another double again tomorrow and then jump up fri night and then i'm back at a previous job to cover the owners and everyone elses vacation as well as the job i have now and then maybe a 3rd job staring the first week of august if i take it
oh i went east tonight after work for a look see,at 9:30 there were still about 20 people at the greek place and then i drove out to the galleon,my god she has made the place really nice since she's not open for lunch anymore,the tables were set with Reidel glassware and the linen looked brand new,good for her

The Galleon, right before Cheeseburger's, serves food?
The Galleon, in Green Cay marina, is one of the best restaurants on STX.

Thank you, We have to make a point to check it out...
Who's cooking at the Galleon now that Scott and Lisa moved to Florida?
Listened to the last 3 hours or so of testimony, plus some snippets during the day. After the Diagio folks left the session, some of the comments from some of the STT senators got pretty pointed, directed in general to those who were opposing the deal--the gist was, how stupid can you be?
The final vote was 10-5 I believe. The five STX senators voted against. Figueroa-Serville, Nelsen, Richards, Russell, James.
The nominating petitions for candidates for Senator have to be submitted in early August, I think. Might be interesting--is that an understatement?
We had dinner at Pickled Greek last night; food was very good but service needs to be stepped up.
seems bittersweet does'nt,it's a shame 5 of our own voted against it,it's sad

I'm disappointed in them, especially Nelson.
Why are people so disappointed in the Senate? Most of them weren't about rejecting the deal, they just wanted it renegotiated because the way the deal was written, there were too many hypothetical situations that would have favored Diageo at our expense. We have too much at stake to just willy-nilly accept any deal. They're not always anti-de Jongh, or anti-people who aren't them. For example, they had some issues when de Jongh picked Spampinato for education commissioner, so he got another continental woman and they approved her right away. Although there is a lot of corruption in there and whatnot, I don't think that should get in the way of listening to any valid arguments brought up by our legislators. Where's the valid "disappointment," because they wanted a bill with such importance to the VI economy to be reexamined? Come on now...
well if there were so many problems with the agreement why then was it only STX senators that voted against it,no matter how you look at it even if we only ended up with 10 mill a year it's still basically free money,or money that would not be coming in. and the diageo people said straight out either pass it as is or we go somewhere else,how much plainer can a person get.
Thank you very much up 47 tomorrow,i accepted another job tonight for a person i've worked for twice over the years back when i was a drunken cracked out mess,they called me ,and i asked why do you even want me around and they said well when you showed up for work you were one of the best thats ever worked here and i just laughed and said thanks and when do you want me to start,but then an owner/mgr of a downtown placed came in today and basically interviewed me while they were eating lunch, also fine dining and i said well i'm going to be at such and such a place and they said well can you work for us on your days off and i kinda said well yes i can do that,so i guess i'm ending up with 3 jobs and i never went looking for any of them i just wanted to take the summer off but i have this problem with saying no because then people stop asking,please i'm not bragging or anything like that i'm just amazed i've been approached the way i have and i just want to say that. i ran into one of our old lt.govs tonightwhile he was out drinking lol he remembered me from a place i worked at in 2002 ,that was interesting,i still think he's a friend of dorothy because he drinks cosmos and sex on the beaches lol but i've never asked hahaha,so all in all it was a great day,i work jump up tom night,my first ever,i've always avoided them and my next new boss is bring me my schedule for next week,lol DL check this site out ,lol you think i have strong/wrong opinions you should read these but then of course demmansay is trashing the whole deal,so who knows,but then demmansay and crucians in focus despise the gov and delegate,so everyone has a side and it's all truly stupid
oh and the rumour mill downtown today is saying this,the whole diageo deal is just a smokescreen to cover up the fact that mosler is fronting for the chinese and buying up the whole island and that stanford is in direct competition with mosler/chinese and that he is going to kick out all the owners of the waterfront restaurants and bars in c'sted and bring in his own restaurant and bars. who knew
I used to work for a legislative body (City council) and I saw this all the time -- it's envy.
The mayor, or in this case, governor, can act decisively, make policy, get things done and, maybe most importantly, get press. He looks like a leader because he is.
Most legislative bodies are pretty ineffective. The don't create, they react. And they can rarely act, much less be, decisive. They have to confer and compromise. They are a committee, for god's sake. And so they whine and complain about not being kept in the loop. And in the end, they do what the executive wants. Just look at the federal congress. Same thing.
In regards to "proper speech"
IMHO Cruzians have their own language. Many of their words don't seem to be English at all. As this is an American territory and as English is considered the business language of the world I am sure "proper English" is taught and encouraged within the school system. Not being a scholar on the subject, I have read that the language of the Caribbean Island has been influenced by many different countries and cultures. Each island have their own particular patois. It sounds like beautiful music to me. With that being said, If the United States sold the VI to Germany or Russia tomorrow, what "proper language" would be taught in the schools? Are families supposed to change the way they speak each time these islands change hands?
As a child I moved 22 times in 18 years all over the U.S. I was unmercifully teased and made fun of. In California I received detention for saying yes mam to a teacher. My mother was told I was rude and uppity. The longest stretch of time living in one place was from age 5 to 12 in the beautiful smokey mountains of Tennessee. Weeelllll, I gotter teeellllll yall, hit aint lik any yall heerd in yawls lives. Born lazy and raised up tired easy speakin. Theys about the finest folks, well mannered, welcoming, (always an extry plate at the supper table just in case sumbudy hallowed the yard at supper time) that I ever did have the pleasure of meetin. My daughter attending college up in those mountains. Before she left, (her being a city girl), I told her not to ever make the mistake of thinking that mountain folk were stupid or uneducated. She told me that was the best advice I had ever given her.
The world has become one big melting pot with all sorts of people living everywhere. Though it was hard for me as a child, I learned tolerance of other cultures and how people speak. When I am in Tennessee I speak like them. I don't feel like I am being fake. Just communicating. I don't speak Cruzian but I am slowly learning to understand it. My cruzian friends are no help because they will speak nonsense words watching me try to understand what they are saying only to find out they are teasing me.
"When in Rome ect."

