Tammy, I hope that your mother gets better.
so far today has been an absolutly beautiful day weather wise, this is the kind of day that reminds you of why you moved here in the first place.
Tammy, It is very hard to see our Mothers deteriorate before us. It, unfortunately, happens to most of us. You have to remember that you have had a great life with this woman who took care of you from the beginning, and as life has it, we end up taking care of them in the end.... It is something that I have gone thru and many of my friends have gone thru.... Keep your head held high and you too will get thru this. I am sure I speak for most of the board members, we are praying for your strength and her recovery...Be strong girl....be strong!

Tamara, I don't blame you for skipping the run. Thunder would keep me away. I'm terrified of lightning. Of course, I'd want to drive the length of it anyway. 🙂

Oh, and double ditto what Charlotte said. Our thoughts are with you, Tammy.
and Tammy we've talked about mothers before, you know my heart is with you, i miss you.
i ran into an ex boss tonight from a job i had a while ago while i was running around, it's odd i miss the boss more than i ever missed the job, i really liked working for this person but the job and the place were too many negatives and life is way too short, but i miss this person and we work opposite hours. Stopped at spratnet today and said hello to calvin, then went to whatever the cane bay beach bar is calling itself nowadays for a look see and then went to bogeys to say hi to michelle and saw that their new bathrooms are done,lol ,ordered a bunch of food and came home, oh and i had pizza from off the wall yesterday and a calzone,i treated myself to diana's husbands food and it was worth it, the man can cook homemade pizza., GOD i'm reduced to being excited about a pair of new bathrooms, oh well i hardly ever go out at night anymore, i'm turning into my grandparents
You and your mother are in my prayers!
Thank you all so much. I am feeling the love.
My brother and his wife along with my sister ambushed me tonight. They are trying to force me to go back to STX. I guess I am starting to look a little rough. My brother wants to take mom to his house to live which is 3 to 4 hours from here but still in Virginia. Mom has been with me for the most part 20 years so it feels very strange for me to leave her here or not stay here and take care of her. It is also hard to leave knowing that I may not make it back here in time if something happens. I know she cannot come back to the island as I would never leave the house for fear that she would die while I was gone. Then there is my husband and JJ who need a whole and healthy wife and mother. I guess I have some decisions to make. trw, I am remembering our discussion about mothers. Thank you. That is what I needed to hear. I miss you too.
Ok, on a happier note, I almost have everything together to finally get my taxes done. What a relief. That is the main reason I came back here. I will be glad to have that boulder off my shoulders.
Charlotte, I am pumping iron I'm so strong. LOL. Thank you.
Trade, have you ever seen the Cooper River Bridge? I think they have built a new one but the old one was the scariest bridge I have ever driven. I would rather run in the lightning.
Tamara, is the old scary bridge still there? I almost had a heart attack driving over that bridge.
Thank you all again. You don't how nice it is to come home each night and read this thread. It has been getting me through. Take care all.
well it's 4:25 am and i about ready to leave for work,i'm still trying to figure out which of the privately owned vehicles i want to buy, i suppose it's a trust issue on my part and which owner i believe the most about "oh it's a great car" and blah blah blah, i also went to caribbean auto mart to look and am waiting to hear on 2 from there, the other half leaves for the states on the 16th, it's his parents 50th anniversary and he's going to freeze up der in minnesoooootah, pity hahaha, i'm letting him take my good leather coat to keep him warm, have a good day everyone.

