Oh, I'd have paid a LOT to see that one! It's rare to see karma in action & there aren't many who need to be knocked off their pedestals more than she does.
would have loved to have seen the Chucky scene. Every one should have clapped...
As far as tomato plants--we keep ours in really big pots, My son mixes his own soil mix when he's on island, and we have netting that we put over the plants to keep those mocking birds out. They'll wait for the fruit to be ripe and then come peck a hole in it--usually when I was off at work, after deciding the tomato or whatever could use another day on the plant. Hubby did try planting cucumber seedlings in the ground, but the land crabs would come at night and eat the plant right off. No cukes for us last year. I've been off island, but he says the new 40 day tomato plants finally have flowers and starting fruit--we can't figure what the 40 days was from--not from seed, not from planting in big pots, not from anything--they were a couple inches high in February...and just now getting fruit...maybe it will take 40 days for the fruit to ripen..the ones planted in the states aren't doing any better---we did better other times with the "no name" plants from Ag Dept. Go figure. Perhaps we should call them VI soon come tomato plants.
LOL beachy,now i'm confused,you'd think gardening would be a breeze here,just home from work and very slow,i talked to one of the lawyers from the WAPA board of directors and he told me they had narrowed the alternate energy choices to 5 but none of the 5 would be up and running for 5-6 years, and i see in the papers the wanna be senator Springer thinks the rum thing needs to be talked to death,you just know the senate is going to try and out govern the governor on this,from what i'm hearing they're jealous that they did'nt get the idea first or that the governor never consulted them.

By that time, Chucky might be a senator again. :-X
god forbid,would'nt it be nice if the days of corruption were over and we could get some people in office that were in office to help the islands instead of themselves,someone should come up with a list of questions regarding ethics in office for all of the candidates to answer,dream on trw,dream on
Trade, Bite your tongue!!!

I'll say. At least she's not married to Adelbert. THERE'D be a match made in hell.
well hmm lets see,adelbert murdered his son and got away with it, had it been his and chuckies son, there would be one less drug dealer on island
how does one get to cuba or haiti from STX?
http://www.supercubatravel.com. You would have to take a round about way, obviously.
Should be easy to get to Haiti. American flies there.
Juanita,i'd really like to see cuba before i die and honestly i could care less about the politics,politics and organized religion are the same to me nothing but sheep,idiots and fanatics,i neither support nor reject cuban social policies i just think that as a person no one has the right to tell me where i can or cannot go,i feel the same about haiti,i read these books and see these movies that somehow involve cuba and i want to see it for myself
I haven't been to Cuba myself, but the people I know who have loved it. They were all treated very well. I have also known people with first hand horror stories of Fidel. When I lived in Florida, the rafts would wash up on our beach. It was a sobering experience to look at them, just anything they could tie together that would float, and imagine what life must be like to cause people to put themselves, and their children, in that danger trying to escape. But, yeah, I would like to go too.
We were thinking about going there. We have been told that the best way is to go to Cancun and book from there. They put a paper in your passport that they stamp so you can remove it when you return.
My Chiropractor is Canadian and has legally gone there several times. He said that is very nice, and felt very safe.
We have friends who visited through the Dominican Republic. They also thought it was nice. My grandparents took a ferry from Key West back in the early 50's and talked about it the rest of their lives. Havana must have really been something to see.
About a year ago, I remember reading in the News that some women from the states went to Cuba, they didn't stamp her passport but the Airline turned her name over to the authorities. It was a pretty hefty fine, I don't recall the exact amount but I think it was enough to pay your WAPA bill for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng time. I think if you wait a little longer something will give. The ACLU just got started on a case about visitations by family members( I think its once every 3 years now that they can go and visit) not sure. If you think the IRS or IRB are difficult to get along with, the people at the State Department are Wizards at Misery.
If you leave from the Bahamas for Cuba and then return back through the Bahamas, the Americans are there to greet you. I would not do it, especially these days with Homeland Security. They're busy little boys.

So who's off tomorrow, Emancipation Day & the 4th? I'm actually going to be off on the 4th for a change.
VI to Cuba: Air Jamaica has a flight from Kingston to Havana, just fly VI-San Juan-Miami-Kingston-Havana, probably cost a lot, but you could do it all in the same day. I think you would have to overnight in Kingston on the way back, which isn't hard since they have hotels not too far from the airport there. Bahamas and Canada are to be avoided because as someone mentioned, you pre-clear US customs in those countries after you arrive from Cuba. US Customs agents are trained to look out for when a flight from Cuba arrives so that they can spot Americans coming from Cuba. Maybe Cancun could work, but I don't know if it can be done without an overnight.
VI to Haiti: You could do AA with a change of planes in Miami but it's expensive and out of the way. You could also overnight in St. Maarten on LIAT and take Air Caraibes non-stop from there to Haiti. However, I think the cheapest way would be to fly on AA via San Juan to Santo Domingo and take a 6 hour bus ride from there to Port-Au-Prince. The buses are like the air conditioned coaches they have in America.
Enjoy the long weekend! I am working, but I'll be working from home, so not so bad. I can't believe how quickly the summer is going--it seems like June just started and here we are in July. KJ

I'll have to work Saturday but still, any day off is a good day.
hey everyone, katie our old dog(14-16) died yesterday morn or sometime the night before,about a week ago she moved outside under the ferns around our huge tree and would not come back in so we started feeding her out there and waited,i had been giving her antiboitics with predniszone so she would'nt scratch anymore.I went out yesterday morning to see how she was and she was dead so i came in and called dr.hess,they told me to call the shelter,they told me to call sanitation,they told me that because she was on private property they could do nothing and told me to call dan browns trucking,they in turn told me they'd need to come out with a backhoe and it would be expensive,i said she maybe weighs 60lbs you don't need a backhoe,just 2 guys in a truck,they said they'd call me back,well i waited then i had to work so this morn the other half was out trying to dig a hole in the yard and was getting nowhere,got pissed because of it and took off,well then i had the bright idea to call Joseph the yard guy that everyone uses and he said i'll be there soon,the man never even hesitated,he's dominican and does'nt do emancipation day and he was here within the hour,he very gently wrapped her in blankets loaded her into his truck,would accept no money from me said he'd be by next week to cut the grass and off he went, all he said was you should have thought of me sooner.
trw, I'm so sorry for your loss, but it appears she went peacefully, and you didn't have to make that decision you were so dreading. Nature took its course. Joseph sounds like a kind person. You're lucky to have someone like that around.
Condolences from STT. So sorry trw, we'll should all be so lucky to lie in ferns and be cared for in our final days.

Sorry, trw. Sounds like she went peacefully. How nice of Joseph to handle it for you.
Truly sorry for your loss. God Bless!
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