Studying at St. Cro...
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Studying at St. Croix University next Spring...

Posts: 7
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I'm part of a national student exchange program that's allowing me to go to the University at St. Croix for my last semester of college. There are two things I absolutely need while there:

1. An internship related to the arts, preferably paid but I know that may not be entirely possible
2. The ability to not go into debt

I'm a college student so I don't have a very large amount of money, although I have started saving already. Can anyone offer me advice on things like moving, island transportation (specifically: how plausible is it to commute from island-to-island on a daily basis with a small budget AND how does getting around St. Croix on a bike sound?), any vaccines I may need to get, cost-saving measures, safety tips, or anything else?

Posted : May 27, 2010 7:29 pm
Posts: 416
Reputable Member

1. I don't know anything about the arts here, but I'm sure rks will have some input.
2. It is incredibly expensive to live here, in comparison to the states, so debt may be inevitable.

For moving, I highly recommend Flemings Transport.

Commuting from island to island on a daily basis would be pretty much impossible. We're nearly 50 miles from the nearest island (St. Thomas), and the last I checked, the ferry was $90 round-trip for an hour and a half trip each way, and the seaplane was (I think) $130 round-trip for a 20 minute flight each way.

You must have a car or motorcycle, not a bike (in my opinion).

No extra vaccines needed, unless it's for your pet.

Please research these boards thoroughly, and bring as much savings as you can to help you survive.

Good luck!

Posted : May 27, 2010 8:52 pm
Posts: 2138
Noble Member

For one semester, I would not move much. Certainly not furniture or a car. For small amounts of stuff, USPS is a good bet.

Bicycles are dangerous here. A lot of the roads are narrow, curvy, hilly, overgrown, and pot-holed. Some of the drivers are terrible, and it can rain any time.

I don't think you'll need a very large amount of money to live here for one semester. A medium to large amount of money will do.

Posted : May 27, 2010 9:07 pm
Posts: 184
Estimable Member

I'm part of a national student exchange program that's allowing me to go to the University at St. Croix for my last semester of college. There are two things I absolutely need while there:

1. An internship related to the arts, preferably paid but I know that may not be entirely possible
2. The ability to not go into debt

I'm a college student so I don't have a very large amount of money, although I have started saving already. Can anyone offer me advice on things like moving, island transportation (specifically: how plausible is it to commute from island-to-island on a daily basis with a small budget AND how does getting around St. Croix on a bike sound?), any vaccines I may need to get, cost-saving measures, safety tips, or anything else?

When You say "St Croix University" I assume you are talking about the UVI or University of the Virgin Islands (St Croix campus).

Do read older posts on this board (search feature sure to search for the longest time possible) and continue to ask questions. Riding a bike is not impossible, but it is difficult. If you can, arrange for a car or share one with a friend. St Croix is far away from St Thomas and St John so island to island commute is not possible. St John and StThomas are close to each other, but St Croix is a couple of difficult hours away by ferry or somewhat less by seaplane.

Good luck

Posted : May 27, 2010 11:06 pm
Posts: 3919
Famed Member

Have you ever been here? If not, at least a brief, say a week or two, visit is probably a good idea.

Posted : May 28, 2010 8:35 am
Posts: 5404
Illustrious Member

There are lots of students who do this semester at UVI deal. They need to watch the party aspect of the island (well, at least on St Thomas ;)) but they seem to have fun. I'm not sure why you would do this your last semester, unless UVI has the specific classes you need to graduate.

Posted : May 28, 2010 11:49 pm
Posts: 7
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Topic starter

Thanks for the responses, everyone. They're very helpful. Unfortunately visiting for a week or two prior to the semester probably won't be an option. And I am referring to UVI - I'm thinking it'll be good, relaxing last semester. I'm done with my degree except for the internship I need, so I though that studying somewhere else would be a nice change of pace.

I'm definitely not planning on moving too many things, but I'm trying to figure out what I need to bring to cover the essentials.

Also: if someone is, or knows anyone who is, plugged into the arts scene I would love to talk to them. The thought of securing an internship in a place I've never been to is both exciting and daunting; any extra insight would be incredibly helpful. 🙂

Posted : May 31, 2010 6:34 pm
Posts: 5404
Illustrious Member

Steph: Does the university help you with the internship? Someone on St Croix will have to help you with specifics, but I know there are artists over there! Also the Whim Museum seems to have art-related events.

Posted : May 31, 2010 8:41 pm
Posts: 411
Reputable Member

You didn't say where you are getting your degree. It would be interesting to me to have you share what you expect and what you really experience. If done right, this could be a wonderful and memorable experience. Please take the time to learn all you can about life in the Virgin Islands (St Croix especially). I'm sure it will be very different from most places you have lived before.

Actually you will not need to bring any special things to come here. There are stores and places to get food ,clothes. school things...what ever you need. Maybe not as easily or as cheaply, but there is always Internet shopping. You should be able to arrive with a backpack and a duffel bag. Rentals are usually furnished with everything you need. Clothes are simple. Shorts, tee shirts, blouses, bring no heavy clothes at all, maybe a hooded sweat shirt and a pair of long pants or skirt. Mostly sandals maybe some running shoes if you are inclined. Check with others about dressing up...that is out of my league.

I hope your experience here is what you want. By the way, public transportation is not too dependable, but you can get around if you plan ahead and have a lot of patience. You will meet some very interesting people that way.:D

Posted : June 1, 2010 12:49 am
Posts: 7
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I've tried to check with the University to see if they have any resources for finding internships, but haven't managed to actually talk to someone. Once fall semester starts up I'll probably be a little more adament... I've read a lot about island time on this site so I figure I'll give them a while. 🙂

I'm geting my BA in Arts Administration at the University of Kentucky... I'm expecting mostly a semester in which I get to relax, enjoy and learn about the island art and culture, and finish a degree up in the process.

Posted : June 2, 2010 3:36 am
Posts: 3111
Famed Member

Hi Steph,
Understanding "Island time" is a great first step, however, because of that, or whatever reason..., following up is even more crucial. Also, emails don't get answered in a timely manner sometime. I am not talking specifically about UVI. I have never had any dealings with them, but over-all, it's a good idea to call after you have emailed. Don't give it too much island time! Good luck with finding an internship. We have a very active arts community. I'm sure you'll find something. Our community theater is always looking for help. You can google it for contact info. It's called Caribbean Community Theater.

Posted : June 2, 2010 12:58 pm
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