i just saw one of the bigwigs from our "luxury" hotel east of downtown pick up one of the biggest coke/crack dealers in town,lol TRW is shaking his finger at you
and why can't some of our wealthier members on this board bring down some vigilanties to start thinning the herd of young men on this island,need to start killing some of these guys to send a message,when is it no longer safe to go to a restaurant, these guys need to be killed
downtown was slow tonight, we did ok people were calling to see if the ac was on and working before they ventured out,joe and vicki were putting flyers on cars downtown, they have a red hot chili peppers cover band at 54 on saturday night show's at 10pm and there is a cover charge and they're doing 2 buck presidentes
5:30 comes way to early sometimes
well i think i found a new place for the 2 homeless guys to move to once they move out of the law office, that dump i was in downtown is still available, so i called the agent in charge and she's meeting them there at 5 today,lol she asked me are they going to burn the place down because one of them breathed booze all over her and i said no the place they're in now has carpet and i check on them quite a bit and that place is still intact after all these months,plus one of them gets a check from disability every month and they don't do drugs and she said i don't care about the drugs i'm just worried about them burning the place down,it's a wood frame building i said would that be a big problem if they did,and she just laughed, the guy doing the new 911 system that is here from orlando came in this morning and was reading the paper and made a comment about the bad stuff going on here and i told him the hotter it gets temp wise the more crime we have and the island like anywhere else turns into a self cleaning oven and he wanted to know who was getting killed and i told him out of 14 murders here almost all of them were disposable people,cold but true,and why did we not see any judges names in yesterday's paper in the sarticle about the 13 badguys supposedly under house arrest,someone told me today that the courts have been ordered to try and not put anymore people in holding cells before their trials because of overcrowding, how stupid is that
oh and i had 2 of the diageo people in for lunch today,he was wearing a diageo shirt, and i said you're our new best friend which got a laugh out of him and a 30 percent tip for me which i was not aiming for at all,just thanking them for being here, the property manager for pelican cove condos was in today and told me a few of them have year long leases over there
there is a new, young quite presentable woman on island looking for work,she stopped in the other day and i have her name and number if anyone wants it,i think i might have gotten her into zebos, there is also a new young guy here from south carolina looking for a boat job but i don't know any boat people other than bigbeard and mike from scuba but he's in wyoming and bb is in oregon
Tippy, owner of Riddims/igrade records, has a new band called the STX band...they are playing Sat night at Zebos...I'll be there
JJ and I cannot wait to come home to STX. Our home. Hubbys sister is dying with the worst brain cancer a person can have so he will stay with her. We don't want to leave him but he has told us to go. He wants to spend her final days with her alone with their siblings. I want to be with him but respect their wishes to have their final time together. J and I miss him so much and want to comfort him and the rest of the family but we will go home like he asked. God speed Margaret Elizabeth. We love you and miss you.

so sad for you tammy, and to your husband and the family. you are being very strong for him now, good for you.
Thank you Anita. I cannot bear to leave him and the family but he wants JJ to get home in time to start school and not traumatize him. I don't want to go against his wishes but my heart is breaking not to be there for him.

I hope her passing is calm & painfree. My thoughts are with your family.
God Bless you and your family.
Thanks guys.
The doctors have given her no hope other than chemo to keep her alive for a few months. The brothers aren't buying that and as of today have contacted every cancer specialist I can find on the computer for them. Like the clan they are, they will not go down without a fight. I think of the movie Braveheart everytime I talk to them. Margaret or Mags, as they call her has no idea that she has brain cancer because the tumor has affected her short term memory. They tell her and a minute later she doesn't remember. She is in no pain and delighting in the attentions of her brothers. Everytime I call I hear her in the background laughing and joking with her crazy brothers much louder than they. The nurses have quit trying to quite them all. They are a wild bunch but I love them all.
Email from the brothers.
I am so optimistic that I would go after Moby Dick in a row boat and bring my own tartar sauce.
My reply.
You go boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
,tam i pm'd you
PM'd you back.
i got to hear the band at 54 do their setup and warm up for about 3 hours last night,from half a block away they sounded really good,nice to hear some rock instead of hiphop/rap all the time,good change,so i hope people went and there were no problems, we had a decent night last night so it was after 10 when we left town,got home and it was bad kareoke at the bar round the corner,so i heard that until 2am or so,dunno i fell asleep,hey it's her one night a week to make good money,other than one or 2 nights a week it's really quiet up here,which after living in inner cities pretty much all my life is nice,so much "stuff" to do here at the house today,i've been working alot the last couple of weeks covering vacations and my own hours,just read the new koonze book from the library"relentless"and now i'm reading a salman rushdie book called "the enchantress of florence" based on india and florence during the late 14 early 1500's,good book,in between i read some new trashy vampire book from the library and something else i can't remember
tammy just made a good point to me in a pm,she said in the last year or so i've gotten crabbier and meaner so i started thinking and that was about the time i started working and living downtown,before that i NEVER spent time in c'sted,never wanted or needed to,and so when i came into town to work nights and then live here for a few months i got an eyeopener to the crap that really goes on,the drugs,the roving bandits,the crime, i knew it was all there i read the papers but i had not experienced it here on such an intimate level, so thats probably when i started to harden and get even more cynical,and i choose to stay at my job because it's a really good job and i like it,and i like my boss and almost everyone i wait on,after a year i know almost all of them
it's really very sad when you see 23 bad guys on company street from market square to time square doing god knows what and you know that the 6 cops downtown are hanging out on the boardwalk or playing pool while in uniform instead of patrolling the streets
lol, I just want my old trw back. I have to admit that I am not exposed to the bad stuff on the island. I live in la la land out east playing games with JJ. My own utopia. I only feel angry when I am in my not so good neighborhood in the states. I hate feeling angry. It makes me feel sick and in my opinion non productive. I continue to hope that as a community that we can come together and be productive in a positive way to make change.
is there a shoe repair place downtown,i can't remember
I don't know if there's one downtown, but there's one on the way to food town, I think right next to quality grocery store. He has a little sandwich board out on weekdays.
yeah i think that s nolascos shoe repair, i was kinda hoping to support someone downtown and there's nothing in the phone book,i'll stop by kicks on monday and ask
cleaning house, just tossed out my cellphone,annoying things,lol
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