I just wrote 2 paragraphs to post and poof I pressed something and they disappeared. Ticked me off. Anyway Trw, you don't have to wait until I get home for the tiller. I am sorry I will PM you with daughter #2 number and you can pick it up or I will be home on Saturday and can put it in my truck and bring it over on Sunday. Sorry I sounded like such a witch with my earlier post. These people just have such a superior attitude like they did not come through the birth canal like the rest of us. I am just over it. Trw, money comes and goes. I don't count on anything. I used to build and remodel houses for a living and I have never gotten rid of my tools. I even brought them to STX with me. If I have my tools then I never worry about supporting myself. I know, giggle giggle, a 50 year old woman putting on a roof but I can do it. I even brought my bobcat tractor to the island. You wouldn't believe how often people want to borrow it or trade services for it.
LindaJ we occasionally go to trivia night. Daughter #2 is probably your waitress. When we play we are daughter #2 DNA. We suck and are always in last place.
I am happy to be coming home on Saturday but sad to be leaving pregnant daughter. I felt him kick for the first time and my arms are aching to hold him. Like goalusvi I have a serious soft spot for the animals but even more so for the children. I cannot volunteer only donate because I would bring them all home. When I first came to the island I wanted to volunteer at childrens home and I still want to but I need to get a grip on my emotions first. Right now I just want to come home and have a day on the beach with Cruz and her little boy.
Tammy, I have lost many emails by hitting something I didn't know I was hitting. I finally figured out I can click on the back key, sometimes it takes a couple of clicks, and I am back to what I was writing. I don't know if it would work on this site or not.
Thanks Juanita, I tried that. It works with emails but not on the message board.
trw - they do have a feral cat program. PM me your email address and I'll forward the brochure to you.
hey all,well TRW had a busy day today,went to work this am and squeezed the oranges,one of the first people i had was the labor commisioner and told him the labor pool database he's building is one of the best things here in a long time, he's doing it for the companies that are reloacating here so they can see who can do what and i don't know,he's young and smart,and i've had contact with him like 6 times now since i came home in nov, i really like interacting with these guys when they are themselves and not their titles,so i got through work without alot of fuss,so then because i had to work for the brothers tonight i just stayed in town and wandered around and went to the waterfront place my old druggie friend works at and drank ice tea for over an hour and caught up on the stories,one of my favorite people here got fired from her job and evicted the same day so "daddy" flew her to the states because her heroin addiction was way out of control,and the tenants on one of the estates around here are all being kicked out as well as the coke dealer on the property because they were supposed to fix the place up and have done nothing but smoke crack everyday for the last 2 years,and i guess these 2 white boys were spending close to 700 a day,and the ex fed that writes books on the side really is dating a bartender and one of his associates really is tired of being married because he's hitting the bar "ladies nights" around the island,lol it's all so cheap and tawdry.so then i went to the 2 brothers job and walked with one of the cooks to get the fish at the seaplane,and i'm sitting smoking while the cook is dealing with seaplane stuff and in walks senator hill with his gangsta pimp stache and he's like hey TRW and comes and sits with me so i thank him for diageo and then start in about the substation up here and how we need it and i'm lol carring on about the drug dealers at the beach and the late night crap at the beach and how we really need this up here and he's laughing and going ok ok i'll bring it up on the floor tomorrow when we debate the bill,so i went back to work and got through that slow boring death of a night and then went down to our newest live music venue to meet to ex and i get there and sitting at the bar is one of the fattest street coke/crack dealers in town and i see he's got tons of young white people for friends and is wearing out the floor between the bar and the bathroom and one of the owners is tending bar and must notice whats going on and therefore condones it,nobody is that stupid,and then i see who the muscian is and he's the guy that came back a few months ago and now his wife has left him and he's dropped about 40 lbs because he chose the rock and roll lifestyle to live and well it was like watching an anorexic corpse sing and then he took his break and borrowed a lighter and went over to the fat dealer and then disappeared and then we left to come home because i have to work at 7am in the morn.
well not much sleep,so i'm havin coffee before i leave for work,just the one job today but then both tomorrow,dashi was the busiest place downtown last night as far as dinner service goes,i walked around to see how the other places were doing and you know what good for ashley and mike,lol i remember when she started the sushi thing,we were all working at the sunset grill,mike was the chef,i was a waiter there and ashley would come in one night a week to roll sushi and that slowly took off and then other places wanted her to come in on a certain night and do it there and then she got the place at beeston hill club and from there i think she went in next to sonya's and then over to caravelle arcade where she is now,she's managed to do it with grace and not turning into a kitchen shrew and a drunk,and mike lol well mike is mike,one of our islands nice guys,years ago he was one of stevens horse guys up here in cane bay. off to work.
You're a hoot! How's the fast coming?

