You should try to find out what type he is. You might want to contact the authorities. You might try the University. If it is a snake that is not native to TSX they would probably want to know. If it is a Tree Boa they are considered endangered and they want to know about them as well.

We looked it up it's a Blind Snake and it is native although it's very rare to see one.
Here are some excerpts
"The Blind Snake (Typhlops richardii), also known as the Worm Snake, is small, highly secretive, and primarily fossorial. This species is present on all three major islands of the USVI and across the Puerto Rican Bank in both xeric and mesic wooded areas, although it probably prefers xeric woodland habitats with sandy soils. It burrows in loose dirt, and shelters under rocks, boards, and other surface refugia, feeding on termite and ant pupae, larvae, eggs, and adults. Observations of this species suggest it. Almost nothing else is known about its ecology. There may be more than one genetically distinct species of Typhops in the USVI."
Also known as worm snakes, blind snakes are
secretive Virgin Islands residents.
They resemble large worms five to ten inches
in length. Their name can be misleading, for
although their eyes are very small, they are
quite well developed. These harmless snakes
spend most of their lives underground.
Their teeth are greatly reduced and they feed
on insects such as ants and termites.
A blind snake feeds by crushing an insect,
releasing the juices into the mouth, then
discarding the solid part of the meal.
Although they can be common in moist areas,
these snakes are rarely observed due to their
choice of habitat, relatively small size, and
nondescript appearance."
well after reading that horrific article in the daily news today,i only hope that gov turnbull has charges filed against him for incompetence and neglect,you sir are responsible for the deaths of all of those people,you should have spent less time buying antiques and more time on your corrupt administration,how many more of the people you gave jobs to are we going to have to read about in the papers,the buck stops with you governor.

Like he'll ever have to pay the price???
i just can't quite believe what a doddering and incompetent old fool he turned out to be,this is a very small territory and so i find it very hard to believe he did not know about any of the things his top level employees were up to and why he did nothing to stop it.

He wasn't incompetent - he was very good at loading up the government payroll with his cronies, family, etc. If you're talking about the hospital story, I guess that's why my eye operation cost 3 times what it would in the States. I loved that Sam Topp is getting paid $75.00 each hour for 20 hours a week as spokesman but he didn't have a danged thing to say about this mess.
Funny how all my employees are checked along with police records yet this criminal got hired on his say-so. While he did make improvements in the hospital, they probably could have gotten someone REALLY qualified with a good background at half what this jerk was paid.
Yearasta there were alot of those living in the flower beds of the place i lived in over on STT in frenchmans bay and they'd come out after it rained or when the landlady watered
so i had to stop at benticks when i left work to buy smokes,at 10pm at night there were 2 young kids working behind the counter,one was highschool and the other probally junior high,i did not see an adult anywhere,so i asked the 2 if they were the grandkids and they said yeah why and i said 10pm is way too late for you 2 to be working downtown,you kinda have to wonder what their parents were thinking and do they forget that the 2 boys grandfather was murdered there in an armed robbery a few years back,hello,so when i got back in the truck to come home the Stevie Nicks song "rhiannon" started to play,it's such a beautiful song about aging and change and the seasons of our lives,lol by the time i got to charles howard the tears were running and by the time i got to 5 corners i was bawling,hahahaha it's that human thing in my that tries to get out every now and then,the other one that does that to me is the "beautiful" song by cristina aguilara(sp),but only with the video,the scenes showing the drag queen getting ready to go out are just the best,and the pierced kid on the bus,it's just a song about how we all have our own beauty,the anorexic black girl ripping up the fashion magazine pictures,the one girl getting beat up by other girls in school. Tom Waits version of Blue Valentine just sends chills up and down,the whole album is his best as far as i'm concerned, So tonight at work i was the bartender,server and half a dishwasher, the cook was the cook and the otherhalf of the dynamic dishwashing duo.This family of 6 came in at 8:45 and once i got the orders in to a very cranky cook i asked them where they were staying and the 41 year old(yes i asked) piped up with "we're staying at the buccaminute" hahaha and they've been there for 2 weeks,the son is one of those kinda loud guys like my brother,really nice but loud,his mother kept trying to cut him off from the beers lol i finally asked him if he was an only child and he said yes why and i said it takes one to know one and that i too was raised as an only child,he and his wife are both teachers in breckinridge,co and this is the 3rd time they've been here,the one thing i've really noticed over the years is that we only child people were raised as adults never children. so the gossip mill downtown churned this nugget out today,there is a server at a downtown restaurant that seems to think they could do a much better job running the reastaurant that they work at than the owner and they've been going to the person that owns the building and holds the lease telling tales trying to wrest control away from the business owner,i kinda know all three of the people involved lol and i just want to run and tattle but i won't, just because the byzantine intrigue is interesting and it is slow season and theres not a whole lot of anything else going on so i'd like to see how this all plays out, the server apparently has a couple lawsuits filed against people and the pot smuggling lawyer with the really bad mug shot in the paper you know the one(oh it's not mine i'm taking it for a friend) is there attorney, that right there should clue anyone in that the server is probally alittle less than reputable if they're going to the "slip and fall" lawyer.

