bugger off betty
We are all opinionated on various topics, sometimes we use in our banter -humor, sarcasm, and condescending remarks to get our point across. I know I am guilty of all three at times.For the most part we all know that we can agree to disagree without vile, profane and a dagger in your heart response. Some posters responded to trw's many dramas with empathy, sympathy and consolatory posts, some did not respond at all. People get tired of "Shock Jock Radio Personalities and their attitudes" trw just doesn't get that.
Since I work about 12 - 14 hours a day, there's little free time. But most every day, I catch up on the STX Today comments, Restaurant Review, and a few other things. I enjoy TRW's rants and posts. He's flawed but I admire the fact that he posts what many people think but are unwilling to post. Furthermore, I agree with most of what he has posted.
I know he doesn't need anyone to defend him and he probably doesn't care if they do. However, I wanted to make the point that I enjoy the posts. So keep posting and speak your mind TRW.
Betty, have you ever invited trw to your house for mexican night? Have you ever offered to drive him home because his car is in the shop. Have you ever picked him up to just spend time because he was lonely, living downtown, couldn't go back to his house. Have you ever offered for him to come to your home just so he could feel like he was part of a family. Have you ever offered to take him out with you and your husband out to dinner? I think not. He just wouldn't fit in your group. Certainly your husband would not approve of you hanging out with a gay, reformed crackhead alcoholic much less having him in your home. Your just slumming chica. You have an agenda and it is certainly not your compassion for trw. He has an agenda as well and it isn't to be your best friend. You are using each other equally and it is pathetic. What is going on with trw is the most awful saddest thing. Unfortunately he is driving away those that care for him the most and because I have a huge dysfunctional family, a business to run, a 6 year old to raise and a sister in law dying of brain cancer. I cannot devote 24/7 attention to trw which is pissing him off.
For the rest of you I am sure that everyone is enjoying the drama here. Me personally, I find nothing fun about the pain and awfulness of trws rants. It is just sad. I would prefer that he was a happy fulfilled person. Not tortured. This is not entertaining. This is tragic.
Tami I don't know what ya got going on over there but that post was a little weird...an agenda? Really?...no really?
Because my husband is in law enforcement he has to be homophobic?? Because that's a sad commentary on what you think of law enforcement professionals. Outside of work he's the sweetest funniest guy you'll met on these islands.
Why wouldn't I let a reformed addict in my house? At least half of my friends would be considered an addict of some kind by stateside standards. A reformed one might be interesting...lol
I have to assume your angry and talking it out on me. You shouldn't be angry at trw. Anyone who has been reading his post for years can easily see he seems very depressed and might really need some help. I know he's lashed out at people but either help or stay away, don't make it worse.
Well have you invited him over or offered your assistance or tried to be his friend? You didn't answer the question? Why don't you be a real sweetheart and be a friend. And by the way, don't tell me what to do. Also, I am not mad at trw. I feel sad for him. He's mad at me.
P. S. Most of my family and friends are or have been law enforcement professionals.
I feel like I am having an argument with a teenager so I'll stay away from this subject now.
Tami I don't befriend anyone from this board in real life. Too many seem to go off the deep end here and make things very personal. I really don't want that in my life. What I have trying to tell you he may seem mad but he seems much more depressed to me. And you seem mad because he lashed out at you. I can tell I'm not helping you, you want to stay mad for something minor so do what you want.
