gotta be up in 5 and a half hours,looks like another sleepless night for the trw, i was really tired when i left work and now i'm like wide awake
so i found out the real reason why the taxi vans don't drop people off on ship days at the post office downtown,this comes from one of our "brilliant" homeland security idiots, passengers cannot be dropped off in front of a federal facility now how fuckin stupid is that when we have about 20 homeless guys sleeping there and the city bus stops there as well as the 2.50 taxi vans,jesus h christ on a raft,lol i do get irritated don't i,i need to be in charge
and well i found out that my best female friend, you know the one in san fransisco is hooked up with a black crack addict,lol how far can north dakota girls fall and she's a nurse so i told her she and the kid can live here with us until she gets on her feet,lol plenty of black crack addicts here to go around if she needs one that bad and i miss her
i met a couple at work today stationed in georgia,he's an orthopedic surgeon and leaves for iraq in a couple weeks,they bought property here in grape tree 3 years ago and he has 5 more years before he gets out,he's already talked to his counterpart at the hosp here and that guy wants to retire,nice couple

Yea! maybe that means that Pedersen will be gone!
Sorry wasn't me that knew the ins stuff. I hate dealing with it at work.
i just saw an ad on tv from the vipd,a perfect example of the mentality and thought not exercised before spending money,the ad states that all children under the age of 13 need to be in the backseat of a moving vehicle with a seatbelt on,ok thats all fine and well but what about trucks?
This is a law enacted by the US. It comes with "stimulus" money. In order to receive the money you have to enact the law. Then it was passed country wide in the US taking it out of each states hands the way things are usually done. My son will also be in a booster seat until he is bigger than I am. Same with window tinting. Used to be each state made it's own laws and decisions but no longer. Same with check points that we are seeing everywhere. Are your papers in order? Fine line we are walking here. Think you are getting what you asked for? As for me I guess I am just too stupid to make the right decisions regarding my childs safety. I need the government to make the decisions for me. I am just too stupid to know how long to keep him in a car seat. Tomorrow I may be too stupid to know what to feed him. Please government take care of me and tell me what to do. I am too stupid to know when I have become a burden on society. Please counsel me when it is my time to die and quit being a burden.
laura ingrahm is subbing for orielly tonight and i'm ready to wreck the tv but the next topic is the war on terror and is obama losing it,um well this is one area i disagree with the administration on, i don't want to know what the CIA is up to,i want them to do whatever it takes to make sure a 911 does not happen again,sometimes it takes badguy tatics to deal with badguys,the big reason i'm opposed to the taliban is because of the 1000's of years old buddahs they destroyed when the got control of afghanistan
Oh no!! We cannot turn the CIA loose on terrorist. They might just water board those poor terrorist. We cannot let this administration follow in the footsteps of that horrible cowboy, bubba bush. I say no. Maybe we should just smoke a piece pipe with them and tell them we will do whatever they want if they won't attack us again. I think we should give them all pot to make them peaceful. We must be nice or the other countries will think we are bullies and won't like us or trade with us. We have to have trade because even though we are a great big country with a lot of natural resources we don't want to harm our environment to support ourselves. Let's let other countries drill for oil and deplete their own resources in order to fulfill our needs. Those w hores, capitalist pigs. Selling themselves to the infidel USA for capital gain.
lol alittle anger there tonight tam?,well i do agree about not drilling for oil on our own lands but not for enviromental reasons,my reasons are use theirs up first and we'll still have ours if and when we need it,omg selfish capatialism from trw
hey until the U.N.grows some balls we're about the only country around to take on global problems,and i guess our presidents have rendered them ball less over the years,am i correct in remembering that the shrub never paid dues,and i think the american companies that outsource jobs to other countries should be put in a special punishing tax bracket or denied the right to sell their products in the states,lol i'm sure that one will raise some hackles but it's what i believe
Anger? 😀
so now the right winger is on you know the huckabee dude the administration says that unemployement figures are 9something percent nationwide,the atlanta fed said today it's more like 16percent if you factor in people who want work and have stopped looking and people who want to work less hours,now my question is what would those figures be if companies were not allowed to outsource jobs,stockholders and the unions are ruining this country,they're both too greedy,lol there in 12 words and one comma i may have riled up everyone,but again it's a statement i believe in
one thing i've really noticed with fox news they have alot of really pretty women showing off alot of boob spouting very conservative views and i wonder if it's from a focus group somewhere to appeal to straight white guys,lol can you imagine the questions asked in the focus group,lol you know cnn has women like jeannie moos or whatever her last name is and brenda starr and candy crowley
am i the only one that thinks the "slap chop" guy is evil, i get the creeps everytime i see his commercial and immediatly want to call an exorcist or a priest, it's his eyes,his eyes are full of lies and betrayle (sp)
well the wrong queen got booted tonight off project runway, the one they booted tonight was pretty creepy, but he at least was interesting, the one they saved was just some boring insecure whitefag from somewhere
I forgot to tell everyone that pregnant daughter is having a boy.:-)
Regarding pick-up trucks. Almost every state that has seatbelt laws has exemptions for trucks. I guess it's a rural thing.
Yeah that slap chop dude is creepy! Looks alien................:-o
Tammy is angry & concerned about our country as well we all should be (sorry for speaking for you Tammy........I do agree with you 100%)
and boys name is going to be?
it's hot today and we don't have a freezer at work big enough for me to stand in for a few minutes
Happy Friday!!! Thank you sweet little baby jesus! Kurts playing at brew pub tonight.

Marlon (I think it was) Jackson of the Jackson 5/4 was at the hosptial today visiting the Pediatrics Unit. Much shorter than I thought he'd be.
Hmmm, yes they are adding more laws about child auto safety and yet most of our school buses don't have seat belts.
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