Gee, that wouldn't be a female attorney, would it? 😀
So I decided to add my little installment to STX Today. Yesterday, was a very crazy day for me at the office, anytime I have to talk to a mean person in any government office, my day is crazy lol. So I call this government office for information, the lady took my contact info, and said she would call me back. So after waiting half a day for her to call be back with the information that I know only took her about 5 (the most 10 minutes) to find, I was already frustrated. So the mean lady in the government office, took a toll on me today as well as my boss asking over and over what is taking her so long. On top of that all the phone calls to the office, yesterday it seems like everyone that called had an attitude and a demanding attitude. Sometimes I hate not being able to give them back the same tude' they give me, lol. So now 4:58 comes, and yesterday was just one of those days that you want to be out of the office as the clock strikes 5, lol, so in walks this lady giving me mega attitude and demanding to see my boss. Well after helping this lady out, taking all the energy that i had and didn't have, but still smiling while she was being a grouch, I left work. I got home, after picking up my little one today he was extra hyper, so I decided to do the best thing that would tired him out while, helping me to relax, ................. we went to the beach. I soaked while, jumped up and down in the water and after all his fun, and he was starting to get tired, my little one his father and myself sat in the water and watched the sunset.
Now I sit and think about everything that happened, I'm happy I moved back home (stx). I had a hectic corporate day, busy busy busy in the office doing a 8 to 5, nothing "paradise" there lol. But in the end, I could go to the beach after work, watch my little one play and right when the sun goes down our family enjoyed a wonderful sunset, now that's "paradise". Makes me so happy I live here again!!! I know it's a little long winded might be a little boring, lol, but that was my stx today (technically yesterday, lol).

Yep, the rewards are worth it, Cruzcandy, right?
I had an excellent experience at Scotiabank Friday. So much so, I emailed the complaint department & wrote a rave review. The 2 ladies at the reception desk at Havensight couldn't have been more friendly, helpful & polite. I've been gritting my teeth postponing the trip & was sure pleasantly surprised. It brightened my whole week-end.
It sure does Trade. Makes you forget all the dramas of living here.
I'm right with you Cruz. I think the only thing that would make it better for me is to have some extended family here. I miss family.
Yes Tam, and you miss them most around the holidays. When I lived in Atlanta I missed my family down here like crazy because, we're a huge family, and we all spend as much time with each other between holidays, as much as we can. So when I moved that was so different, not having my family around not being able to go to grandma's house, stuff like that. Now that I'm back, I have all of that, but now the only bad thing is my mom still lives stateside, lol.
Hey You guys get some good stuff going about the islands, tired of reading the gloom & doom on some of these threads. NJ weather is pretty good right now kind of reminds me of STX in the fall.
I agree Lizard. It seems we have been hijacked and keep feeding into the drama. I am going back to the states today for 3 weeks. Hopefully I can get everything there taken care of in a timely manner and get back to the island to enjoy the fall and lovely winter. I have to go back one more time in October for the birth of my grandson. Hopefully that will take place in a timely manner as well. LOL.
Hubby is having a well put in for me and I am so excited. I guess he is tired of me running us out of water trying to keep my plants alive. Everyone can thank me for the recent lovely rain. We had just run out of water and had the water truck out when it began to pour. As long as I don't run the well dry I will try and create an oasis here in our very dry cotton valley.
Mom had surgery last Thursday and is doing very well. I am hoping I can bring her back to St. Croix for the winter. It will all depend on her heath. She and JJ miss each other horribly. Even though she can't do much she always manages to read and play with him every day. I must credit his very good manners to her.
Just a thought about the board. Even with all the spats we have among ourselves among the regular posters who live here, in my opinion, I think we offer a very balanced and helpful advice. I was one of those in the beginning who felt that some people were just being too negative. Not so. We all have our different experiences here and we all have something to offer. There is no utopia anywhere but this is as close as I have ever felt utopia to be. Life is frustrating at times, no matter where you live, but here, for me anyway, it passes quickly. Like Cruz said, you can always find a beautiful beach, relax in the water, and watch the sun set. I have never felt more welcome any place I have ever lived. I hope to stay here the rest of my life and raise JJ here. If not, I will always have incredible memories and cherish my time here. I would like to thank you all. This board has been like a running diary of life on this island and has greatly added to my unique experiences.

I'm reminded of spoiled children demanding attention...
Re JJ & his grandmother, Isn't it funny how the very young get along so well with the very old? Years ago I went with a young group of Antilles students to the Lucinda Millin home at Christmas time & the kids had the best time with the old people & they also loved interacting with the kids. They were very tender with each other. All my grandparents were dead by the time I was born so I've always wished I'd had them around. When I drive past the L. Millin home I wonder if the residents enjoy the steel pan practice across the street. I bet they do.
It is amazing. All little ones love my mom. I think it is because of her excellent back scratching skills.

Maybe it's because the elders have more time for the kids, too. Trw, are you still coming over to STT? We'd love to have you for your hurricane deterrance, among other things. :@)
:@) < Islander needs to get some better smileys. This one is a little weird. LOL
That's my favorite smiley and trw is not allowed to move until after the storm season or at least until I get back on island.

I like this one better but he wouldn't fit in the little box.
Where do you find the cool smileys?
They already have the code so you just copy the link.
Was going to go to STJ today for lunch but think I'll pass. It's a day for good books & naps. The dog is permanently hiding under the bed.
Well I guess I better stop my posting marathon. It is almost time to go to the airport. Hopefully JJ and I will sleep until we reach Atlanta. Everybody take care and have a great weekend.

Got some new photos from when my dad was here on vacation. You should check them out 😀
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