And if you have so many law enforcement professionals in your family that was even a weirder stance to take.
look i'm not a depressed drama queen,my home life just sucks right now and there's not a thing i can do about it at this point, i thought of every angle and well until the money starts flowing (season) i'm stuck with it, yes I DO get angry and bitter about it and lash out at times,never in real life though only here, in real life i've retained my sense of humour and like to make people laugh, like the craigs list killer and the yalekiller,don't these 2 boys realize that once they're convicted and stuck in gen pop they're going to be wearing short shorts and lipstick for the rest of their lives, don't these guys ever think of that stuff before they do stupid things lol
oh and "my people and her fingernails" were in yesterday, she's up to something i just havn't figured it out yet,foncies chief researcher thinks she's going to run again for senate,lol when she ran for gov the whorebars in f'sted on queen street were the only places that had her signs,lol like minds think alike i guess
and one more thing that i've reached a decision on call me a racist if you want but i will no longer buy anything from any arab owned business down here and that means gas,groceries,dollar store stuff and my reasons are these guys get into too much trouble and i really do think they are starting to get an economic stranglehold on these islands, so i'll go to a non arab owned gas station and cost u less and kmart or any other non arab owned business, will it make a difference? probably not but it's a matter of principle
i've just read 5 books released in 08 or 09 from authors all over the world that involve some type of burning of people or parts of their flesh,now i really wonder what a sociologist would have to say about this and why suddenly this is such a common theme.
who's this pro taliban barb osborne broad in the paper today, she must like having her kids and herself beaten and subjected,amazing
your reading list is creepy,trw. but ( and please dont take this seriously) where are you going to find a non-arab owned gas station or grocery store???
Go Chuckie - Amazing how that no work contract she and her husband were awarded for emergency sewage line repairs under the turnbull administrations hasn't finished her off. What WAS the name of that company?
Global Resources - here it is:
I kinda miss Chuckie - it was always entertaining if nothing else.
I have a feeling she'll be back along with Bert
the gargoyle, the others,the magicians,something with angels in the title by some mexican dude and can't remember the other one they were all new releases at the library except others,oh the girl who played with fire maybe
trw...I thought at first you were naming off our most "illustrated" senators! ..."Gargoyle"..."the Others"..."Magicians" ???
Thanks SSSOOOOOO much...had a rough day today and you gave me the belly laugh I so needed!
i have all my families ration coupons from ww2, you know what am i supposed to do with that stuff, no family sons to carry on the name,it's all girls for grandkids, i think one of my cousins is into the history, i have so much stuff my mothers side of the family,plus my moms stuff and then my own stuff,in leaving las vegas he burns everything,im not quite sure i want to do that i thought of just sending everything to the freeborn county museum down in albert lea and let them sort it out, my greatgrandmother has her own display there cause she made it to 107 and drove everyday and lived in her own house till she died
Why are there never any boats on lake Albert Lea? My family visited relatives in Northfield and Fairbault Minn. growing up and we always wondered. Too shallow? Contaminated? Only lake that never had boats on it. ??
i'm not sure,but i remember them back in the 60's,i did'nt really live there that long,but i remember them
lol i can't get away from creepy horrible books like the one i'm reading now, it's a greg iles book called the devils punchbowl, new releasef rom the library, i read the liner notes and they say it's about corruption in the mississippi gambling industry, yes it is all that but what not said is that it's also about people who pay to see dogs fight and to see people getting ripped to shreds by the animals and it's all filmed and sold as snuff and it's all written in way too much detail.
I normally really like Greg Iles, but that one may be a little over the top for my taste!
well i'm learning more than i need to know about bully kutta dogs, they're war dogs in pakistan and the mid east, there's a line in this book that goes "the emperors gave the people sex and death and everything else is just window dressing"
well finished the iles book juanita,it's a short one only about 570 pages, as awlful as the subject matter is,it's a great way to educate the general public and lord knows the general public needs some educating,how many people actually read newspapers or watch the news channels,this book provided more information on dog fighting than the vick trial ever did, it went into great detail on what they put the dogs through,on a another note the really deep south seems so magical and mysterious to me, i think james lee burke is one of my favorite southern authors after reading books on the deep south from the past days to the present i wonder what my attitudes would be like if i had lived there back in the 17-18 hundreds or even now,lol theres a line in the book that says"like louisiana in mississippi the only way to truly end your career in politics is to be caught with a dead woman or a live boy
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