Just finished a couple of books by Dorthea Benton Frank set in the Low Country of SC & the way she writes some conversations is very similar to the local patois as you said, Tam.
Trw, your jobs are a perfect example of if you're a hard-worker & reliable its possible to make a decent living here even off-season.
One more ting for true "Happy Birthday"
thank you,nellie o'reily is on air right now wondering aloud if the us congress has to approve this deal,anyone know the answer to this,she's wondering because she says there are a few congresspeople of PR decsent around the nation and she thinks they'll lobby hard to overturn this deal,according to her the gov and the delegate had unofficial approval from congress to persue this deal.Just home from buying waiter clothes for the new old job,where i'm at now i get to wear anything i want,and yes Trade it's relatively easy to find work here in the off season because the transients and the students leave,it's just a matter of meeting the owners/mgrs or knowing someone who works somewhere,i'm sure it's the same on STT,i see in the paper the Greenhouse over there needs bartenders and Tickles needs people as well,the other half does really good year round at his job,he's paying ALL of the house bills,truck payment right now and he had enough to blow on a pair of maui jims so i guess he's doing ok,lol i don't ask,when i start to be flush about 3/4ths will go into savings/investments,i need to buy an island car and pay my taxes first though
someone should start a STT today thread,i for one would like a more personal perspective of living life over there,the papers don't really cover anything
well my yellow flamboyant trees have turned red,i started them from seed from a yellow tree i found out by dmv,my sugar apple tree has about 20 apples on it and i'm thinking of cutting down my mango tree because it's messy and planted way to close to the house and drags all over the roof and makes the kitchen a dungeon,mangos are as common as dirt here,i saw an add for slumberland furniture the last time i was in the states and they had a bedroom set made from mango wood,is that really possible?

Not enough St. Thomians on here to keep a thread going, I don't think.
I've wondered about that mango wood, too. Mango trees arounr here are hardly "woody."
when i was on STT last nov and dec i applied online at the ritz,well i just got an email confirmation from them thanking me for my application,lol it took about 7 months,now for all of you thinking of coming here this is an example of "island time"
Happy Birthday TRW!!!!
Talk about coincidences. I had a discussion at lunch with my husband about hunting for a job today and then I read your posts. We were discussing the reluctance of some of our friends to network and ask for work, like it's something embarrassing to do. I think your philosophy of working hard, being available, and keeping connected really works. For the first time in my work life, I am working for myself on a contract basis, so I suspect I will have plenty of opportunities to practice your approach to finding work. I just hope I am as successful as you are!
Many happy returns on your b-day. KJ
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