Sorry to hear about JJ being sick. If it is dengue, that's no fun. I have had it. All I wanted to eat was something cold and wet, like Jello and Popsicles. Not particularly nutritious, but it's about all you can do.
Was the helicopter army green? We could see one flying low, in the distance, yesterday. When my husband went out, he passed a bunch of blue lights, and they had two young men in custody closer to Christiansted. He later heard the young men had machine guns. I thought the helicopter probably was part of the search. I later saw it over around Castle Coakley, at least I think it was the same one.
I don't know about yesterday but there was a black helicopter on island Monday doing police work.
The police/military helos are typically dark green or black and big... they look very different from the little green one that has been here for years and regularly flys around the island.
Tam... watch your son carefully. I'm sure the Dr.s have told you, dengue is very very dangerous. I'm sorry the little guy has to be so sick and I hope he gets better quickly.
Finally got around to reading today's paper. The helicopter I saw yesterday was indeed involved in a drug sting. The paper said it was black, but it sure looked army green to me.
But that's not why I'm posting....I just want to say today was gorgeous. The sky right now is about as pretty as I have seen, lots of red and kind of a glow. The ocean was flat calm today and you could see building on STT from STX. Just wanted to share.
The ocean was flat calm today and you could see building on STT from STX. Just wanted to share.
Were you able to see buildings on St. Thomas with the naked eye, or were you using binoculars? On really clear days when I look out and see St. Croix, all I can really see are some large greyish bumps on the horizon that are obviously land. Perhaps I've never seen it on such a clear day as you had today.
Hi Gerie,
Naked eye. Obviously the buildings were just faint, hazy blurs, but obviously buildings. My binoculars were sitting right there on the patio, but I never even thought to use them. I don't remember ever seeing buildings on STX when I lived on STT. Maybe it has something to do with the altitude of STT, being higher, so easier to see. St. John and the BVI's, probably Norman Island, were clear too. No buildings, though. Phenomenal visibility, particularly after all the Sahara dust we've had recently. And then, the sky tonight....made me wish I were back on a sailboat. You know what they say...red sky at night...sailor's delight!
Hi Everybody,
First I would like to thank everybody for your kind words about the loss of my Samson. Some of you might not know ,Samson was a Service Dog for Hearing Impaired. I had Samson for almost 16 Years, he worked up till the minute he died. When the Vet was just about to inject him, the phone rang in the next room and he nudged me and tried to get up to lead me to the phone. Someday we will be together again, only not in this world. I am off island now in New Jersey with a new Service Dog named Anastasia, She is a 6 year old Golden Retriever, very sweet and very smart. I was or should say am very lucky to get her. There is a 3 year waiting list for signal dogs. I have had her for a week now and we get along great. We have to live together for a month before we start school for 2 months. The VA is not sure if we go to Conn, Texas,NJ, or PA for school, its an availability issue with the schools. Anastasia's original partner was disabled and died when she was five, they tested her and retrained her to do signal work for the hearing impaired. It seems no one wanted an older dog, I jumped at it. She's not that good at it yet, but tries real hard. I think my milk bone bill is going to be bigger than my WAPA bill, she does nothing and I mean nothing without a milk bone reward.She has done one thing for me she has bandaged my heart and made it a joy to wake up in the morning again, God Bless you all.
Tammy I Hope JJ is OK and Your Mother,I'll Keep them in my Prayers!
so i got downtown today at 2pm and there were cops on the roof of the building to the east of 54,one of them had a vid camera and was vidding the areas behind the buildings there,any idea what happened?
Your post brings a tear to my eyes.:-(

Lizard, Anastasia can't replace Samson (no dog could) but she'll fill a different part. I'm so glad you have her. Amazing how lonely it is when you're used to a dog around all the time & suddenly they aren't. Anastasia's lucky to have you.
Tami, I'm so sorry the visit didn't turn out as expected but I hope they'll visit again. I hate that JJ's so sick.
hi Lizard,so that would put you back here sometime in september,maybe?, do you think we could all get together and meet your new dog and maybe do something potluckish?
Lizard... great to hear your wonderful news and all about your new love. I'm so happy that Anastasia has bandaged your heart and brought back some joy. Congratulations and good luck with the milk bones. Thats a true golden for you.... treats treats treats! :@)

