Alana you are just completely wrong. Allowing someone to be abusive to your child is a demented thought pattern. Your assumption that these children deserve punishment and that it is OK for a person that is essentially employed to foster growth and education of children, to strike one is perverse. I stand by my statement and make no apologies, I am a peaceful person, I have served as president of civic groups, donate time to charity groups, teach my child manners and my child is very well behaved, if some one ever touched my child I would bring down a world of hurt on them and I would question the love of a parent who would not feel the same way. Are you a parent? A bit sad if you feel it would be OK for someone to strike your child. I agree that there are probably some problem children in the system and that many teachers are not equipped to handle them but do you really think that a child that is already having social difficulties is going to suddenly be a model student due to being hit?
Violence begets violence, and if we teach are children violence we cant be upset as a society that they use it.
Megga Dittos!!
"and most importantly waste eveyone else's time and energy trying to teach those that really are there to learn and are smart and not emotionally handicapped by their home life"
This quote is especially unsettling. Alana do you propose that we take all the kids that are not "smart" or have a difficult home life and just give up on them? Or do we beat them more?
The way I see it all kids are different. Some need more some need less, but they all deserve and equal shot and they are all valuable. If a child is not "smart" I dont think its fair to say they are wasting the time of the kids who are.
Trouble makers are not necessarily stupid, idiots.
Allowed, permitted in 19 states, not necessarily enforced or maybe used as a last resort and with parental permission
Abuse...plain and simple.
Parent(s) or guardian(s) must fill out a permission form whether they allow or not allow corporal punishment during school hours.
My friends lived in a state where it was allowed and filled out the form every new school year.
Some parents think it is cute that their children can run up and down the aisles of the stores getting in your way and running into you.
I almost knocked down a toddler at the post office because her mother thought it was cute that her little girl can stand & walk, especially in her cute pink dress and blond pig tails.
She saw her child got in my way 2 times and didn't say anything to me or apologize. I used my patience to not tell her to pick up your child, so she won't be running loose where she can get hurt and that she is in other customer's way.
Control your children!!!
i was spanked on occasion as a child. i turned out just fine. i do not go around wanting to beat up other people, i do not have violent tendencies.
people who grew up in my generation were spanked-not beaten. our generation as a whole are much more polite and well behaved than the generations coming after us who are part of the time out generation or the generation that came after that that doesn't seem to discipline the children at all.
spanking for me was not an everyday occurrence, just a once in a while thing. i might have spanked my son maybe 5 times. he was almost always a very well behaved child at home. strangers would come up to me in public places to tell me what a polite young man he was when he was as young as 5.
along with the spankings came a discussion of why what we did was wrong.
Throughout the animal world, adults of the species smack children when they misbehave - and not only their own children but the children of other clan members too. 😮
I am speaking from experience. I work in the usvi public school system. What I witness on a daily basis is frightening and an enormous societal issue. These kids are going to grow up and live in your community, poorly educated with aggressive tendencies, not all but most. We are not talking about an occasional slap on the wrist. I have seen special needs kids slapped across the face. It's not just physical, there is much yelling and screaming and a mentality that the children need to toughen up, buck up because life is rough.I have had days I leave work crying but I continue because I love the kids work with .I hate to deter new comers because the schools need good parents to get more involved. A few of the schools have recognized the problem and changes are taking place but its going to take time.
My own children attended one of the public schools for a year. It really affected thm.....shouting, yelling and fighting became the norm with them at home. They now attend private school.
some locals do more than spanking, i have heard people refer what they do as beating? i have not seen this so i do not know if it is the same as spanking.
spanking and beating are two different things.
i was spanked on occasion as a child. i turned out just fine. i do not go around wanting to beat up other people, i do not have violent tendencies.
people who grew up in my generation were spanked-not beaten. our generation as a whole are much more polite and well behaved than the generations coming after us who are part of the time out generation or the generation that came after that that doesn't seem to discipline the children at all.
spanking for me was not an everyday occurrence, just a once in a while thing. i might have spanked my son maybe 5 times. he was almost always a very well behaved child at home. strangers would come up to me in public places to tell me what a polite young man he was when he was as young as 5.
along with the spankings came a discussion of why what we did was wrong.
(tu) (tu) (tu)
Old school parenting has got to come back into effect. What the heck a time-out going to do? Parents baby their children, even when they are off to college. If their child gets in trouble in school, the parents side with their children and not the teacher/school/police/etc. "No, not my baby" That "baby" is a junior in high school!
Sheiba, what do the parent's of the children that get hit, yelled at, slapped, etc. do? Are there incident reports filled out? Are the incidents of students being abused physically and emotionally just stay within the classroom and nothing is said about it, unless the student reports the incident to a parent/guardian? I am referrering to all students, not just the special needs students (which btw is horrible treatment).
BeachcomberStt--I agree that parents need to control their children. Raising a child should be done at home, teaching academics should be done in the school. Yes the two overlap but teachers should not be raising their students.
speee1dy--The argument that "i was spanked and I turned out just fine" is seriously flawed. Some kids are molested, some wives are beaten, and some of those people also "turn out fine". That doesnt mean that what was done to them was ok, it just means they were able to deal with it differently then others. If we applied your logic to all things we would be in alot worse trouble as a society.
