STX Militia?

Since you asked, I do believe that there are people of all hues in the USVI (and everywhere else) that are bigoted and prejudiced, I do not believe that racism exists without oppression, and in my experience religions purport to bring people together but they actually accomplish the opposite.
I pulled this from Wikipedia under 'oppression':
"The term oppression is primarily used to describe how a certain group is being kept down by unjust use of force, authority, or societal norms. When this is institutionalized formally or informally in a society, it is referred to as "systematic oppression". Oppression is most commonly felt and expressed by a widespread, if unconscious, assumption that a certain group of people are inferior. Oppression is rarely limited solely to government action. Individuals can be victims of oppression, and in this case have no group membership to share their burden of ostracization.
** In psychology, racism, sexism and other prejudices are often studied as individual beliefs which, although not necessarily oppressive in themselves, can lead to oppression if they are acted on, or codified into law or other systems**. By comparison, in sociology, these prejudices are often studied as being institutionalized systems of oppression in some societies. In sociology, the tools of oppression include a progression of denigration, dehumanization, and demonization; which often generate scapegoating, which is used to justify aggression against targeted groups and individuals." (***** mine)
I believe your definition of racism is too narrow, as it suggests racism cannot exist without oppression. Though I understand why you may feel that way, i don't restrict the definition in such a way. Racism CAN lead to oppression, not MUST lead to oppression.
Racism argument aside and getting back to the militia question we only spent one week on STX and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what's going on there.
The only time we saw a security patrol car (not police) anywhere on the island was the East End. Wish they'd been there on the West End while we were getting robbed.
As a pure outsider it looks to me like the East Enders are doing the right thing "taking matters into their own hands" because the police certainly aren't doing their jobs.
"I have real problems with these so called "militias". Most of the ones I have seen are a bunch of guys who like to run around in camos and shoot guns. They like to consider themselves military, but they are not. After having spent 25 years in the military, one of the things I learned there is discipline. These clowns don't have any."
Ric is absolutely right here. I was not in the military, but I did spend my first few years out of law school with a federal agency best known by its three initials. The firearms training I received was simply the best there is--world class. The single most important thing they taught us was firearms safety--how not to shoot ourselves or someone around us inadvertently. The second most important thing was fire control discipline--when to shoot and when not to. Having had that training, I generally cringe when I see untrained civilians handling firearms--it can be very scary. And please understand, I agree 100% with Ric that we all have the right of self-defense. But if you are going to own a firearm, please make sure you know how to use it.
This is soo weird I a young adult lived here 5 years have never seen these men. Ive only heard of crimes that have been with young black males who have nothing to do on st. croix and who decide to car jack random people. It saddenings me to hear such young kids doing and watching their peers do such hateful and stupid crimes. When will it be safe to drive out to divi casino or canebay at night time?
Hven't been to Divi lately, but it seemed safe enough at Cane Bay last Friday night. Plenty of folks out for the all-you-can-eat shrimp.
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