Hey, Anastasia works for food, just like the rest of us. 🙂
Lizard my prayers have come true for you.
Yesterday I took JJ up on our roof to show him St. Thomas. A truly beautiful day.
JJ is on the mend. His high fever broke after 48 hours and he doesn't meet the criteria for dengue. This is probably the 5th or 6th unexplained fever he has had on island the last 2 years. No coughing, respiratory or intestinal issues. These fevers always come after a lot of mosquito bites. The mosquito machine we have works very well but had run out of the gas that it uses and we didn't know it so he got ton of mosquito bites. This time it was different in that he had a severe headache and joint pain. He refused food for 36 hours and is still eating very little. We had to force liquids. He wouldn't even eat ice cream or jello. Today he is almost normal but will still only take vitamins and drink juice and a little food. He is however running around getting into everything and crab hunting.
Mom is doing well physically but having a difficult time being away from me and JJ. Coming back here right now is not an option for her as her medical needs are too great right now. She is having some depression not only from her illness but from a loss of independence. At this point she would rather go into assisted living community rather than stay with any other family but me. My brother lives way out in the country and she does not have enough interaction with other people her age. I am trying to find a solution.
Thank you all for your concern and well wishes sent our way.
I've been away from the forum for a while (working too much!), and I'm so happy to see that this thread is still going strong. Lizard, I'll be thinking of you and your new companion, and Tammy, I hope JJ is back out there crab hunting as soon as possible.
JJ is going to the crab races tonignt.

Well, THAT'S good news.
There is an article on line tonight that Tim Russert died today. I don't know why I am so sad about this, having never met the man, but I am. I really enjoyed his program and his coverage of the presidential elections. Hard to believe we will be going into this latest election without his little white board.
On a more positive note, I am so happy to hear that JJ is back on the mend. KJ

Yeah, that was a shocker. I like the way he interviewed. He was never rude, never talked over the person he was interviewing & never let them slide over an uncomfortable question. My definition of a journalist.
Edited for typo.
A most perfect happy Fathers Day. We went to the beach. Took our chairs, grill and lots of food. We cooked out. There was a cruzian family camping who had been there for a few days camping out. Another cruzian family that we had met last weekend and a bunch of new faces. JJ snorked with daddy for the first time. That was the best part. He took to it like a fish. Hubby could hardly keep up with him. He was so excited and raised his head to tell us all of the wonderful things he was seeing. Hubby is a deep sea diver and he is so excited that our baby J may follow in his foot steps. He is 4 now so we need to quit calling him baby J. He caught a ton of crabs and gave them to the cruzian family to fish with and then he caught a ton more. Tommorow we will release them. That is the rule of the house. Catch and release so they can go home to their families. Daughter was with us with all of her friends. They played bocce ball and swam a lot. I had a wonderful time hanging with the other mommies talking about our children. I was the oldest of course but it was great. I get a lot of respect for being the oldest mommy. We have a ladies swim in the ocean while the men watch the kids. All in all a great day.
Another day in paradise.
Good night all.
Oh, that sounds like a wonderful day. I thought of you and JJ yesterday. We were at the grocery store and in the parking lot were three young boys sitting in the back of a pick up truck. There was a big white bucket with them also. As it turns out, there were live crabs in the bucket. The little boys would take turns picking the crabs up, laughing and giggling. So cute.
When we get back to the Island, Potluckish sounds great. I'LL keep you all posted on our ETA!
Can't wait to see you Lizard
Daughters #1 and 3 will be arriving today. It is a surprise for daughter #2 and JJ. I was awake most of the night because I am so excited. I finally got up at 5 and called to make sure they were in the car heading to the airport. Daughter #3 is 5 and a half months pregnant with our grandson. JJ keeps asking has her egg hatched yet. We told him human eggs take a long time to hatch. They are only going to be here for a week hubby has a million things planned for them to do. His favorite is the tan tan tour but I vetoed that. Afraid it will dislodge the baby. I would be happy just to hang out on the beach and watch all our favorite movies. At trip to Buck island would be fine. Daughter #1 is adventurerous so I imagine her and hubby will be all over the island on the motorcycles and diving the wall.

You sure get a lot of company! Enjoy the week.
Sometimes way to much. It is hard to get anything done around here. The daughters are great however. They actually conserve water and don't use every towel in the house. I never have to wash a dish or make a bed when they visit. Good girls.
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