere in monbijou and then by the carambola golf course and then one up on the senic route,lol how many people would turn around if they knew their plate numbers were being recorded as well as the make and model of their cars,but hey thats just me,i get really anti social at times
Funny Stories and good places to go!
*Lol @ TRW's Cane Bay afternoon...Boobs N Tatoos!!!
Thats so funny, she is always looking for a way to get more dollars out of everyone!!
If its not a strip tease, then shes beating everyone at 3's(dice game). I forgot her name, but she makes strong drinks...thats for sure....
* the reparations group in town....i was walking down the street on my way to Bombay Club and i dunno whatpossessed me but i had to stop and chat with these guys. I made the mistake of saying that we need to adress the energy situation "intead" of reparations from denmark... After gettting a quick lesson from them about how someone owes them...the sale of slaves in 1917, and the Denmark government not following up on past promises or something along those lines etc.. Long story short...20 minute later, we came to the agreement that Denmark should just pay for a whole bunch of solar panels for all crucian families... Now were talkin!!!! Solar for ALL! Now ill honk my horn!!!
**Best place to buy plants....The Botanical Gardens!!!
6 plants----spider plants, fan palms, mother-in-law tongue and some really cool HUGE leaf plantsforgot the name) all for TWENTY SIX dollars!! I suppose i could have gone somewhere to dig them up, but the folks over there were so helpful. We walked around for 20 minutes naming plants and their sun tolerance lvls. Great plants..Great prices. In NY these plants would have cost at least 200.
*Sandwiches at Quality!
Holy WoW, are these good or what!!! Roast beef and Cubano's are their specialty and they are so good. its basically 2 meals for the price of one. 6.50 for a super size toasted bun snadwich ...Awesome for days at the beach or on the job...
So happy to be here and making STX my home, and thanks for allt he great blurbs about daily living, i really get a laugh or learn something!
Cory K.
Cory,now you need to go try the sandwiches over at menchos by H and H and turtles in F'sted both are excellent!!!!!!!!!!! and of course the sandwiches at my day job are great as well,lol i eat there 5 days a week
hey we went to broadband.vi yesterday to pay the bill and i asked her what all they offer,we've had them for over 2 years now so i thought i'd checked to see whats new,she told me we're getting 512 for 50 a month or we could up to a gig for 100, and thats all they offer, 512 is pretty fast so we stayed with that,oh and they have a box with books in it sitting in the office,so bring some and take some,the place is right behind no bones cafe
and since unplugging the hot water a few days back we've had no need to plug it back in,because it's been rather hot the past few days the cooler showers have felt great,and we have alot of dishware so we only need to run the dishwasher once a week,but that heats the water on it's own anyway,as far as laundry,i almost always wash on cold just to save on wear and tear and cold down here is warm anyway. and the ex caught the meter reader trying to read the meter from the road with binoculars,new guy,and went and read the meter for him.
TRW - I agree on the gated communities. Here in the east theres pretty much one road in each direction & would love to gate it just past the Divi and at the fork where S Grptree begins & the rest can go to Cramers Park........and record plates coming & going. Perhaps we should stand up for our right to bare arms, and I'm not talking sleeveless shirts :D........until then a well trained dog will have to do.
Bats are creepy I agree & they give me the heeeebeees! We had one that decided to join us for nite time TV in a very small enclosed space.......swooping swooping ever closer .......rats with wings!!!! My hubby never letting a good bat teasing moment go without his horrible Count Drac impression was finally convinced an old pool net was just the ticket............batted the bat, stunned dazed & scooped up to chase me with............... Great! Lucky me he didn't fall prey to temptation and took the beast outside & it eventually gathered its lil self & went somewhere else !!!! I'm told they DO NOT have rabbies............ok, but they do have a case of the UGLIES!
I personally would hate this island being gated. We should all be able to drive and explore any part of the island. I think a better solution is being good neighbors. Everyone looking out for everyone else.
If we could truely live in safe communities it would be great to be gate free. The community I reside is very neighbor friendly as far watching each others back. This island is amazing & especially all its quirks, but I'm not rich by any means & if someone steals any of my scarce belongings...........I'm not in a position to just replace them at whim. The crime per capa here is just outta control & it's gonna take more than just looking over your shoulder ever 2 secs. But off that soap box....... 🙂
Please don't take it wrong & you're right neigbor watching neighbor does work, it's just not enough.
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