OldTart---Give me some examples of other species smacking their children when they misbehave. I would like to hear what you can come up with seeing as you feel this is common "throughout" the animal kingdom.
And while we are on the subject, in the animal kingdom there are no laws, no rules, survival of the fittest is the way of life. This leads to animals of the same species killing each other over territory or to establish dominance. Would you like that way of life to extend to humans as well OldTart?
watching the news one day when we lived in tampa, there was a report of a kid who killed another person, the mother said " my son don't kill people, he mights beats them up but he don't kill no one"
I dont see a difference in spanking and beating. If you bent your wife over and started whaling on her bare behind you could be arrested. Why is it different for children?
OldTart---Give me some examples of other species smacking their children when they misbehave. I would like to hear what you can come up with seeing as you feel this is common "throughout" the animal kingdom.
And while we are on the subject, in the animal kingdom there are no laws, no rules, survival of the fittest is the way of life. This leads to animals of the same species killing each other over territory or to establish dominance. Would you like that way of life to extend to humans as well OldTart?
Where to start. Cat family; chimps and apes; hooved animals of all kinds (lack of paws replaced by head butts, a quick rap with a hoof or a quick p;in-down with the mouth); elephants are firm disciplinarians; I don't know of any animal species that could be EXcluded. And, yes, in the animal kingdom there most certainly are rules and laws. I'm guessing you haven't been around animals much of your life or observed their behavior.
PS: If you're seriously interested you can find a plethora of supporting documentation from animal behavioral experts all over the world and over many decades. Google is your friend!
This is about dolphins and how they smack each other for bad behavior, etc.
i have seen cats do it to their kittens.
gringoij, what do you think has contributed to the decline of children 's behaviors over the many decades that spanking has lost favor?
seriously, you can not compare a man beating his wife to a child getting spanked- no way.
OldTart---So animals discipline their young with a swat. Some animals will eat their own poo, and even their own offspring. Animals also kill without remorse.
Are you saying we need to be more like animals?
speee1dy--The decline in behavior in my opinion has a direct relation to the breakdown of the "family". We all know that you need a license to drive a car, but anyone can have a child. There has also been a decline in families sittiing down at the dinner table every night to eat. That does not mean there is a direct relation between the two.
And yes you are right I should not compare adult on adult violence to adult on child because it is MUCH WORSE when a 250 pound man beats a 50 pound child you are right.
OldTart---So animals discipline their young with a swat. Some animals will eat their own poo, and even their own offspring. Animals also kill without remorse.
Are you saying we need to be more like animals?
Oh for goodness' sake, don't put words in my mouth. You can find examples of human behavior which offend a different culture's norms as you can as easily find examples of animal's behavior which humans find offensive.
Oldtart I thought you were making an analogy that "because animals do it, it is okay for us to do it".
If that was not the point than what did you mean?
Oldtart I thought you were making an analogy that "because animals do it, it is okay for us to do it".
If that was not the point than what did you mean?
I'm pointing out that animals discipline their young with swats and smacks and opining that a simple parental swat/smack when all else fails isn't "abuse" by any stretch and isn't analogous to a cruel beating.
gringoij, it is obvious that you have never been the victim of domestic violence, until you have been-do not compare the two.
a man or woman beating their spouse is all about control and inflicting the most pain they can on the other spouse, pretty much the same with sexual abuse.
break down in family values is part of it but not all of it
Hitting children or any other human being (or animal) is Wrong! And unnecessary.
So many more effective ways to discipline
I have worked with kids for 20 years. I have never had to hit, spank, smack......any child. I focus on the positive.I reward and praise good behavior. I take away something they like(usually only have to do it once) for negative behavior. It works. Ithe kids learn there are consequences , good and bad.It teaches respect and makes for a much calmer and more effective learning environment.
The end result allows teachers to teach and students to learn in a peaceful caring environment..
Are you two really arguing about animal behavior and human behavior?
gringo- you make excellent points
I am spearfisherman and hunter and understand the animal world in a very real kind of way. Example: I spear a fish. A shark comes along and wants that fish. If I want to keep the fish, physical means may be neccessary, and at the very least posturing and yelling are helpful.
The human world is much different. You can eat in peace in most free countires. If someone wants something from you, most times they ask. We have laws, social rules, etc... In fact, I would argue that the development of man is basically his own domestication and elimination of animalistic tendancies. Try hanging out with some gnarly redneck hunters and you will feel like you're hanging with a bunch of animals.
Because animals use physical means for discipline does not make it ok for humans. I was spanked as a kid occasionally and even got the belt a couple times. I can remeber every instance like it was burned into my mind. Yes, I turned out ok, and do not have voilent tendacies but do I forget those times? Never! And I would venture to say that if my parents had it to do over again, they would have used other means.
Humans have the gifts of speech, reasoning, and compassion. A child raised with love, attention, and respect will learn to treat others the same way. If there was more love in this world shown to babies, kids, teenagers, adults, elders - the world would be a better place!
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