Good grief! I had a great experience at the Lt. Gov.'s office yesterday. The new governor is certainly improving things in these offices. Went to pick up a lien I had filed against one of our condo owners who is way behind in condo fees, etc. I had filed it last Thursday, the 14th & was told to pick it up on Tuesday but couldn't get there until yesterday. She looked & looked for it & couldn't find it & cynic that I am, I'm thinking "Here we go again." *-) She went into another office & found our it had been mailed out on the 19th to our condo PO box.
Then, figuring I'd live dangerously, I told her I had lost my mortgage clearance letter & what do I do about replacing it since that was the office I had filed it. She just took my name, hit a few keys on the computer & printed it out with a smile and NO CHARGE. God bless Gov. deJongh!!!
well if you read todays avis you know that the hag wars on stx have started,what has turned out to be a rather boring summer heated up bigtime today and this promises to be a great battle,lol,and if you know either of the women involved you know that neither has an ounce of grace,class or dignity and thats whats going to make it the "jerry springer" show of STX hahahaha on one hand you have a money grubber that has no boundries and on the other hand you have a power hungry "tank with eyes" you know like barbara bush, and so let the games begin.
hey i need to make a correction,awhile back when i was talking about a song that i thought was rhiannon by stevie nicks, well on the way to work this morn i heard it again lol and the tears started up as soon as the music started,god it's such a beautiful song ,well it's actually called "the landslide" by fleetwood mac,sorry for any confusion,lol

Back in the days I always judged the quality of stereo components by playing Fleetwood Mac. Havoc and chaos be coming hard wit de Golden/Rohn ting, true dat
you know there are days when i get home that i just want to be an airhead and get lost in escapist dumb blonde movies,my 4 favorites are "don't tell mom the babysitters dead" "clueless" and the 2 "legally blonde movies" they allow me to be an airhead queen,other times when i'm home i read archaeological books on ancient sumer,never ancient egypt it's too young as a culture,other times it's wordy tomes on the washington presidency,and other times it's the "murder"books,i enjoy my time at home alot,i act for a living,i say pretty things and sell while i'm at work and do what my employers hire me to do,but once i leave the doors of work i'm officially tired of people and really want nothing to do with them,part of still being involved with people outside of work albiet impersonally is this forum.

I hear you, trw. To my shame, I've been known to spend a perfectly nice day off watching lame Lifetime movies, the channel where most women are victims. 😉
ok so it's hallmark for homos movie night here at the house,i've got these sappy homo movies designed to show str8 people that we're just like everyone else,you know unassuming and inoffensive,lol the first is "a home at the end of the world", the next one is "long time companion" and then if i can possibly get through the boring "broke back mountain",hey maybe it's just me but i prefer the out loud in your face homo of the late 70's. we're getting alot of couples moving here now and i'm slowly meeting alot of them and i tell you what i've never met a bunch of more uppity homos in my life,lol and these are the one's that look down at me and the ex because we're ,gasp,waiters and bartenders,oh no how cliche and we cannot be socially acceptable,lol well i tell ya what while you're being a fashion horse and buying all the right things and being oh so correct,I'M NOT and well good luck honey because you'll be gone in 2 years or less,hahaha,and if money earned is somehow a status thing well the ex and i make over 100 grand a year together being "servers' and lol well we're still not uppity or grand. or lol socially acceptable,well ok i am he's not.
and hey TRADE if i had one wish left i'd wish for you to go to the Kymani Marley concert at paradise gate tomorrow night
well i had to turn off "a home at the end of the world",i'm truly tired of these gay movies that my dead sister would show to her friends so that everyone would know that she was oh so liberal.i'm tired of these movies in this genre that give one of the main characters hiv/aids,hey you know what the ex and i lived through the 80's and 90's and watched pretty much every gay person we knew at the time die from hiv/aids,somehow we lucked out and our doc in the cities told us that we test immune for the virus,lol now how do 2 homos with immunity hook up,what the fuck are those odds?
Whatever was in the Avis about "stx women "did not make the daily news, so can you clue in those of us who are off island?
Cancel that request re the info in the Avis---Roger Morgan covered it on his program this am, which I listened to tonight...LR and AG...
can't sleep,the rumour mill downtown spit this one out awhile back. it's common knowledge here that the money grubber pays to be serviced by local gentlemen with great dreds and now that it's looks are gone that price has gone up hahahaha well the reason i heard that it canceled it's last NYears eve party was that the gentleman it was paying to be serviced by at the time showed up at the house with his pregnant girlfriend and it got upset and canceled the party,lol and as far as the tank with eyes goes the only thing she ever gets accused of is trying to get whomever her current girlfriend is a job on the government payroll,lol is that so bad hey that tired old queen that was our governor got his boyfriend a 60 thousand a year job as his bodyguard/driver,lol and now stop using names when you respond to this
and i want to bump this back up, Trade if i had one wish left,i'd wish for you to go to the Kymani Marley concert sat night,i mean that darling!!!!!
lol well the ex just got home from work and i called him in here to look at the fact that this thread has had over 30,000 hits and that people actually read the crap i write and all of the posts that everyone one else puts on this thread and well he said nothing and just walked out of the room and grabbed a beer and turned on the tv,lol he calls it my bullshit stories,ah it's just another page in my life and hey i had a message on my machine earlier that i need to shut up or i'll be taken care of,lol now that one is rather flattering and i guess who the hell cares,shoot me or get off the pot,i will not shut up!!!!!you know i'm just a guy that got bored one day and decided to write about the stuff i see daily here on this island
hey there trw...don't ever 'shut up' OK? I love the tales of yours (I'm a lowly "server" and have proudly been one for 25+ yrs.) and sometimes wonder if I know you and if not, hope that one day I will.
lol well i may or may not be in the source in the coming future(sp) i sent them my latest rrant on the convention,does one get brownie points here for caring,the old timers like the murderer need to go away,the sooner these people die out the better,they're like fuckig dinosaurs,lol i'm working on that whole shoot me factoer right now and trust me i will be an in your face fa@@ ot
hey just got another phone call,lol fuck these losers,i wish you'd all listen to the landslide and read the book from the rogers guy
basil ottley jr is a gentleman
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