Nope, never saw the bridge & the way you talk, I don't think I'd want to drive it either. Tammy, good luck with your decision. Tammy, maybe it's time for your brother to have his turn?
Talk to Manuel at Centerline Car Rentals; I have purchased 4 vehicles from him over the years for my business. They have been is excellent condition and his prices are very good. (He sells off his 2-3 yr old inventory as season slows to make room for new ones).
I can only imagine how hard it would be to leave your mother when she isn't doing well. I am glad that your brother and sister are offering some support and willingness to help with her care, but I know it is hard to let go of those responsibilities when you've had them so long. Sending good vibes your way...
The old bridge is gone and it did seem really unsafe! I remember being so afraid driving over it when we would travel to see my grandmother in Florida several times a year. The lions that sat on the ends of the bridge were so beautiful though and I was sad to see it go just because it was a part of history. The new one is spectacular! I forget the exact name, but I think it is called a cable suspension bridge and it is really a sight to see because it sits so high up in the air.
Good luck with car search, trw. Were you looking for something in particular?
Tam - It seems that things really do happen for a reason. If your flight north had been smooth your mother might have been back on STX before her medical troubles began and you might have already lost her. Hang in there during this tough time. Your mother knows that your life is on STX with your husband and son and that if you leave her with your brother that you aren't abandoning her and that you still love her.
Congrats on having your taxes about done. I'm still working on mine. 🙁 It's gonna be a long weekend.
Yesterday was a "break" from taxes to instead have the joy of cleaning out my garage. It's not quite done yet, either, so back for another few hours I go. I have a couple pallets of things that came from storage in the states that still need to be delivered to the house, so I can't just put it off until after tax day.
Meanwhile real estate activities also must continue. Trying to get some $$ out of a tenant who doesn't think they should have to pay rent. Have a house sale that is supposed to close tomorrow. Hopefully it will happen as it has been postponed once already. Have a condo sale that was supposed to close this week but the tenants refused to move out and changed the locks, so their listing agent now has the joy of trying to get them out somehow. My buyer is pretty irritated. So am I, come to think about it. lol
hey Alexandra i'm on amy's mailing list and i just got this really cheerful upbeat newsletter about the market here and about the wyndham/golden thing and about how happy she is, how do other realators feel about the project, i'm so torn on this issue, but i'm starting to get irritated with the married massage couple that write all the letters as well in opposition to the project, i want to see developement here, i want to see 3 more large resorts because thats what it's going to take in my book to get non stops in from new york, i think golden is a shyster but then i also have started referring in my mind to the married couple as the eco nazis, i really just think that any large resort developement is going to run afoul of the eco nazis, they are always going to find something to complain about if it's near the water, if you read their stuff they never ever complain about anything being built center island, Alexandra is my thinking out of line with progress?
so i leave for work at 430 am and hit c'sted about 445am and i almost always get yelled at by left over hookers still out there working and i see alot of joggers out jogging,maybe one day i'll see jogging hookers,HA
LOL, trw I had no idea that they (the hookers) are still out there that time of morning.

Or would that be hooking joggers? 😉
My bother and sister have gone back to their respective homes. Doug had to go to Atlanta for business so just JJ and I today. Had a good night with mom at the hospital by myself. She is alert and off most of the machinery that she has been plugged up to. We watched wheel of fortune, her favorite and Jepoardy, my favorite. Talked some. She is still having problems with her vision and memory. She asks me the same questions over and over but keeps holding my hand and saying sorry, you need to go back to the island, don't worry I will be fine. I have to swallow hard and try to smile when she says that.
My pregnant ballerina daughter has JJ tonight. He is very excited to spend the night with big sis. She bought him a banana stawberry smoothie and grilled cheese and then off to Walmart to buy a new toy. He was so excited that he didn't even want to talk to me on the phone. Finally he came to the phone to say I love you, kiss kiss, I will see you tomorrow. So tonight I finally have quiet and can get some sleep but cannot go to sleep. Go figure.
In between all the drama here I have been reading "The sex lives of cannibals and Getting stoned with savages" by J. Maarten Troost. Great books. Very funny and they make St. Croix seem like a very modern and easy place to live. I recommend both books. Fun reading.
Hey, I will be 50 on May 14th. Do you all want to come to a party? At this point I don't know what my house looks like but I can promise good entertainment and good food. That's what a party is all about. I need a party about now.
Good night all.
Woke up this morning in time to hear Rivalee from the ships at Little Creek Naval Base. Very cool. It made me think of those serving right now and my times as a Navy wife with 5 little ones. A few days ago I watched a carrier sail away past the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel on it's way to Japan. Many women were standing on the bridge waving as the ship went past. My nephew was on board.
Tammy, I'm a May baby also!!!! My day is the 22nd.
May 25th here!
Tammy, May 16th here...I'm in Charlotte and work for the airport as a volunteer (go figure!) and when you come back thru here, if you let me know I will meet your plane and buy you a drink and we can talk about STX and trw and his other (which I know better than trw} and probably more people than that. The best to you and especially your Mom...
Charlotte (aka Linda)
same year tammy but august 12, plan on moveing to STX october of this year. not quite ready yet and will have to wait till it cools of enough to ship my 60# mutt from south west florida. can't wait to meet all you posters.
trw - I am pro-development in general, but don't automatically think ALL proposals should be given a rubber stamp of approval. Wetlands are usually ruled out as development land if there are other good options available, as there clearly are on STX. It seems to me that there are too many questions about the Golden proposal and that it probably isn't something I'd feel comfortable backing without reservation. I'm looking forward to the Williams & Punch project and hopefully the Robin's Bay project breaking ground before the end of the year. There are a few other possibilities out there. The market here is clearly slower than the past few years. Some price ranges are moving better than others. There has been a flurry of dropped prices the past few weeks as we are moving towards the end of the traditional tourism season.
Tam - my middle son is also a May 14th b-day boy. Great people, I guess... 😉
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