lol so yesterday when farrah dies i said at work one more will die so when they announced MJ,i got accused of killing him,now who else but MJ would upstage Farrah,so i guess i'm trw,the gay notorious cat licking MJ killer,but i really liked them both and hope they're in a better place away from the pain
one of the things i like about living here vs the states is that i can refer to the women as darling or miss and i don't have to worry about some feminazi castrating me,just a thought
You can get away with it in the south as well. When women use honey and dear to each other in the south it's one of those things that can be very friendly or deadly. 🙂 It's amazing how they can say f*** off with the word
the one i remember from texas was "my how nice" which meant the same thing
guy that picked me up today sold my house to the guy i bought it from back in the 80's,he paid 66 for it and after about 14 years i paid 105 for it,not a very good return on the investment if you ask me,it's odd eveyone thats has owned the house has ended up divorced wether they be local or stateside,maybe i need to have it exorcised or blessed or something superstitious like that,feng shui?
lol. I don't think I have ever chewed anyone out without prefacing it with, sugar, darlin, honey or sweetheart.

wow paula... that has got to be one of the funniest programs on the telly! i have my dvds for years, and i watch them over and over and over, when i want to laugh!
had lunch at microwave magic again today and there was not a single chicken anywhere so i'm not eating anything with chicken in it for awhile
here in north carolina....
watch out when they say...."awww shuugahh, that's naaaaaaaaaaaaace." (nice)
that means f u
stopped at steeles for some chocolate to pay my boss for rides home and ended up stopping at all the law offices that have secretaries that eat at the cafe and passed it all out to them,so i had to go back to steeles and get more,those ladies are not waterfront kinda girls they want the ac when they eat hahaha and while their bosses say they can all be hell on wheels they are all nice to me.

"here in north carolina....
watch out when they say...."awww shuugahh, that's naaaaaaaaaaaaace." (nice)"
or "Bless her heart....." 😉
It's so true.
so true trade and tami......and we can cut a one with our eyes too.
says this relocated sicilian to the south (for soooooooo many years)
it is true....luzianne tea is the best....and here is how to make a PERFECT gallon of genuine southern ice tea....simple and unadorned. (i am famous for mine....:$))
5 qt. size luzianne tea bags (or salado....whatever you can get as long as it is plain tea ...9 regular tea bags if you cannot find quart size...).
1 qt water
small pot
take strings from teabags and put in pot and add a quart of water.
bring to a boil for five minutes.
turn off stove.
let bags steep.
in a gallon jar or jug.....
add about a cup of hot water and 2 cups more, no less (even if you use raw sugar or organic)
dissolve sugar in the hot must be dissolved.
now gently wring out tea bags and pour liquid into the sugar mixture.
fill up with cold cold water until you reach the gallon mark.
serve in LARGE tumblers with lots of ice....add lemon if desired.
it will disappear before you know it.
have a great weekend everyone....
Making me homesick....good ole North Carolina sweet tea!!! I was actually thinking about doing some NC BBQ for July 4th. Hmmmm... You guys (on island) will have to go see the next play at CCT (STX). It's called Sordid Lives and is advertised as a black comedy about white trash. .:D I've read the script, and I can't wait! It's outrageous! I'll be there for opening night (in case it gets shut down after that). Opens July 10.

I miss NC tea too....well any tea from the south....except we add a 5 pound bag of sugar 😀
have some tea with your sugar?
have some coffee with your sugar?
i know ones that put sugar in their greens and pintos.
i do not go that far.
still enuff new jersey in my soul to prevent that.

Let's not even start with kool-aid
Great grandmothers sweet tea.
4 or 5 family tea bags in a small pot.
Add a pinch of baking soda.
Remove from heat just as it is starting to boil. Do not let it boil.
Let it steep for 5 minutes. Remove tea bags.
Pour into a half gallon jug with 1 cup of sugar. Mix well until sugar is dissolved.
Fill to the top with cold water.
Chill and serve with lemon.
This is the very best sweet iced tea you will ever drink. Southern ladies all over are going to be mad that I let out the secret of the baking soda. It takes out the bitterness and makes a very smooth drink.
tsk tsk tsk i have so many koolaid concoctions in my many ways to make it.
when i used to drink, at parties a punch would be made with a koolaid base and pineapple juice and fruit cocktail....then adding a pint of everclear and liters of gingerale.......somehow during the length of said parties the ingredients and liquors changed as the liquor stores would be closed by then....i have even seen them put richards in it...but the koolaid was always
a nc bbq.....what a good idea.....i can do the southern vibe (although no meat now), i love it....but i cannot seem to be able to get accustomed to sweet pickle relish in potato salad/macaroni salad/tuna salad/etc.....and i would never put pickle relish in deviled eggs or egg salad. i do use dill pickle chips in potato salad. but i just cannot do sweet....the syrup makes me gag. of course i grew up a member of a sicilian household in new jersey, so the sweet pickle vibe is not on my culture....same way i cannot do miracle whip. bbbyukkkkkkk.
hope the weather is good this weekend and you all get to get out and have some fun.

Funny howthe south loves sweet but not in cornbread. I'm with you, Irijah about Miracle Whip. Wish we could get Duke's mayo down here but I like Hellmann's OK.

The food in the south varies much by region. I grew up in Tennessee. BBQ meant hickory smoked pork shoulder that was hand pulled. It was served with beans and slaw. The slaw usually had a mustard base. I grew up with Miracle Whip but always preferred mustard on all sandwiches unless the sandwich had tomatoes and lettuce.
Cornbread was like hush puppies, regional. Where I grew up they were not sweet, they were round and garlicky I once ordered hush puppies in Savannah, GA and they were small oval very sweet concoctions.
I sure miss southern cooking. BBQ, catfish and hush puppies, sausage biscuits and gravy with grits. I'll pass on the chitlins.
dukes is the bomb
and i love sweet cornbread.....

We just moved from LA...lower Alabama, Destin, Florida. We are used to sugar in our cornbread because of that area. When we were in NC, it was no sugar.
When I moved here the cruzian fellows helping me unload my container fell out laughing over the cases of Dukes I packed and even though I gave away tons of it to some southern Hovensa boys most of it went bad before we could use it.
Sweet cornbread. My husband is from the North, gasp, and he likes sweet cornbread. Something I cannot get used too. You can't put sweet cornbread in a glass of sweet milk or butter milk. It just doesn't taste right. Too much sweetness.
Potato salad. I really do make the best potato salad. You can only use dill cubes or relish. I make my own from dill pickles because I cannot find any on this island.
Grits, again a northern husband. He puts sugar on them. Yuk. Salt, pepper, butter, and or red eye gravy. Here on the island I can only find instant. Not acceptable.

The entree Mel had at Savant the other night came with real cheese grits.
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